
  • Shinta Amelia IAIN Pekalongan
  • Nazila Salisa IAIN Pekalongan
  • Muhammad Ikhsannudin IAIN Pekalongan
  • Maulida Aulia IAIN Pekalongan
  • Kholifiatun Nisa’ IAIN Pekalongan
  • Juwita Rini IAIN Pekalongan


Inclusion, Mathematics, Learning, SDLB


The implementation of mathematics learning still encounters several obstacles. These obstacles include the lack of infrastructure and the background of teachers not from Mathematics Education and students do not like math material. This study aims to determine the implementation of Mathematics learning in SDLB PRI Pekalongan City which is seen from the factors of learning objectives, learning materials, teacher competence, infrastructure and learning evaluation. This research is quantitative descriptive. The method used is a survey using questionnaires. The population in this study were all homeroom teachers of SDLB PRI in Pekalongan City, totaling 11 people. The variable in this research is the implementation of Mathematics learning in SDLB PRI Pekalongan City. The instrument used is a questionnaire with 27 questions. The data analysis technique used descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the implementation of Mathematics learning at SDLB PRI Pekalongan City for the 2020/2021 academic year on the learning objective indicators category corresponded to a percentage of 88.64%, while the category did not match the percentage of 11.36%. The category learning material indicators corresponded to a percentage of 70 ,90%, while the category does not match the percentage of 29.10%. on the teacher competency indicator the category corresponds to the percentage of 98.48%, while the category does not match the percentage of 1.52%. on the indicators of learning facilities and infrastructure the category corresponds to the percentage of 89 .09%, while the category does not match the percentage of 10.91%. In the learning evaluation indicators the category corresponds to the percentage of 85.71%, while the category does not match the percentage of 14.29%. Thus it can be concluded that the Implementation of Mathematics Learning in Inclusive Education at SDLB PRI Pekalongan City Academic Year 2020/2021 in the appropriate category, with a percentage of 86.5 6% and for categories that are not in accordance with the percentage of 13.44%.


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