
  • Indriyani IAIN Pekalongan
  • Alimatus Sholikhah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan
  • Nurul Husnah Mustika Sari Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan


learning styles, mathematics



The Covid-19 pandemic has made changes in several aspects. One of which is education. Learning is done online. This is done to break the chain of spreading the covid-19 virus. Various innovations in mathematics learning from primary school to college were carried out. The media used in mathematics learning varies widely. The selection of learning media, especially mathematics, is very important so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally. Various online mathematics learning media create student learning styles. There are three kinds of learning styles, namely visual, kinesthetic, and audio. This study aims to analyze the learning styles of students during the pandemic and whether there have been changes in learning styles before and during the pandemic. This research was survey method.The population in this study were students of mathematics education in IAIN Pekalongan from semester one to semester eight. The sample was obtained by using stratified random sampling technique. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed by determining the percentage of each learning style. The results of this study indicate that 1) during covid-19 pademic, the percentage of student learning styles auditory was greater than other learning styles; 2) there wass difference in learning styles of mathematics education students before and during the pandemic.



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