Exploring Students'motivation and Learning Strategies in EFL Multicultural Classroom


  • ahmad burhanuddin
  • chubbi millatina rokhuma
  • eros meilina sofa
  • anin widyasari


multicultural classroom, EFL, motivation, challenges, learning strategies



This study aims to describe the motivation, strategies, and challenges faced by students with multicultural background learning in English education department. Five students involved in this study are those coming from different countries. Two of them are from Phillipines, and the rest are from Thailand. To gain the detail information from the participants, narrative inquiry is used as the research design of this study. In this case, the researchers used semistructured interview and observation in collecting the data, thematic analysis from Brown and Clark in analyzing the data, and triangulation technique in measuring the validity of the data. The study found that most of the foreign students use several learning strategies  namely self regulated learning which categorized into cognitive and metacognitive strategies, as well as peer discussion and getting local student's assistance which categorized into social strategies.


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