Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) <p>The Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, will virtually organize a two-day International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) with the main theme "<strong>Charting the Future of Islamic Education for Global Harmony"</strong>, scheduled on 20-21 May 2024 in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia.</p> en-US (Umi Mahmudah) (Putri Rahardian) Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 INTRODUCTION OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE FOR PRESCHOOLERS USING COCOMELON YOUTUBE CHANNEL <p><em>This research aims to introduce English to preschool children through the CoComelon YouTube channel. Data were obtained through a qualitative approach with a purposive sampling technique, involving participants aged 4 years who like to watch CoComelon content. Audio interactions during play activities and conversations with family members were recorded and analyzed to understand children's understanding of verbs and adjectives in English. The research results show that CoComelon has a positive impact on understanding English vocabulary in preschool children. Children demonstrated good ability in expressing verbs and adjectives in English after being exposed to CoComelon content. These findings highlight the importance of using interactive digital media for language learning in preschool.</em></p> Fina Nada Khayatina Ariyanto, Dewi Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Utilizing Quizizz's Competitive Features To Trigger Student Learning Motivation In Mathematics Learning <p><em>This research aims to describe how the competitive features of Quizizz are used to increase motivation to learn mathematics at the junior high school level. The research method used is qualitative research with a bibliographic approach sourced from various scientific journals according to the research topic. The research results show that the use of Quizizz is effective in increasing students' learning motivation during the learning process through interesting interactive features. Quizizz provides various features, such as the use of images, videos and audio, enhancing the student's learning experience. Especially the competitive feature is shown by the time limit in answering quiz questions so that it can encourage students to think and make decisions quickly. Using Quizizz also increases students' learning motivation through achievements in quizzes in the form of rankings after completing the quiz. Thus, using the Quizizz application makes students enthusiastic and motivated in continuing the learning process. So it can attract students' attention and make students enthusiastic about learning mathematics.</em></p> ifaaa sofakhiroh, Mona Fathia Silviana, Aditiya Dwi Puspita, Jesita Vailina Maulida Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE MERDEKA CURRICULUM AND CURRICULUM 13 ON MATHEMATICS LEARNING IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p><em>This study aims to determine the application of the Merdeka curriculum and curriculum 13 to the results of mathematics learning in junior high schools. This research uses qualitative method / literature review. For the retrieval of the technique, the data used was sourced from the google scholar database, scopus, semantic scolar, delay, sinta journal with the keyword curriculum search 13, the Merdeka mathematics curriculum and the comparison / application of the mathematics curriculum based on the results of the assessment of the mathematical ability assessment process conducted by TIMSS and PISA. The results of this study show that the Merdeka curriculum is applied to improve and emphasize student creativity in terms of critical thinking skills, creative thinking, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, and collaboration. Teachers can also choose the right method in the classroom for learning to take place. The Merdeka curriculum also emphasizes the teaching of mathematics using computational thinking skills and ethnomathematics in the classroom. While curriculum 13 is applied for teachers to play an active role as motivators and facilitators in learning so that learning is more student-centered.</em></p> Haedar Baqir, Nanda Dwi Dayana, Fariz Adillah, Ahmad Al Khafidz Razak M Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPING DISCUSSION METHODS IN BUILDING ACTIVE LEARNING IN MI WALISONGO KEDUNGPATANGEWU PEKALONGAN DISTRICT <p><em>The discussion method is a teaching method that is often applied by teachers in schools. The main focus of the discussion method is to develop interaction between teachers and students to find solutions to problems in learning material. One of the right ways to provide a deeper understanding is through discussions carried out by students, while the teacher acts as a facilitator. In this case, students are given the freedom to express their opinions and work together to get the best solution to the topic being discussed. The purpose of writing this research is to explain the application of the discussion method in teaching Pancasila and Citizenship Education for class IV at MI Walisongo Kedungpatangewu. The data collection method used in this research is a qualitative method through interviews with fourth grade teachers as well as a literature review of several sources, namely books, articles and previous research journals regarding the application of discussion methods in elementary school learning. According to the results of the interviews obtained, students' interest in participating in learning discussions was very high. This shows the importance of involving students in the learning process so that students tend to be more active and accustomed to solving problems on the topic being discussed.</em></p> Fristanti Yanuar Putri , M. Shidqul wafa, Atik Qotul Meilisa , Dzakiyati yusriyah, Fitriyani, Fatmawati nur hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF COMPLEX NUMBERS IN THE CALCULATION OF INDUCTOR, RESISTOR, AND CAPACITOR SERIES CIRCUITS <p>Mathematical concepts actually have relevance to everyday life. The application of complex number mathematical concepts can be found in various aspects, such as in calculating resistor, inductor and capacitor circuits. This research aims to investigate how series circuits of resistors, inductors and capacitors are used in complex number applications. The approach used in this research is qualitative research through case studies on series of resistors, inductors and capacitors. The data sources used are secondary data obtained through scientific journal articles, books and literature reviews that are appropriate and support this research. The data validity technique used is triangulation. The data validity technique goes through the stages of data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that complex numbers can be applied well in series circuits of resistors, inductors and capacitors, namely successfully solving problems in series of resistors, inductors and capacitors. The benefit of this research is that you can gain an understanding and application of complex numbers in completing calculations on series circuits of resistors, inductors and capacitors.</p> Inayah Syawalia, Nafidha, Tarisa Shinta Ihsani, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 WRITING TAQRID AND SANAD OF SCIENTIFIC KIAI ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS AS ACADEMIC LITERACY TRADITIONS OF THE ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL COMMUNITY <p><em>The coastal region of Java can be said to be one of the base areas for Islamic boarding schools, where kiai are born from this area. Apart from teaching students, kiai also write and translate classical religious books taught in Islamic boarding schools. The productivity of these kiai can be seen from the large number of religious books, both written in Arabic and Pegon script. Efforts to write and translate this book, apart from being part of a massive local language movement carried out in the archipelago, are also proof of the strength of academic literacy among the Islamic boarding school community. Strengthening Islamic boarding school literacy can be seen in the phenomenon of writing taqridh and also writing scientific sanad in every book written by kiai. In general, the purpose of writing Taqridh in a book is as a form of appreciation, the author's caution, and also the author's respectful attitude towards the teachers who have educated him as well as an academic license for the book he wrote. Meanwhile, the phenomenon of writing scientific sanad in a book is a form of scientific transmission to show that what is written in the book is academically accountable.</em><em>Keywords: islamicboarding school, </em>pegon<em>, </em>kitab</p> muhamad jaeni Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF IPAS MATERIAL ON CHANGES IN THE FORM OF OBJECTS THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF EXPERIMENTAL METHODS IN GRADE IV ELEMENTARY STUDENTS <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine whether the experimental method can improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD N Klidang Wetan in the 2023/2024 lesson year in IPAS material on changes in the form of objects. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which is carried out in 3 (three) stages, namely pre-cycle learning, implementation of cycle I and cycle II improvements. In each improvement silkus there are 4 (four) stages namely planning, implementation, observation and recollection. This study involved fourth grade students totaling 29 students. Data collection using observation instruments, multiple choice question tests and documentation. Data analysis method using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the experimental method can improve learning outcomes from a completeness rate of 38% in the pre-cycle, increasing to 74% in cycle I and reaching 100% in cycle II. The research results concluded that the application of experimental methods can improve the learning outcomes of IPAS material on changes in the form of objects through the application of experimental methods </em>The<em> to fourth grade students of SD Negeri Klidang Wetan in the 2023/2024 academic year.</em></p> Rohmatul khasanah, Siti Nurul Hidayah, Tariq Tazaka, Rizki Latifatun Nisa, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Existence of Women in Islamic Education and Economy <p><em>In local traditions, women are often in a subordinate position. Various restrictions, especially in terms of roles, are imposed for women, even among those who are thick with Islamic teachings. In this article, the author analyzes how Islam actually positions women in life based on the legitimacy of verses that speak of women. In examining these problems, the author follows the maudu'i interpretation study method, which is a method of interpretation that seeks to explain the contents of the Qur'an based on certain themes and sort out the verses based on certain themes. This article concludes that Islam legitimizes the various roles of women in society. Therefore, the verses that talk about women should be understood comprehensively so that there is no friction with the local culture.</em></p> muhammad ash-shiddiqy, Intan Diana Fitriyati Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 HIDDEN CURRICULUM AS AN ALTERNATIVE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN MALAYSIA <p>So far, the world of education has only focused on classroom learning systems in an effort to improve the educational process. However, there are aspects outside the classroom that are important in efforts to improve the educational process, namely the hidden curriculum. This research aims to determine the hidden curriculum as an alternative educational process at SMA MAIWP Kuala Lumpur. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, with documentation, observation and interview data collection techniques. The results of this research explain that the hidden curriculum at SMA MAIWP Kuala Lumpur is carried out with several programs, namely co-curriculum, sistem rumah sukan, rukun 15 SMA MAIWP, dan&nbsp; SMA MAIWP culture. This research can be important information for the world of education that the educational process does not only focus on learning in the classroom, but also outside the classroom through the hidden curriculum.