التربية الإسلامية والبناء الروحي والسلوكي للمجتمع


  • Ahmad Ubaedi Fathudin


Education is the basis for building societies, and its approach is the constitution on which the validity or lack of validity of society is based. Spiritual education is one of the most important aspects of education that greatly affects the personality of the individual, making him inclined to goodness, committed in his behavior and actions, and a continuous self-commitment to the honorable character. The spiritual construction aims to consolidate faith and belief in the souls of society, support and enhance their spiritual values, and the behavioral construction aims to consolidate commendable morals in the souls of society. Correct education prepares the individual for a full life, and reaches with his body and soul to human perfection and guides him to his rights and duties, which is for this the greatest influence in the life of society, and on it her future depends and on which it produces its greatness and its downfall. This study starts from the problem that the calamities that befall the human community are a result of the poor education of the human being and the deviation from his instinct and his human nature. In this brief research, I reviewed an essential aspect of the spiritual and behavioral building and the building of a virtuous society in light of the approach of God Almighty, which is Islamic education. In this brief research, I tried to identify some issues related to the aspect of Islamic education and the spiritual and behavioral form of society through what is going on in my mind, with the help of a number of sources.


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