
  • Ely Mufidah
  • Hafizah Ghany Hayudinna Iain pekalongan
  • Naila Faradisa Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan


teacher perception, Islamic and science integration


This research aimed to know teacher’s perceptions about the integration of Islam and science. It is important to conduct research related to teachers' perceptions of the integration of Islam and science as an effort to improve the perspective on the relationship between Islam and science, and the hope is to eliminate the dichotomy that is one of the causes of the decline of Islam. This research is basic research with a qualitative approach and descriptive method. The data collection technique used questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. The result of the research shows that description on teacher’s perception about science and Islamic integration are as follows: 1) most teachers state that the relationship between science and Islam was integration; 2) both Islamic and science teacher have a responsibility to teach science with the integration of Islamic value; 3) most of them said that they believe their selves can teach science with Islamic integration; although most of them never participate at an educational workshop or informal class about Islamic and science integration. This research on teacher perceptions regarding the integration of Islam and science is only the first step of further research. By knowing the perceptions of teachers in several schools regarding the integration of Islam and science, further research can be in the form of the development of learning methods/models/media related to the understanding and application of the integration of Islam and science.


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2021-07-31 — Updated on 2021-10-04