</p> Muhammad Nabhan Fajruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOL CULTURE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL <p><em>The research intends to analyze the implementation of school culture at Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Nurul Islam Kawedusan, Kebumen. Qualitative research was used in this research. Second-grade and fourth-grade students, as well as teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Nurul Islam Kawedusan were designated as research subjects. Data was collected using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Interactive analysis according to Miles and Huberman's theory was used to analyze research data. Research findings show that school culture at Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Nurul Islam Kawedusan is carried out by 1) habits such as saying greetings, praying, being polite, greeting each other; 2) providing motivation to students and teachers; 3) example by teachers and school principals; 4) follow school rules and regulations; 5) improving school quality such as improving the welfare of teachers and students, improving student learning evaluation results, providing sanctions, facilitating teachers in sustainable professionalism, holding regular and scheduled seminars; 6) collaborate with student guardians; and 7) creating school comfort and safety through providing comfortable rooms, adequate lighting and ventilation, providing a school garden, and well-maintained building.</em></p> Muna Fauziah, Oky Ristya Trisnawati, Ela Yuniata Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF CAUCHY THEORY IN SOLVING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS IN COMPLEX ANALYSIS <p>The focus of this research is to explore the implementation of Cauchy's method in solving differential problems related to the complex domain of mathematics. The purpose of this research is to analyze the application of Cauchy's theory in solving differential equations in complex analysis. This research is a qualitative research with a literature study approach through case studies. The data collection method in this research is literature study by reviewing several literatures; books, journals, and articles relevant to this research. This research uses triangulation techniques to test the validity of the data. Data analysis techniques using interactive models include data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that Cauchy's theory can be applied in solving differential equations in complex analysis. This research is useful to help students in solving differential equations on complex analysis using the application of Cauchy Theory.<br><strong>Keywords</strong>: Cauchy Theory, Differential Equation, Complex Analysis</p> Anisatul Aeni, Fina Istifada, Dwi Agustina Lestari, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS AFFECTING DIFFICULTIES IN RECITING QUR'AN IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the difficulty of reading the Qur'an at Lab School FIP UMJ Elementary School in South Tangerang City. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive type using the case study method. Primary data sources are qiroati teachers and students at SD Lab School FIP UMJ South Tangerang City. While secondary data sources are obtained from documentation and observations related to the data in this study. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and document examination. The data validity checker of this research uses credibility by extending observation, increasing persistence in research and triangulation. The results of the research findings show that: factors that influence students' difficulties in reading the Qur'an at SD Lab School FIP UMJ South Tangerang City such as interest, the role of motivation, and the role of teachers and parents in learning to read the Qur'an. The contribution of the results of this study is that it can be a lesson for A- Qur'an teachers in elementary schools in particular, as well as at other levels of education in applying the Qur'an learning method.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Difficulty in Reading the Qur'an, Elementary School Students.</em></p> dara khaerunisa, Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ISLAMIC VIEW OF NATURE AND VALUES: COULD THESE BE THE ANSWER TO BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN MODERN SCIENCE AND ISLAMIC SCIENCE <p><em>This paper discusses the basics tenets of Islam and the Islamic view of nature that were &nbsp;influential in the development of science in the so-called ‘Golden Age of Islam’. These findings have been the catalyst for present day Muslim scholars, who have emphasized the importance of Islamic science, as the means of understanding Western science. There is also a strong body of opinion within researchers of Islamic science that the abandonment of Islamic values and the rapid adoption of Western science and technologies have led to conflict in social, educational and scientific fields in Islamic countries. The article examines how these two views can be reconciled in order to build bridges between modern science and Islamic science.</em></p> <p>Islamic science, tenets of Islam, Islamic values, modern science, view of nature</p> Faiz Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Rashid Mansoori Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RECONSTRUCTION MODERATE SPIRIT OF MUSLIM SCIENTISTS IN THE ERA OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION PROGRESS <p><em>Religion is an aspect that cannot be separated from human life. A moderate attitude in religion is a vital element in being able to build an advanced civilization, especially in a pluralistic country like Indonesia. This research aims to explain the moderate spirit of Muslim scientists in resolving conflicts between religious communities and their urgency in building an advanced Indonesian civilization. This research methodology uses a literature review by analyzing the progress of the spirit of classical Islamic civilization (6-11 AD) in the perspective of Fazlur Rahman's double movement theory. The results of the research provide details on the meaning of the moderate spirit of the Abbasid era during the leadership of the caliphs Harun Al-Rasyid and Al Ma'mun. The progress of civilization in that era was motivated by the attitude of scientists who were open to learning from other (non-Muslim) countries or civilizations. This spirit is the key to building progressive and harmonious interactions by accepting each other regardless of ethnic, racial and religious background. Apart from that, this research also provides an overview of the concept of moderation in Islam, especially within the NISWA (Islam Washatiyyah) frame. The moderate attitude and spirit in religion as exemplified by Muslim scientists in the past is important to bring into the context of the current era. So that we can create a progressive Islamic generation with the courage to be open and pro-active in collaborating with anyone for the benefit and progress of the Indonesian nation. The success of implementing this attitude of religious moderation lies in the awareness of every religious community to work together in creating peace by building a multicultural intellectual culture.</em></p> Fajar Dwi Noviantoro; Haryani Santo Hartono Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING QUIZIZ AS AN EVALUATION MEDIUM IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING <p>Utilizing Quizizz as an assessment tool to determine mathematics learning outcomes has often been done. Utilization of Quizizz is a recommended choice of evaluation media because it has a high level of effectiveness in improving student learning outcomes and encouraging students to achieve test scores that are higher than average. In this research, the author really wants to discuss the effectiveness of using Quizizz as a teacher evaluation medium in determining mathematics learning outcomes. And how much maximum effectiveness can be achieved by using Quizizz to improve mathematics learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to summarize the idea that Quizizz can be used as a formal assessment tool for mathematics lessons, either as a daily assessment or as a formal assessment. This research was conducted through a literature review. From this research, Quizizz can be used as a very effective evaluation tool to improve student learning outcomes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ningrum Nala Intishar, Desta Amalia, Inayah Putri Apriliani, Sariyah Damayanti, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UNVEILING THE LINKAGES: ISLAMIC DA'WAH, ECONOMIC ETHICS, AND LEGAL NORMS <p><em>This article aims to explore the integral role of da'wah in mediating the implementation of economic ethics and legal norms within the context of Islam, highlighting how Islamic principles can be applied in transparent and fair economic and legal practices. Through an in-depth analysis of the interactions between da'wah, economic ethics, and legal norms, this study reveals that da'wah serves not only as a means of disseminating Islamic teachings but also as a regulator and director of economic behavior and legal compliance among Muslims. The interconnection among these three aspects is key in creating alignment between Islamic values and the demands of modern law and economics. The findings of this study provide practical and insightful guidance for stakeholders in designing policies that support inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development. However, this research is limited to a literature analysis that may not fully reflect the actual conditions of practice. Therefore, future research is advised to involve empirical studies to assess the real-world impact of da'wah across various social and economic contexts, and to provide more concrete data for policy-making and community development.</em></p> Mailin, Alya Rahmayani Siregar, Syari Riqki Bintania Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis ANALYSIS OF HIGH LEVEL THINKING IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS ON SPACE BUILDING MATERIALS <p><em>The aim of research is to know and analyze high-level thinking skills in solving mathematical issues on students’ awakening materials.The subjects of this study are students of the 5th grade a SMP state 1 inhabited with a total of 30 students.The type of research used is qualitatively descriptive.Data collection techniques used are written tests and interviews.The technique of data analysis is to determine the value of the student’s test, Divide students into three categories: high, medium and low.The results obtained show that the high-level thinking capacity of SMP students is at a fairly good criteria.</em></p> Nurul Sakinah, Nalim Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BUILDING DIGITAL PIETY A STUDY OF MUHAMMADIYAH INFORMATION FIQH <p><em>Some people often misuse the internet to spread hoaxes or fake news. Social media often provides a space for posting freely, one-sidedly, and not getting direct information about how the person being informed is being bullied, making it an inhospitable place. This research aims to formulate recommendations and practical guidelines based on Muhammadiyah's fiqh of information in building digital piety. These recommendations cover aspects such as the use of social media, digital safety, and ethics in communicating online, with the ultimate goal of shaping digital behavior that is by Islamic values and the principles of Muhammadiyah's fiqh of information. The result of this research is that from the perspective of Muhammadiyah's fiqh of information, it is important to ensure that the information disseminated is true and useful. The dissemination of false or dubious information can harm individuals or groups. Therefore, awareness of the truth of information and responsibility in disseminating information are things that must be considered.