
  • Sopiah IAIN Pekalongan


The Curriculum of Islamic Education includes one of mandatory curriculums at all levels and types of Islamic education both state and private school in Indonesia. In order to develop curriculumwe must consider internal challenges, external challenges, and competency demands. The targets of achieving eight National Education standards, challenges of globalization, advances in digital technology and the rapid flow of information through very sophisticated communication media, progress in the industrial era 4.0 which is increasingly spreading and demands for graduate competencies that are able to compete at regional and international levels, therefore it is necessary to develop the Islamic Education (PAI) curriculum. The researcher consider one of the important things is the development of the Islamic Education curriculum with a moderate perspective.

This paper will attempt to design a moderate-minded PAI curriculum development according to the seven steps of curriculum development by Hilda Taba's perspective, namely diagnosing student needs, formulating educational goals, content selection, content organization, learning experience selection, learning experience organization, evaluation and how to evaluate.Theresearcher used the library research method by examining written sources. The characteristic of this research is descriptive-analytic.

The development of the Islamic Education curriculum with a moderate perspective begins with diagnosing students’ needs, with the aim of forming insight and knowledge, also character and attitudes of moderate students in understanding, living, and practicing Islam both in personal and social life. The moderate Islamic Education material is integrated in the subjects of Aqidah Akhlak, Al-Quran Hadith, Fiqh, History of Islamic culture with content selection and curriculum organization related to the scope and sequence of learning materials. Learning experiences can be implemented in the form of subjects or in the form of learning activity inside or outside of school. Organizing learning experiences can be done vertically or horizontally, ending with curriculum evaluation which is directed at the effectiveness of curriculum components in achieving educational goals through instructional activities. Evaluation is done authentically on the process and results of education. The results of the evaluation are used as material for curriculum improvement both for particular components and for all components of the curriculum.


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