Exploring the Contribution of Islamic Education for Peace: A Conceptual Framework for Pesantren in Indonesia


  • Evita Nur Apriliana Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang


Peace Education, Pesantren, islamic education


This study proposes a conceptual framework to uncover the contribution of Islamic education in promoting peace, particularly in the context of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Using a conceptual framework based on Brofenbrenner's ecological theory, this study explores the unique characteristics of Islamic boarding schools and their potential to advance peace efforts. Case studies at Pesantren As-Shuffah Rembang show significant influence at micro, mezzo, exo, and macro levels in promoting peace education. By examining the key elements of Islamic education and its role in shaping peace-oriented attitudes, values, and behaviors, the study provides insight into how Pesantren can contribute to realizing social harmony and harmony in Indonesia.


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