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Digital piety, Muhammadiyah Information Fiqh</em></p> Asep Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT IN INCREASING CONFIDENCE IN SPEAKING SKILLS <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research aims to find out how the language environment improves self-efficacy in the speaking skills of class IX students at MTs Mambaul Ulum Metro. This is research and what is used is qualitative research. You can use the data you need to hear, see, read, and write. The results of this research are that the language environment can increase self-efficacy in speaking skills, this can be formed with the support of the language environment including the provision of mufrodzat, muhadasah, the provision of Arabic pearls of wisdom and must be given strict discipline in order to create an effective language environment to achieve proficiency. language.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: language environment, self-efficacy, speaking skills.</em></p> Miftahudin, Rodhy Harisca Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 LEARNING METHODS IN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE SUBJECTS AT MIM KAUMAN WIRADESA <p><em>Indonesian learning is one of the subjects that has a very important role in developing the language skills and cognitive abilities of students. The methods used in this learning have a good influence on the understanding of learners. However, at MIM Kauman Wiradesa some students don’t understand the material presented because they don’t pay attention when the teacher explains. The purpose of this study is to find out the methods used when learning so that the classroom becomes effective. In addition, it can also be a reference for researchers or parties involved in developing Indonesian learning methods in other schools. This research was conducted using the observation method and qualitative research. The data collection technique used was teacher interviews at MIM Kauman Wiradesa. The results show that to overcome existing problems, teachers can use lecture methods, questions and answers, and interspersed games so that students don’t get bored. The use of games is also a learning aid that can increase the focus, enthusiasm, motivation, and involvement of students in the learning process, thus creating a fun and interactive learning environment. At the end of the lesson, the teacher reflects and evaluates the material that has been delivered. This can be a reference for teachers at MIM Kauman Wiradesa in choosing effective learning methods so that students are interested in participating in learning. By using effective learning methods, it’s expected that students can be more active in the learning process and achieve optimal results in understanding Indonesian material. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em> : Learning Method, Indonesian Subject, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah</em></p> Anindia Ameliani Fernanda, Afila Firda Arifa, Shofiatul Kamaliah, Zulfa Ismatul Hawa, Suci Nur Riski Sari, Alina Nurul Marisa, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF WOMEN'S EDUCATION IN OVERCOMING PATRIACHAL CULTURE ACCORDING TO HJ RASUNA SAID'S PERSPECTIVE <p>Women's education has an important role in combating gender inequality, especially in the context of a patriarchal culture that is still rampant in society. This article discusses the role of women's education in overcoming patriarchal culture from the perspective of Hj. Rasuna Said is a Minangkabau heroine who is famous for her struggle to free women from the shackles of patriarchy. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative study with a character study approach. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of Hj. Rasuna Said related to women's education. The results of the study show that Rasuna Said's thoughts and actions provide invaluable inspiration and insights that are very important in understanding the role of education in overcoming gender injustice. She achieved this through the establishment of schools, the empowerment of women's education, and the advocacy of gender equality. This research makes an important contribution to the struggle for gender equality in education, by paving the way for many women in Indonesia to get a decent and quality education. Rasuna Said's legacy continues to inspire the next generation in the struggle to achieve gender justice and equality through education.</p> Sirli Amry, Dewi Anggraeni Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE CHALLENGE OF TECHNOLOGY-BASED LEARNING EVALUATION IN ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION <p class="Papertext" style="line-height: 115%; margin: 0cm 28.3pt .0001pt 1.0cm;">In order to develop a learning system in accordance with the applicable curriculum, namely the independent curriculum, where technology is one of the focuses that can be integrated. One system that can be integrated with technology is learning evaluation. Technonoly-based learning evaluation provides convenience for both educaators and students. However, in its implementation there ar certainly challenges to be faced. So because of this,this research presents challenges and solution for technology-based learning evaluation as well as several platforms that can be utilized, especially in Islamic religious education. The method use in this research is qualitative with a literature study approach. Data was obtained from various sources such as journals, proceedings, etc. Which were then analyzed using the content anlysis method. Some of the platforms described in this research include Google Form, Quizizz, Kahoot, Edmodo, Socrative, and Plickers. Challenges faced in implementing technology-based learning evaluations include being susceptible to cheating, students focus decreasing, network access having to be stable, assessments that are not optimal due to incompatibility between the platforms used and the exams carried out. The solutions provided or offered to be a step in dealing with this opposition include making special regulations when carrying out technology-based learning evaluations, providing equitable an quality facilities so that network access remains stable, as well as carrying out training or workshops for educators regarding the type of platform and its use. So that it can be implemented properly.</p> Santi Mahmuda Urbaningkrum, Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF COMPLEX NUMBERS TO THE EXPLORATION OF QUADRILATERAL FLAT SHAPES <p>The representation of complex numbers as points in the plane also helps in solving mathematical problems related to geometry, such as geometry problems in the plane, such as the condition that two line segments are parallel, and others. The purpose of this research is to explore the concept of complex analysis on rectangular flat shapes. Then, finding solutions to geometry problems using the concept of complex numbers. This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on literature studies, namely conducting a review of the existing literature on the application of complex numbers in plane geometry, especially in quadrilateral flat shapes. Data validity uses triangulation techniques to check the quality of data that has been obtained from various sources. Data analysis techniques follow the model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, namely data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study show that there are special properties of parallelograms, determination of the result of mirroring a point to a certain line, determination of the location of the high point of a triangle if the three angles are known and the last two types of questions discussed are OSAMO 2015 No. 2 and OSN SMA 2009 questions about proving two perpendicular line segments and 4 certain points form a quadrilateral talibusur. The contribution of this research is to provide an understanding of the relationship between complex numbers and plane geometry, especially in the context of exploring quadrilateral flat shapes. As well as developing new or alternative approaches in analyzing quadrilaterals that can broaden students' or readers' horizons and mathematical skills in understanding the concept.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>geometry, complex numbers, quadrilaterals, flat shapes.</p> Vinata Ika Vinata Ika Puspita, Luthfiah Luthfiah Choirunisa, Tubagus Tubagus Ahmad Firdos , Umi Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS OF THE ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHER PROGRAM IN OVERCOMING AKHLAKUL MAZMUMAH OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and results of the Islamic Religious Education teacher program in overcoming akhlakul mazmumah at SDN Sawah 04 Ciputat South Tangerang. The approach used in this research is qualitative research. The data collection methods used are observation, interview and documentation methods. Observation and interview methods are used to find data about the implementation and results of the Islamic Religious Education teacher program in overcoming students' akhlakul mazmumah at SDN Sawah 04 Ciputat South Tangerang. The documentation method sought data on the geographical location of the school, data on the condition of teachers, the condition of students, and facilities and markets. As for checking the validity of the data, this research uses credibility by extending observation, increasing persistence in research and triangulation. The results showed that the implementation and results of the Islamic Religious Education teacher program in overcoming students' akhlakul mazmumah were carried out by means of implementation in providing exemplary to students, habituation carried out by students, advice and punishment given to students by PAI teachers. And the results of the implementation of the program show a decrease in akhlakul mazmumah such as skipping school, badmouthing their own friends, lying, making fun, disturbing their friends in class, betraying and not wanting to obey teachers and parents. The contribution of the research results makes an output that can provide many lessons for PAI teachers in overcoming problems related to the formation of mazmumah morals.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Akhlakul Mazmumah, Teacher, Program Implementation</em></p> rizki rizki, Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MAPPING UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF COMPLEX NUMBERS OF TADRIS MATHEMATICS STUDENTS OF UIN K.H. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID PEKALONGAN <p>Basic mathematical concepts in complex numbers are important in understanding further what complex number material is in complex analysis courses. The aim of this research is to map the understanding of mathematics students at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan on the concept of complex numbers. This research adopts a qualitative approach through descriptive analysis. The subjects of this research were 10 Tadris mathematics students taking complex analysis courses in the 2023/2024 academic year. The data collection technique uses a test sheet with 3 questions and interviews with 5 students. data validity techniques through triangulation of sources and techniques. The data analysis technique uses stages of data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. The research results indicate that students' understanding of basic mathematical concepts in complex numbers varies. Some students show deep understanding, while others still need better understanding. This research provides a significant contribution in describing the understanding of Tadris mathematics students at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan relates abstract mathematical concepts in depth, which is an important basis in understanding complex analysis. This research provides a significant contribution in describing the understanding of Tadris mathematics students at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan relates the concept of abstract mathematics in depth.