
  • Ningsih Fadhilah IAIN Pekalongan
  • Sugeng UNNES


freedom to learn, role playing, emotional intelligence, early childhood


This study aims to explore more about the implementation of the role-playing as model from a freedom to learn approach to developing children emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability, capacity or skill of a person to be able to receive, measure and regulate the emotions of himself, others or even groups so as to make it easier for him to interact on a daily. This research method uses the library method. Resulted that learning guidance model in improving students’ emotional intelligence is an activity that develop emotional intelligence either from the aspect of abilities; (1) the introduction of self-empsi, (2) managing emotions, (3) self-motivation, (4) recognizing emotions of other people, and ( 5) establish good relations to others. Emotions have a very important role in child development, both at the preschool and at different stages of its development, because it has an influence on children's behavior. Early childhood has emotional needs, such as the wish to be loved, appreciated, feeling safe, feeling competent and optimize competence. One of the strategies for effective learning is through play approach is role playing. In the process of learning to role playing of a child stimulated actively to engage in play while learning. The pleasure gained through play allows children to learn without pressure, so that in addition to their pshychomotor, intellectual, social-emotional, language and other intelligence will also increase



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