
  • Mohamad Reza Ramdani Sanjaya UIN WALISONGO
  • Wiwik Kartika Sari UIN Walisongo Semarang
  • Ulya Lathifa UIN Walisongo Semarang


SiMaYang, Multiple Representation, Mental Models, Intermolecular Forces


Scientific mental models are fundamental to be possessed by a chemistry teacher. However, it is known that only 1% of chemistry pre-service teachers for the 2017 class of Chemistry Education Department of UIN Walisongo develop scientific mental models on the concept of intermolecular forces. This study aims to determine the effectiveness SiMaYang learning model to improve mental models of chemistry pre-service teachers. The design of this study uses a quasi-experimental design with the subject of research is a chemistry pre-service teacher for the 2017 class. Analysis shows the Asymp level. Sig (2-tailed) is 0,000 <0.05. These results indicate that the SiMaYang learning model effectively improves the mental models of chemistry pre-service teachers on the concept of the intermolecular force. This is reinforced by the number of students who have scientific mental models in the experimental class that is 44%, and the N-Gain test value is 6.0 in the medium category.


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