</p> Agita Nursyabana , Itsna Lailiyyatul Fitri, Rosyada Nurul Fauziah , Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Ethnomathematics Of Javanese Wedding Cultural Wisdom <p><em>Ethnomathematics is a study of the culture we have towards mathematics. This research aims to describe the traditions and identify the ethno-mathematical activities that occur in traditional Javanese wedding ceremonies, starting from introducing the prospective partner, procedures for proposing, wedding preparations, to holding the wedding ceremony. This research uses qualitative research with data collection techniques in the nature of literature or library research and interviews with sources related to the ethnomathematics of Javanese wedding cultural wisdom. The object of this research is comprehensive and has a wider scope than previous journals which focused on just one object. In this research, the series of traditional Javanese weddings from beginning to end is explained. This research helps identify ethnomathematics activities related to traditional Javanese wedding ceremonies, such as counting activities in the ritual of determining a good wedding day, geometry studies, and geometric transformation studies. Apart from that, this research also helps explore mathematical concepts contained in Javanese wedding cultural wisdom, such as the concept of dividing and adding numbers</em></p> Fina Istifada, Nafidha, Eva, Bakti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MODERATION IN RELIGIOUS LIFE DYNAMICS: HARMONY AND TOLERANCE IN KUTOROJO VILLAGE, KAJEN DISTRICT, PEKALONGAN REGENCY <p><em>This study aims to describe the concept of religious moderation, the life of religious moderation in Kutorojo Village, the factors influencing religious moderation in the village, and the challenges faced by the village community in practicing moderate religious life. The research was conducted using field research methods, employing observation and interview techniques. Data were analyzed using a descriptive qualitative approach. Findings indicate that moderate religious life in Kutorojo Village is reflected in harmony and tolerance among religious communities, despite facing several challenges such as differences in religious understanding, external pressures, economic aspects, conflicts between local traditions and modernization, and the need for inclusion of religious minorities. Factors such as community spirit, shared economic dependence, rich traditions and culture, education, inclusive leadership, and the influence of media and technology play a significant role in shaping and maintaining moderate religious life. The contribution of this study lies in providing a comprehensive overview of the conditions of religious life at the local level and potential solutions to strengthen interfaith harmony.</em></p> Akhmad Dalil Rohman, Rusmawati, Aan Fadia Annur Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 TEACHING PEDAGOGY IN ISLAM: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF A SELECTED QURANIC VERSE <p><em>Quality education is a transformational tool; one of its attributes is the teaching pedagogy employed. The traditional teaching method – narration – &nbsp;has been abandoned for problem-solving and exploratory, which are assumed to be antithetical to Islam. Meanwhile, Islam is accepted as a divine religion by Muslims and non-Muslims, and so is the Quran – the last Divine book. It is a strong belief among the Muslim faithful that the Quran touches all life’s aspects, including education and teaching pedagogies. While it is widely, albeit falsely, believed that the teaching and learning pedagogy in Islam is narrative-based – memorization – which is in contrast with the modern-day teaching and learning pedagogy of problem-solving and exploratory, this study aims to analyze a Quranic verse for its teaching pedagogy through the lens of the conceptual framework of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The content analysis results show that the selected Quran verse – Quran 2:260 perfectly aligns with the conceptual framework of ZPD and that Islamic teaching pedagogies include problem-solving, collaboration, discussion, and participatory learning. So, the study adds to the limited relevant literature on Islamic teaching pedagogies.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ridwan Alaba Bello Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' DIFFICULTIES IN UNDERSTANDING MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS <p><em>This research was examined to describe students' difficulties in understanding mathematical symbols. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The target audience is determined by considering several factors during the data collection process, including: students who experience learning difficulties and show behavior that does not participate in learning activities. The data analysis technique used is interactive and continuous qualitative data analysis. The purpose of this research is to explain: 1) students' difficulties in understanding mathematical symbols and; 2) the causes of students' difficulties in solving problems related to mathematical symbols. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research method. The subjects of this research were 10 respondents in class IX junior high schools in Kendal district. After careful consideration, it was determined that the student: 1) experienced difficulty in solving the questions; 2) lacking in reading mathematical symbols; 3) draw conclusions from the results obtained.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>student difficulties, symbols, mathematics, mathematical abilities, understand.</em></p> Undangsih Kartikasari, Fariz Adillah, Taufik Ramadhan, Husnah Mustika Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF EUPHEMIA AND DYSPHEMIA IN KOMPAS NEWS ARTICLES ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT <p><em>In news articles on theme sexual harassment, there are lots of words that adapt to who they are announcing it by taking into account the words for the perpetrator and the victim. Therefore, the use of euphemia and dysphemia is used to place the correct meaning according to the purpose of the sentence. This research aims to identify the use and describe the synonyms euphemia and dysphemia in Kompas online news articles with the theme of sexual harassment. This research uses a qualitative description approach method which utilizes qualitative data and is described descriptively. The results of this research show that 21 words and phrases were found that underwent a process of refinement of meaning (euphemism) and 22 words and phrases that underwent a process of refinement of meaning (dysphemism) in Kompas online news articles with the theme of explaining section.</em></p> Maya Nur Khiqmah, Diah Puspitaningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BEYOND SIMULATION: UNCOVERING STUDENTS' EMOTIONS AND EXPERIENCES IN MICROTEACHING PRACTICE USING PHOTOVOICE <p><em>The emotions felt by students in the microteaching class were explored through their experiences during teaching practice. This research used the Photovoice method to explore the students' experiences and emotions. Five female students from the English Language Education Study Program at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan participated in this research. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and representational photos taken by the participants. The research findings revealed several challenges faced by the students, such as difficulty managing classroom atmospheres, losing self-confidence, blanking out, anxiety, and poor time management. However, some also experienced unexpected situations, such as active participation from friends acting as students. This research provides insights into the emotional dynamics and emphasizes the importance of deepening practice through extensive independent practice before facing real classroom situations.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: Photovoice research, microteaching, pre-service teacher’s emotion, experiences, teacher training.</em></p> Karimatul Ulya; Dewi Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RELIGIOUS MODERATION EDUCATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF RELIGIOUS LEADERS IN INDONESIA: A LITERATURE REVIEW <p><em>Religious moderation education has become an increasingly important topic in the context of multicultural Indonesia. This article discusses the perspectives of religious figures in Indonesia on religious moderation education through a literature review. Using a literature review method, this research investigates the understanding and views of religious figures from various religious traditions in Indonesia regarding religious moderation education. The main findings indicate that the majority of religious figures support religious moderation education with four indicators (national commitment, tolerance, anti-violence, and openness to local culture), and religious leaders even propose seven dimensions of religious moderation indicators that are more holistic and comprehensive as a means to strengthen tolerance, mutual respect, and peace among religious communities. However, there are also differences in opinion and emphasis in the implementation of religious moderation education, reflecting diversity of views regarding methodology, curriculum, and target audience. The results of this research can be a significant contribution to the development of religious moderation education in Indonesia that is in line with the existing religious diversity context.</em></p> Muchamad Fauyan, Sugito, Sugeng Bayu Wahyono Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF FIELD LEARNING PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS <p><em>Many young people in the current era have poor morals and ethics, especially during high school.&nbsp; High school is the most beautiful period, the transformation from adolescence to adulthood. Positive character education needs to be emphasized again, so that they do not do negative things. One of them is through schools or religious-based educational institutions or schools in which education also emphasizes religious education. Which is a mandatory program for students, namely PPL. This study aims to describe the development of characteristics in students as an effort to deal with the lack of positive characteristics. This research was conducted using qualitative methods liblary research. From the research conducted, there are some data discussed. From the activities of the PPL program, namely participating in activities carried out in the community, teaching reading the Qur'an after maghrib. Which is the purpose of the program, namely to develop the character of students to have akhlakul karimah, provide benefits to the community, teach knowledge to children, and other positive characters. It can be concluded that the PPL program is quite capable of fostering to positive student characteristics.</em></p> Rizal Bilhakiki, Maisaroh, Fadhly Muhammad Faza Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRENGTHENING TOLERANCE AND HARMONY IN THE FAMILY THROUGH THE CONCEPT OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION <p>The family is the smallest group in society which is the main focus for creating a safe, peaceful and peaceful country. Harmony is the ideals, hopes and goals of forming a family. A harmonious family must be based on an attitude of mutual respect, mutual respect and acceptance of each other's differences of opinion. Tolerance refers to an attitude that does not impose one's will, does not criticize, and does not despise other people because of their differences. Everyone definitely has differences, so having an approach to religious moderation within the family will provide a balanced foundation. This article explains how to strengthen tolerance and harmony in the family through the concept of religious moderation which can be done with several strategies. With the concept of religious moderation such as tawassuth, tawazun, I'tidal, tasamuh, and musawah which are the main milestones in realizing a harmonious family. If these values ​​of religious moderation are applied in family life, it will make it easier to create a harmonious family. Internalizing and adopting the value of religious moderation in the family can build a strong foundation, create a harmonious environment, and prevent cases of non-harmonious families (broken homes) which have the potential to damage family life and society as a whole.