
  • Farid Noor Romadlon Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Saadudin Annasih Universitas Muria Kudus


English learning, students’ motivation, madrasah diniyah


Pandemic makes students have to do distance learning which causes some effects such as low focus in learning, spend more time for gaming, and finally they are demotivated to study. This situation encourages teachers in Madrasah Diniyah as Islamic non-formal unit of education in Indonesia involve some English teachers to modify the curriculum by inserting English as local subject-content in it. It aims to attract students’ motivation in learning since they have something new to learn in madrasah diniyah. These non-formal schools are still possible to do the direct process of teaching and learning because the number of students is not as big as the formal school, so the activities can be conducted with health protocol. The English teachers in five schools of madrasah diniyah in Kudus city, Central Java formulate the topics and it focuses on speaking skill to run the class activities. This study is an action research which elaborates the implementation of teaching process and the students’ responses dealing with their motivation. Daily topics and focusing on speaking skill results the activities of teaching and learning process are more attractive and students feel motivated to learn English even it is not in the formal school.


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