
  • Reviana Dwi Rahayu Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar
  • Ilma Aripin Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar



Indonesia with its diversity of cultures, religions, tribes, languages shows as one of the nations that has a multicultural society. Some of this diversity is a blessing in itself if managed properly, becoming uniqueness and strength, but also a threat of division and feud if diversity is not addressed wisely and wisely which can tear social security. Moderation is an archipelago culture that goes hand in hand and does not contradict each other but seeks a tolerant solution. Associated with the implementation of religious moderation with the rules of fiqh of omnipresence can promote an attitude of openness to existing differences, but also not only contains the nature of tolerance but there is something that cannot be left because it is bound by sharia. The purpose of this research is for readers both from academic backgrounds and the general public to be used as knowledge that we are encouraged to tolerate each other without distinguishing race, ethnicity, and religion but must not leave what has been prescribed by religion. This research uses empirical legal research methods by conducting a conceptual approach, then researchers use fiqh rules as an effort to harmonize digital culture and Islamic law. From the results of the study, it was found that related to the implementation of religious moderation with the fiqh rules of omnipresence, it can promote an attitude of openness to existing differences, but also not only contains the nature of tolerance but there is something that cannot be left because it is bound by sharia. 

 Keywords: Moderation, Adversity, Fiqhiyah Rule



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