
  • Fajri Nur Mutaqin Universitas YARSI
  • Ade Nursanti YARSI University
  • Karimulloh Karimulloh YARSI University


Every student has academic challenges and problems, including students who study at the boarding school. One of the categories of students that has a fairly tough academic challenge compared to other students in the fifth-grade student. Some of the problems experienced include being a dorm manager, teaching and applying Arabic and English for themselves and members, more busy study times. To face these challenges, students require resilience to the problems known as academic resilience. The purpose of this research is to see a correlation between academic self-efficacy and academic resilience of students in PMDG and its review according to Islam. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach with a type correlational. The participants of this research are 267 students of class five in a psychological perspective and a literature study approach by examining sources of Islamic literacy from an Islamic perspective. The result, there is a correlation between academic self-efficacy and academic resilience among the students of class five at PMDG, wherein the dimension of Interpersonal Climate indicate a stronger significant correlation with each dimension at the academic resilience than the dimension of Self-Engagement, Self-Oriented Decision Making, and Others-Oriented Problem Solving. From an Islamic perspective, academic self-efficacy is related to the academic resilience of students at PMDG,  where students who believe in themselves in their abilities and make God the goal in every learning activity will be able to survive and achieve in the pesantren environment and get closer to the degree of piety.




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