</p> Yoga Laksana Pamungkas, Mohammad Arifin, Inneke Silvya Anggraini Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF COMPLEX ANALYSIS TO SOLVING CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS CHALLENGES <p><em>This research analyzes the application of complex analytics in addressing current mathematical challenges. This research utilizes various journals that demonstrate complex analytical strategies and complex mathematical problem-solving techniques using a qualitative approach. The results show that complex analysis has proven to be an effective tool for exploring complex mathematical structures and finding elegant solutions. Various concepts such as complex integrals, remainder theorems, and analytic functions are widely used to understand and solve various modern mathematical problems such as number theory, differential geometry, and harmonic analysis. This study also identifies new trends and challenges in the application of complex analysis, such as integration with numerical methods and extension to new areas such as graph theory. The practical implication of the results of this study is to broaden the understanding and application of complex analysis in solving increasingly complex modern mathematical problems</em></p> Atini Sabila Anjani, Hana Maulida Ramadhani, Mahfud Samsul Arifin, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PHONOLOGICAL ERRORS IN ARABIC SPEECH PRACTICE AMONG ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>This study aims to analyze phonological errors made by students in Arabic speech practice at Insan Mulia Islamic Boarding School Batanghari, analyze the factors causing phonological errors in Arabic speech practice, and formulate solutions to correct phonological errors in Arabic speech practice. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with an analytical approach to language errors. The data in this study was obtained through interview and observation techniques. The results of this study showed that the students of Insan Mulia Islamic Boarding School Batanghari carried out three different phonological error patterns in Arabic speech practice: <em>First</em>, changing phoneme sounds was carried out by the students thirty-two times.&nbsp; <em>Second</em>, eliminating phoneme sounds was carried out by the students nineteen times. <em>Third</em>, adding phoneme sounds was carried out by the students eleven times. The most common phonological mistake made by students in Arabic speech practice is to eliminate the pronunciation of the phoneme sound ا (mad) eight times. Phonological errors made by students in Arabic speech practice are caused by two main factors, namely linguistic and nonlinguistic factors.</p> Reza Fachrial Suhardi, Ayub Abdillah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS CAUSING NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR OF STUDENTS TOWARDS PEERS AT MTS DAARUSSA’ADAH CIGANJUR SOUTH JAKARTA <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that cause students' negative behavior towards MTs Daarussa'adah Ciganjur South Jakarta. This research is qualitative research. Using primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources are Akidah Akhlak teachers and students of MTs Daarussa'adah Ciganjur South Jakarta. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study that: the factors that cause negative behavior of students towards peers at MTs Daarussa'adah Ciganjur South Jakarta are adolescents who are easily influenced by their peers tend to be more prone to negative behavior. The contribution of the results of this study can be a reference for PAI teachers in particular or other subject teachers who can implement programs or strategies or methods in learning so that participants are not easily influenced by themselves in behaving negatively.</em></p> tajaufa daffa, Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRATING QURANIC COMPENDIUM-BASED LEARNING MODEL WITH ABSTRACT MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS FOR ENHANCING CREATIVE ANALYTICAL THINKING <p>In a rapidly changing world, there is a growing demand for educational approaches that not only promote academic proficiency but also cultivate critical thinking skills, creativity, and moral values. By integrating Quranic teachings with abstract mathematical concepts, this research addresses the need for holistic education that nurtures both intellectual and moral development among students. This research investigates the integration of Quranic compendium-based learning models with abstract mathematical concepts and its impact on enhancing creative analytical thinking among Islamic boarding school students in Pekalongan. This research utilizes a qualitative approach centered on a case study, particularly through grounded research methodology. This research is conducted by collecting data through interviews and observations. A total of 5 Islamic boarding school students residing in the pesantren and currently studying abstract mathematical concepts are interviewed extensively. The data analysis involves several steps, including data condensation, data display, data verification, and employs interpretive analysis as the methodological approach. The analysis results underscore the effectiveness of integrating Quranic teachings with mathematical concepts in nurturing both intellectual and moral development among students. The results highlight three crucial points: 1) enhanced engagement and problem-solving skills, 2) development of critical thinking abilities, and 3) inculcation of moral and ethical values.</p> Umi Mahmudah, Moh Muslih, Diyah Nurul Fitriyati, Yogi Ferdianto, Galya Adisti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ISLAMIC EDUCATION TEACHER'S STRATEGY IN TEACHING THE VALUES OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION AT RADEN UMAR SAID KUDUS VOCATIONAL SCHOOL <p>SMK Raden Umar Said Kudus is a formal vocational high school that accommodates students from various regional and religious backgrounds. This research aims to understand in depth the exploration of PAI teachers' strategies in teaching religious moderation to students. At &nbsp;Raden Umar Said Kudus Vocational School PAI teachers teach about tolerance, non-violence and acceptance of tradition. The research in this paper uses qualitative research. Qualitative research aims to understand the reality, phenomena or symptoms experienced by the subject. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis in qualitative research begins with preparing and organizing data for analysis, then reducing the data through the process of coding and summarizing codes and presenting the data in the form of a discussion. The results found that to express religious moderation, namely through strategic planning and implementation by PAI teachers, they succeeded in teaching the values ​​of tolerance, non-violence and acceptance of tradition. Through various learning strategies, giving advice, exemplary behavior, habitual worship, discipline and special attention. PAI teachers are able to shape students' thought patterns and attitudes, create an inclusive learning environment, and produce positive results in the form of attitudes of tolerance, non-violence and acceptance of traditions. His contribution with a holistic and planned teaching approach, religious moderation at Raden Umar Said Kudus Vocational School can be an example for other educational institutions in advancing religious moderation, especially in the Kudus area.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: PAI Teacher Strategy, Religious Moderation, Raden Umar Said Vocational School</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Ahmad Falah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Exploring Students'motivation and Learning Strategies in EFL Multicultural Classroom <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>This study aims to describe the motivation, strategies, and challenges faced by students with multicultural background learning in English education department. Five students involved in this study are those coming from different countries. Two of them are from Phillipines, and the rest are from Thailand. To gain the detail information from the participants, narrative inquiry is used as the research design of this study. In this case, the researchers used semistructured interview and observation in collecting the data, thematic analysis from Brown and Clark in analyzing the data, and triangulation technique in measuring the validity of the data. The study found that most of the foreign students use several learning strategies&nbsp; namely self regulated learning which categorized into cognitive and metacognitive strategies, as well as peer discussion and getting local student's assistance which categorized into social strategies.</p> ahmad burhanuddin, chubbi millatina rokhuma, eros meilina sofa, anin widyasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 05 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF APPLYING STEAM-BASED LEARNING TO IMPROVE 4C SKILLS IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING <p><em>This research discusses the importance of the 4C abilities (critical thinking, effective communication, collaboration, and creativity) in mathematics learning, as well as how the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) approach can be used to develop these 4C abilities. The STEAM approach provides students with a more realistic and relevant learning context by integrating elements of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. The aim of this research is to explore the effectiveness of the STEAM approach in improving 4C abilities in mathematics learning and to identify steps that can be taken to optimize the application of this approach. This research uses library research methods to collect and analyze data from various sources, including books, journals, ebooks and other scientific articles. The research results show that the STEAM approach can be an effective strategy in developing 4C abilities in students. </em></p> m. fuadil kirom, Yasmine Ismah darsono, Burhanul Khaq, Nurul Husnah Mustika Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EXPLORING LOCAL WISDOM: ETHNOMATHEMATICS IN WONOREJO POTTERY EDUCATIONAL TOURISM <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Culture is used as a means to learn from everyday life. Mathematics can be linked to everyday life, that is, it can be learned through culture. The term mathematics in culture is called ethnomathematics. Each region has its own culture. Including Wonorejo village, there is also a heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation, namely pottery. The aim of this research is to explore mathematical concepts contained in Wonorejo pottery educational tourism, so that it can be used as a learning resource in mathematics learning. This type of research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. Data collection was carried out by means of literature study, observation methods, interview methods, and documentation methods. The instruments used are in the form of observation guides, interview guides, and documentation, so it can be concluded that the mathematical concepts contained in the Wonorejo pottery education tour are the concept of calculating, the concept of measuring, the concept of designing a circle, the concept of flat shapes, the concept of building space. Ethnomathematics can make it easier for students to understand everyday problems.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Ethnomathematics, Pottery, Mathematical Concepts.