
  • Mailin Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Alya Rahmayani Siregar Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Syari Riqki Bintania Universitas Gadjah Mada


Islamic da'wah, Economic ethics, Legal norms


This article aims to explore the integral role of da'wah in mediating the implementation of economic ethics and legal norms within the context of Islam, highlighting how Islamic principles can be applied in transparent and fair economic and legal practices. Through an in-depth analysis of the interactions between da'wah, economic ethics, and legal norms, this study reveals that da'wah serves not only as a means of disseminating Islamic teachings but also as a regulator and director of economic behavior and legal compliance among Muslims. The interconnection among these three aspects is key in creating alignment between Islamic values and the demands of modern law and economics. The findings of this study provide practical and insightful guidance for stakeholders in designing policies that support inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development. However, this research is limited to a literature analysis that may not fully reflect the actual conditions of practice. Therefore, future research is advised to involve empirical studies to assess the real-world impact of da'wah across various social and economic contexts, and to provide more concrete data for policy-making and community development.


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