
  • I'in Mutma'innah MTs Nurul Huda Pati
  • Agus Sutiyono UIN Walisongo Semarang
  • Mahfudz Junaedi UIN Walisongo Semarang
  • Ikhrom Ikhrom UIN Walisongo Semarang
  • Umul Chairiyah MI Nurul Yaqin Donoyudan Sragen


: humanist; humanist education; and Islam


Emha Ainun Nadjib's humanism has the potential to be a solution for critical reflection on the problems of social life. Humanistic learning theory is a learning model that emphasizes humanizing students, by paying attention to meeting students' needs in learning. Through his flexible thinking, it can be used as a reference in teaching Islam that is more neutral, full of compassion for others but also critical. Through a humanist frame, Emha's thoughts are expressed on the topic of today's educational concepts. In his work, there is a lot of critical and sharp discourse, especially in efforts to highlight social, religious, artistic, and cultural realities. This literature research tries to examine Emha's thinking from a humanist educational perspective. The results of this research conclude that Emha's thinking has a strong spirit in defending humanitarian aspects. This spirit is supported by the values of spirituality and religiosity which lead to ethical goals, namely the quality of consciousness. The process of humanizing humans in education is realized in a process of humanization, liberation, and transcendence which is firmly rooted in Islamic teachings.


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