</em></p> Isfani Rohmah Bi Alfi, Nur Fita Septiyani, Nofia Fitriani, Ahmad Faridh Ricky Fahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 TEACHERS’ CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES IN IMPLEMENTING STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING IN THE ERA OF KURIKULUM MERDEKA <p><em>The purpose of this study is to provide information about the challenges faced by teachers and the application of strategies that must be changed from the previous curriculum learning to the student-centered independent curriculum. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with literature study techniques and interviews conducted with several teachers at MI NU Kesesi School in facing the latest challenges and strategies applied in the independent curriculum. The results of the analysis that we have concluded from research at MI NU Kesesi School that the challenges that have been faced by teachers while using the independent curriculum include teachers not only having to have knowledge of qualified subjects but also having social skills, the next challenge is carrying out learning assessments because so far teachers only focus on end-of-learning assessments, then the most challenging challenge is when there are students who have difficulty focusing. Then there are differences in teaching from the previous curriculum, namely Curriculum 13, which is more structured with a competency approach while the independent curriculum provides more freedom and flexibility for students. The advanced strategies are readiness in infrastructure and technology, improving teacher skills such as integration of project-based learning technology and formative assessment, increasing in-depth understanding of the independent curriculum, creating learning strategies that are responsive to diversity in the classroom, and collaborating with parents because the role of parents can be the key to the success of students.</em></p> Ilmi Putri Riskiyah, Dewi Ayu Fatimah, Fifi Agustin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RELIGIOUS MODERATION: THE ROLE OF LOCAL JOURNALISM IN DECONSTRUCTING HARMONIC CYBER CULTURE <p><em>This article aims to analyze the role of local journalism in building a harmonious cyber culture through religious moderation information. The regulation of heterogeneity is still a challenge for the Indonesian nation. This is marked by many cases that reflect conservative and intolerant attitudes in society. Ideally, Indonesia has noble religious moderation stories such as Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and several other records of struggle. The urgency of this research is to look at the role of Waspada Online in educating the virtual public through religious moderation stories. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sumber data primerin this article are four selected news in Waspada Online while the secondary data used are books, scientific articles and reportage. The collected data will be analyzed using Teun A. Van Dijk's version of critical discourse analysis techniques. It was then reanalyzed using the Miles and Huberman technique. The results showed that Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which became the motto of the Indonesian nation was a treasure in the form of a story of unity. The philosophical values contained in it are able to accommodate the interests of heterogeneity that exist in Indonesia. The author also found that from several selected news, Waspada Online paid attention to the saga of religious moderation which was marked by several news. Local media such as Waspada Online have several tasks to create a harmonic cyber culture including: 1) Balanced News, 2) Emphasis on Common Values, 3) Exploration of Positive Practices, 4) Interviews with Moderation Figures, 5) Collaboration with Religious Communities, 6) Educational and Information Approaches and 7) Exchange of Ideas and Dialogue. Local media plays a role as a shaper of harmony in the midst of heterogeneity. Local media not only pay attention to potential conflicts, but also take responsibility for creating collective intelligence for the community.</em></p> Mailin, Munawir , Abrar, Alwi Auvinen Juha Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Humanist and Moderate at SMA (SLUA) ​​Saraswati 1 Denpasar Bali <p>Religious and cultural diversity in Indonesia is one of the largest in the world. This diversity can become a conflict if intolerant attitudes arise. Therefore, education has a responsibility to anticipate this by instilling humanist and moderate values as implemented at Saraswati 1 High School Denpasar Bali. Researchers used qualitative field methods through interviews, observation and documentation to explore data about the implementation of humanist and moderate education at Saraswati 1 High School Denpasar Bali. The research data was then analyzed through data condensation, presented descriptively and concluded. The research results show that Saraswati 1 High School Denpasar Bali has implemented the concept of religious moderation through creating an inclusive educational environment, integrating humanist and moderate values in the curriculum, and designing learning strategies to understand and respect differences in beliefs. Challenges such as differences in potential and diversity of student backgrounds are overcome by providing two groups of regular and superior classes as well as providing a variety of extracurricular options.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Nanda Al Wafi Wafi, mohammadsya syaifuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INFLUENCE OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL AND STUDENTS’ CHARACTER ON MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING <p>This research is motivated by students' low understanding of mathematical concepts in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning model on students' understanding of mathematical concepts and to find out whether there is an influence of students' character and abilities on students' understanding of mathematical concepts at MAN 1 Padang Pariaman. This type of research is posttest-only control group design. The data analysis technique in this research is the ANOVA and Correlation Test. From the results of the ANOVA test calculations, the results showed that there was a significant influence of the Problem Based Learning model on students' understanding of mathematical concepts at MAN 1 Padang Pariaman. Moreover, students who have a high category of mathematics learning record also have better concept understanding abilities than students with a medium and low category of mathematics learning record. On the other hand, RIASEC major also influences concept understanding, while DISC personality, intelligence and learning style do not influence concept understanding. Recommendations based on this research are that we need to consider students' character and abilities in mathematics learning so that they can fulfill the mathematical abilities expected from learning.</p> Ramadoni Ramadoni Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT IN ISLAM AS CATALYST FOR HUMANITARIAN PROGRESS <p>Peran wanita dalam Islam telah menjadi subjek perdebatan yang luas, sering kali terbungkus dalam stereotip dan interpretasi yang terbatas. Namun, pandangan yang komprehensif tentang perempuan dalam Islam menunjukkan bahwa ajaran agama ini sebenarnya mempromosikan pemberdayaan dan keadilan gender. Paper ini menyelidiki bagaimana ajaran Islam memberikan landasan bagi pemberdayaan wanita, serta bagaimana kontribusi mereka menjadi katalis untuk kemajuan kemanusiaan secara keseluruhan. Melalui analisis terhadap teks agama, sejarah, dan konteks sosial, penulis menggali peran perempuan dalam Islam dalam berbagai bidang, mulai dari pendidikan dan ekonomi hingga politik dan kegiatan kemanusiaan. Dengan menggabungkan perspektif Islam dengan pandangan tentang kesetaraan gender dan keadilan sosial, paper ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan wanita dalam Islam bukan hanya penting untuk masyarakat Muslim, tetapi juga memiliki implikasi yang luas untuk kemajuan kemanusiaan secara global. Dalam konteks ini, pemberdayaan Wanita merujuk pada memberikan kekuatan, kesempatan, dan otonomi kepada perempuan dalam masyarakat Islam. Ini termasuk hak-hak mereka dalam bidang seperti pendidikan, ekonomi, politik, dan sosial, serta pengakuan atas kontribusi dan potensi mereka. Terkait dengan peran Wanita sebagai pendorong dalam kemajuan manusia menyoroti bahwa pemberdayaan wanita dalam Islam tidak hanya memperbaiki kondisi perempuan itu sendiri, tetapi juga bertindak sebagai katalis atau pendorong untuk kemajuan kemanusiaan secara lebih luas. Ini mencakup dampak positif yang dapat dirasakan oleh seluruh masyarakat, termasuk peningkatan dalam hal pembangunan sosial, ekonomi, dan kemanusiaan. Jadi, dalam penelitian ini mengisyaratkan bahwa pemberdayaan wanita dalam Islam bukan hanya tentang kesetaraan gender dalam konteks agama, tetapi juga tentang bagaimana hal itu dapat mendorong kemajuan sosial, ekonomi, dan kemanusiaan secara keseluruhan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Denny Wahyuni, Putri Syafitri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 COMPARISON OF LEARNING OUTCOMES OF GRADE 4 STUDENTS AT MUHAMMADIYAH PAESAN ELEMENTERY SCHOOL WITH DIRECT LEARNING MODEL AND GROUP LEARNING MODEL <p><em>This study aims to compare the learning outcomes of grade 4 students of Muhammadiyah Paesan elementary school by using two different learning models, namely direct learning model and group learning model. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data were collected through classroom observation, interviews with teachers, and document analysis related to the learning process. The collected data were then analyzed descriptively to compare students' experiences in both learning models. The results show that the direct learning model provides a learning experience that focuses more on the teacher as the main source of information. Meanwhile, group learning emphasizes interaction and collaboration between students. Nevertheless, there is a significant difference in student learning outcomes between the two learning models because each learning model certainly has the same potential to improve the quality of education of grade IV students at Muhammadiyah Paesan elementary school. This research provides valuable insights for educators and schools in choosing the right learning model in accordance with the background, student characteristics, learning objectives, and school context. In addition, this research underlines the importance of developing students' collaborative and communication skills in the context of group learning.</em></p> Ahmad Awwab Billah, Diah Putri Maulinda, Nala Wafrotul Arya, Annisa Auliyaa, Istiqomah, Bintan Karima Faida, Fina Idamatussilmi, Atik Mumtazza Alawiyah, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ISLAM AND SUPERVISION: THE POTENTIAL OF ISLAM TO RE-DEFINE THE PRACTICE OF SUPERVISION IN THE SCHOOL CONTEXT <p>This inquiry was driven by misunderstandings occurring in plenty of supervision practices in Indonesia. Supervision is still perceived as cataloging teacher faults and inequality of power between teachers and supervisors. Disappointingly, as the largest Muslim country, Islamic Principles have not been fully incorporated into supervision practices whereas all the guidance is ideally provided. This paper aims to explore to what extent Islam can nuance supervision to ensure that its essence is not harmed. This research employed journals and books to discover the newest trend of research in Islamic Supervision and enriched it by citing verses of the Quran and prophetic tradition (<em>Hadis</em>) as primary data by accessing some interpretation books (<em>Kitab al-Tafsir</em>) and prophetic tradition books (<em>Kitab al-hadis</em>). The data were collected through several ways including sorting, organizing, and editing. The document analysis disclosed that either the supervisors or teachers can embrace the Islamic framework while conducting supervision. The values such as fairness (<em>Adl</em>), transparency (<em>Shura</em>), respect (<em>Ihtiram</em>), and supportiveness belong to the supervisor, meanwhile, teachers have to uphold professionalism, a growth mindset, and collaboration (<em>Syirkah</em>) as a rule of conduct</p> Agustian Ramadana Putera, Nur Azizah Amalia Munawar, Qurratul Ayuni Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Exploring the Contribution of Islamic Education for Peace: A Conceptual Framework for Pesantren in Indonesia <p>This study proposes a conceptual framework to uncover the contribution of Islamic education in promoting peace, particularly in the context of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Using a conceptual framework based on Brofenbrenner's ecological theory, this study explores the unique characteristics of Islamic boarding schools and their potential to advance peace efforts. Case studies at Pesantren As-Shuffah Rembang show significant influence at micro, mezzo, exo, and macro levels in promoting peace education. By examining the key elements of Islamic education and its role in shaping peace-oriented attitudes, values, and behaviors, the study provides insight into how Pesantren can contribute to realizing social harmony and harmony in Indonesia.