
  • Intan Fitria Maharani IAIN Pekalongan


Humanist Education, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Islamic Education Paradigm


This paper aims to map the humanistic education of Ki Hajar Dewantara in the paradigm of Islamic education. Education is one of the most important keys in human life. Education also aims to produce better people in life. But what is happening today, education only creates humans as robots or toys that can be played with. The nation's morality is deteriorating, causing moral degradation. An alternative is needed to support efforts to improve the nation's morality, therefore the author tries to examine and offer a humanistic concept according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara in the paradigm of Islamic education. This is in line with the basic meaning of humanism as human education. The approach used in this study refers to the literature review approach. This study found that the purpose of education according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara is humanization. Education is a process of efforts to advance the character, mind and body of students so that they are in harmony with nature and society. Then, Ki Hadjar Dewantara's character education in the paradigm of Islamic education, includes the basic principles of education consisting of humans, teachers, students, educational goals and methods applied in education. Therefore, Islamic education aims to seek the pleasure of Allah while still paying attention to the balance between religious knowledge and general knowledge by providing freedom in developing knowledge for the purpose of using it for human life.


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