
  • Chandra Widya Kesumadyaningtyas
  • Widia Devi Arlinda
  • Hanifatul Fadilah
  • Fatmawati Nur Hasanah


Strategy, Project Based Learning, SDN 1 Sukorejo Ulujami Pemalang


Education is an important foundation in forming competent individuals to face the demands of the modern world. In an effort to renew teaching methods, project-based learning strategies have emerged as an effective approach in stimulating student engagement and enhancing meaningful learning. In an era of education that continues to develop, project-based learning strategies have become the main focus in modern education. This is because this approach not only increases student engagement but also develops their skills in problem solving, teamwork and critical thinking. By integrating real-life based projects into the curriculum, students can learn in greater depth while preparing to become innovative and skilled future leaders. The project-based learning method is able to create curious individuals who can work alone or in groups. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of project-based learning strategies and the enthusiasm of students who will later be seen from the results of the work or projects carried out. This research uses a qualitative approach method. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interviews and documentation involving teachers and school principals at SDN 1 Sukorejo Ulujami Pemalang. Data was analyzed qualitatively. With the data reduced, present it and draw conclusions. The results of this research are that researchers can see the results of students' work through the project-based learning method applied, which is proof that the majority of students can accept and are enthusiastic about this learning method. Apart from being one of the learning models applied at SDN 1 Sukorejo, Ulujami Pemalang, the project learning model can also support students to hone their talents.


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