</p> Evita Nur Apriliana Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SPEED READING METHOD AS A MEANS OF FOSTERING INTEREST IN READING SKILLS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><em>This study aims to determine the ability of speed reading in class XI students of Cahaya Al-Qur'an Science High School. Understand the content of the reading through the text that changes rapidly on the screen. Through the speed reading techniques they master they will find some words that often appear. From some of the words found, they will learn to infer the meaning contained in the reading. In addition, this study was also motivated by the researcher's interest in the School Literacy Movement program held by Cahaya Al-Qur'an Science High School to foster students' interest in reading literacy. The method used is descriptive and phenomenology with a qualitative approach. Data sources were obtained from interviews, observations, documentation, and speed reading simulations. The resource persons in this study include Indonesian language teachers, school literacy program coordinators, and students. The results showed that the speed reading ability of the 11th grade students of Cahaya Al-Qur'an Science High School was quite good. However, there are several factors that show the lack of interest of students in reading literacy. One of them is psychological factors. So in this case, there are several speed reading methods that a teacher can apply to students as a means of increasing their reading speed and also an effort to foster interest in reading for students</em></p> Rissa Shofiani, Diah Puspitaningrum, Tasfiyatun Nuria, M. Rokhil Farid, Arina Farhatul Maula Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 LEARNING COMMUNITY ‘BERNAS’ AS A MEANS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS <p><em>This study aims to discover how far the learning community gives impact to the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning process in SMAN 1 Kedungwuni. The research is a qualitative and descriptive research in which the researcher used questionnaire, interview, document analysis, and observation to collect the data. Based on the study there is improvement of the quality of teaching and learning process after the existence of ‘BERNAS’. The improvement is supported by the fact that 60 % of teachers teach using creative method captured by the academic supervision.. Besides, 65% students out of 104 sampling students state that they the teaching and learning process in SMAN 1 Kedungwuni is effective and fun. Another evidence is that 75% teachers reveal that they get more knowledge and insight by participating in ‘BERNAS’ learning community and it is useful to improve the quality of teaching and learning process in their classes. Finally, the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning process is approved by the grade of the quality of teaching and learning process in Education Report by the government which improves 9,08 % from last year. In conclusion, the learning community ‘BERNAS’ has made the teachers improve their quality of teaching and learning process in their classes. However, the study also shows that around 35 % of the sampling students do not feel enjoyable to study in SMAN 1 Kedungwuni and 40% of teachers still need to improve their performance. It reveals that the improvement is not as high as expected. The school targeted 80% of the teachers be effective teachers.</em></p> Indah Muslichatun Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MORAL LEVEL OF MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH STUDENTS <p><em>The purpose of the study was to determine the level of morals of Madrasah Tsanawiyah students. This study uses a type of quantitative research, with descriptive associative methods through the use of data collected from the results of distributing questionnaires and documentation. Respondents of this study were junior high school students at MTs Nurul Ilmi Bojonggede Bogor. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, namely class VIII students totaling 54 students. The data analysis of this study used descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the level of student morals showed that it was in the high category with a percentage of 48%. This can be influenced by the existence of one of the supporting factors such as the existence of learning strategies in the formation of student morals, innovation, and motivation. The contribution of this research can make references to further research and educational institutions in order to apply learning methods or strategies to shape student morals.</em></p> riswan hakim, Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE IMPACT OF ISLAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN PURWAKARTA <p><em>This research aims to look at the psychological dynamics of women victims of domestic violence (KDRT) and the impact of Islamic Psychotherapy to eliminate traumatic experiences in women victims of domestic violence. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The sample in this study was 3 women who were victims of domestic violence who made complaints to P2TP2A Purwakarta. The data sources used use primary and secondary data with data collection using observation and in-depth interview methods. The results of the research show that victims of domestic violence experience psychological pressure where the victim feels disrespected, hurt, lied to, hated and this causes psychological disorders in the victim which causes symptoms of depression. Symptoms of depression that appear include the victim becoming overthinking, more emotional, unable to think well, anxious, having tremors, becoming a closed person, not being able to work well, not being able to care for children well, feeling down, tired and tired of living. everything so that there is a desire to end life. The victim was given Islamic Psychotherapy to reduce psychological pressure and traumatic experiences. And the results after the victim was given Islamic Psychotherapy, the victim's psychological pressure was reduced, negative emotions decreased and the traumatic experience also reduced where the victim felt calmer, lighter, more relieved and more comfortable than before, and the victim felt more sincere with the fate he experienced and able to take the best solution for their household conditions. Thus, Islamic psychotherapy is an effective alternative solution for reducing the psychological pressure and traumatic experiences of victims of domestic violence.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nur Aisyah Jamil, Nadya Yulianty S Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 TRANSFIGURATION OF SHOPEE'S E-COMMERCE SOCIAL MEDIA FUNCTION AS DA'WAH MEDIA HADITH OF THE PROPHET (CASE STUDY OF ALKAFF MOSLEM STORE ACCOUNT) <p><em>In today's digital era, social media and e-commerce platforms such as Shopee have become an integral part of people's lives, including in the dissemination of the Prophet's hadith as a guideline for Muslims. This study aims to understand the transfiguration of the function of Shopee e-commerce social media as a medium for spreading the Prophet's hadith. This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on Alkaff Moslem Store Account as a case study, which uses hadith in their product descriptions on Shopee. The results showed that the transfiguration of Shopee's function as a medium for spreading hadith occurred through the insertion of hadith in product descriptions, with the aim of conveying religious messages to consumers. The use of this hadith has been proven to increase interest and sales of products, because it gives an Islamic impression to the products offered. This research illustrates how social media and e-commerce can be an effective means of disseminating and applying religious values in everyday life, and identifies the importance of a deep understanding of the function and context of hadith in today's digital context.</em></p> Ayu Festian Larasati, Muhammad Yusuf Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRENGTHENING DIGITAL LITERACY THROUGH EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM <p><em>In 2020, Microsoft conducted research and concluded that Indonesian netizens were considered to have a lower level of politeness than other countries in Southeast Asia. The result of this study that digital literacy education can be carried out through formal, non-formal or informal education channels. In the non-formal education pathway, digital literacy can be carried out by civil society. In the informal education pathway, the family has a very strategic role. This conclusion is a criticism that needs to be responded to wisely and proportionally. One response that can be done is to strengthen education about digital literacy for students through educational channels. What is needed to strengthen digital literacy is the preparation of educational policies and the structure of the educational curriculum. The government needs to make educational policies and educational institutions implement them by designing curriculum.</em></p> Aris Nur Khamidi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The School Principal's Efforts In Improving Teachers' Personality Competencies At Al Futuuh Purwakarta <p><em>This research aims to investigate the management patterns of school principals in improving the personality competence of teachers at Al Futuuh Purwakarta using a qualitative approach. This research data was obtained from several sources of information, especially the Principal at Al Futuuh Purwakarta. The results of the research show that the school principal's management pattern to improve teacher personality competency at Al Futuuh Purwakarta involves steps such as planning a program to increase teacher personality competency, implementing the program, and evaluating the results. This increase was made because teachers are considered as examples that students must follow, therefore, it is important for teachers to have a good personality as educators. In an effort to improve the personality competence of teachers at Al Futuuh Purwakarta, the school principal applies Islamic values based on the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah. After the teacher personality competency improvement program was implemented, the principal conducted an evaluation to evaluate whether there was an increase in teacher personality competency at Al Futuuh Purwakarta. This evaluation also aims to provide suggestions and motivation to teachers so that they continue to improve the quality of their personality.