
  • Moh Mizan Habibi Universitas Islam Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to formulate a learning process framework that is oriented towards the development of student’s critical thinking. Students at the higher education level are expected not only to receive and memorize material, but have critical reasoning power in the educational process. In particular, when understanding and deepening the study of fiqh. Because the content of fiqh studies has multi-interpretation characteristics and various views. Therefore, it is important to formulate a set of learning methods that provide space for critical-analysis for students. This research was conducted on fiqh learning in the Islamic Religious Education Study Program of the Islamic University of Indonesia using participatory observation data collection methods, documentation, and tests. Participatory observation was carried out to explore student activity data in the learning process. While the test is used to analyze the level of critical thinking of students. The result of this research is that students are able to develop their critical reasoning power. The most prominent indication is that the level of questions submitted is at the level of analysis with the question word 'why', the answers and arguments presented regarding fiqh materials have used a multi-perspective approach. Meanwhile, the learning process is carried out using contextual-contemporary and problem-based learning models that are carried out with the learning strategy of "ready to ask, ready to answer".

Keywords: Fiqh Learning, Critical Thinking


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