</em></p> Dyah Wulandari, Fazri Ramdani, Hasan Agus Ahsani Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF GAUSS-SEIDEL ITERATION METHOD TO SOLVE COMPLEX LINEAR EQUATION SYSTEM <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>There are many methods to solve complex linear equation systems, one of which is using the Gauss-Seidel iteration method. This is a method of solving simultaneous equations through an iteration process using initial values in the process so as to obtain the true value and the condition that the equation must be diagonally dominant. The purpose of this study was conducted to explore the Gauss-Seidel iteration method in solving complex linear equations with four equations of four variables and five equations of five variables. This research is a qualitative research with Literature Study focus. The steps of solving complex linear equations using the Gauss-Seidel iteration method are starting with the determination of a complex linear system, converting the equation into matrix form, then integrating the matrix into diagonally dominant so as to get the solution of a system of complex linear equations. The results showed that the Gauss-Seidel iteration method is effective in solving four equations of four variables and five equations of five variables in the system of complex linear equations. The benefit of this research is to provide readers with an understanding of the implementation of the Gauss-Seidel method in solving complex linear equation systems.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Isfani Rohmah Bi Alfi, Dilla Setiani, Arina Mumtazah, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF PARENTS IN CHILDREN'S CHARACTER BUILDING IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION <p><em>The role of parents is very important to the formation of children's character in instilling the value of Islamic teachings in today's modernization era. In this study, a literature research approach was used. The role of parents is important in guiding, as well as educating children in the family and even society. Good parenting can affect children's growth, development, and social behavior. Character education is one of the most important aspects of life with the aim of developing individual morality, values, and behavior. Focusing on moral knowledge, moral love, and moral action can create a more positive and responsible society. In the formation of the character of children's lives, the role of parents is important to note, through parenting as well as their role as parents, with the aim of ensuring children's success in life. The role parenting includes various factors and can differ in the development of each child</em></p> Sholihin Al Awwali, Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING AIDED BY CONCRETE MEDIA AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IN THE ERA OF NEW SOCIETY 5.0 <p><em>In an effort to achieve the goals of learning mathematics in the era of the New Society 5.0, educators are faced with the responsibility to be more dynamic, innovative and creative. The goal is that students have 6 basic literacies, including data literacy, digital literacy and human literacy. The integration of educational technology, especially concrete media and artificial intelligence (AI) media is one important aspect in this effort. This study aims to understand the effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages of using concrete media and AI media in learning mathematics. The researcher used the Systematic Literature Review method to explore the latest findings related to the use of concrete media and AI in learning mathematics. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was used in data collection. Data were collected from 25 national and international reputable journals published between 2017 and 2024 from Scopus, Semantic Scholar, and Google Scholar databases. The results showed that concrete media and AI have the potential to increase learners' motivation and interest, create an environment that supports exploration, and deepen mathematical understanding. This research makes an important contribution to understanding the role of concrete media and AI in mathematics learning in the New Society 5.0 era. The findings of this study can assist educators in selecting and applying appropriate media to improve mathematics learning.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: Concrete Media, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Mathematics Learning, New Society 5.0 Era</em>.</p> Moh. Alwi Andiansyah Saputra, Ahmad Nurul Huda, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE IMPORTANCE OF GENDER KNOWLEDGE : THE SUBTANCE OF EMANCIPATION MODERN WOMEN <p><em>Gender is something that continues to be discussed and is still being discussed today. When talking about gender, it is inseparable from the word women's emancipation. A woman is like the main topic of discussion in gender equality because women are underestimated and equality between men and women is needed. Humans are social creatures who need each other, in this social realm humans must also uphold tolerance and respect between humans with each other both because of differences in religion, ethnicity, race, culture, and gender. Men and women are created differently, not to excel one another but to complement each other. This research is a type of literature research, which is a research method that uses information sources from libraries or sources related to literature and written documents. This study aims to determine the existence of women's emancipation in the modern era as it is today in the scope of gender knowledge. The results of this study show that gender knowledge still exists today. However, the current paradigm for women's emancipation differs from one another.</em></p> Nur Afina Laelatun Ni'mah, Nadhifa Fairuz Rahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 LITERATURE CONTENT IN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING AT SENIOR AND VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL LEVELS <p><em>The purpose of this study is to find out the learning of Indonesian language in high school and vocational school, to find the differences of literature learning in high school and vocational school, and to observe the role of teachers on students' interest in literature. This research was conducted through a comparative qualitative approach, this research aims to analyze, and compare how literature learning exists in both schools, the analysis focuses on teaching methods, student responses, obstacles or challenges. Data were collected through interviews with Indonesian language teachers and some students, data reduction, and drawing conclusions from the interviews. The research findings show that there are differences in the implementation of literature learning between SMA and SMK, both in terms of learning and practicum. High schools are accustomed to providing material that is equivalent to the practice. This study concludes that the learning of literature in high schools and vocational schools is different. The difference is not only in terms of student obstacles, in high school students the obstacles are usually from families who are less supportive of their interests, while in vocational students the obstacles are the lack of understanding of vocabulary in literary works and students' disinterest in literature. The second obstacle is in terms of educators, in addition to referring to learning, educators should also be able to teach through adaptive approaches and increase teacher capacity in implementing innovative and interactive teaching methods.</em></p> Wiwit Aryanti, Rizky Bagus Satriyojati, Najhwa Tsalisa Putria, Rita Nuryeti, Adam Sayid Panggeda Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ERROR ANALYSIS OF MATHEMATICS TADRIS STUDENTS ON THE LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING IN SOLVING COMPLEX ANALYSIS PROBLEMS <p>The focus of this research is to measure the level of error in students' understanding in solving complex analysis problems. Mathematics learning can be achieved if students can understand, solve and apply it to existing problems. The purpose of this research is to analyze mathematical errors of mathematics Tadris students of UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan towards understanding in solving complex analysis problems. This research uses a qualitative approach through descriptive analysis. The subjects in this study were 15 sixth semester students of the Tadris Mathematics Study Program in the academic year 2023/2024. Data collection techniques using test sheets and open interviews. Data validity was done through triangulation of sources and techniques. Data analysis uses stages: data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that there are still many students who make mistakes in solving complex analysis problems, errors that often occur are concept errors, calculation/procedural errors to systematic/technical errors. The benefit of this research is that it can provide deeper insight into the aspects that affect the understanding of complex analysis material. Thus, this research can help in designing more effective learning strategies to improve the quality of learning so that it has a direct impact on mathematics learning outcomes in the Tadris Mathematics program.</p> Fifi Dwi Afianti, Wafiq Azizah , Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 FACTORS AFFECTING STUDY CONCENTRATION IN MADRASAH ALIYAH STUDENTS <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence student learning concentration at Madrasah Aliyah Yapia Parung, Bogor Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive type by using case study method. Primary data sources are fiqh teachers and students at Madrasah Aliyah Yapia Parung, Bogor Regency, while secondary data sources are obtained from documentation and observations related to the data in this study. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and document examination. The data validity check of this research uses credibility by extending observation, increasing persistence in research and triangulation. The results of the research findings show that the factors that influence students' learning concentration are that students often experience a lack of concentration in learning due to external and internal factors such as the way teachers teach, the condition of friends, family problems, and health conditions. The contribution of this research is that educators, especially Jurisprudence teachers, can have strategies in learning.</em></p> Azie Fahrazie Yabes, Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Students' Creative Mathematical Thinking Ability in Solving Complex Numbers in Complex Analysis Courses Based on Academic Ability Level <p>Students need the ability to think mathematically and creatively when following their eyes complex analysis lecture. The purpose of this research is to analyze students' mathematical and creative thinking abilities when solving complex number problems in complex analysis courses, taking into account the level of academic ability. The research method used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Research participants were students in the 6th semester of the 2023/2024 academic year of the Tadris study program Mathematics at KHAbdurrahaman Wahid University Pekalongan, totaling 30 people. Subject</p> <p>The research is students' mathematical and creative thinking abilities in courses complex analysis. The results of the analysis show that there are differences in creative thinking abilities of mathematical students when solving complex number problems. Students with Higher academic abilities tend to have better problem solving strategies, more complex and flexible. On the other hand, students with low academic abilities tend to experience difficulty in applying relevant mathematical concepts. These results show the importance of supporting the development of mathematical creative thinking abilities</p> <p>students, especially in the context of complex numbers. The implications of this research can be made foundation for educational institutions to develop more effective and comprehensive learning strategies to improve students' mathematical and creative thinking abilities at various levels of academic ability.</p> Efa Wafiq Azizah, Risnawati, Ilham Maulana Syaputra Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KESADARAN BERAGAMA PESERTA DIDIK DI SMP ISLAM <p class="Papertext" style="line-height: 115%; margin: 0cm 28.3pt .0001pt 1.0cm;">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesadaran beragama peserta didik pada peserta didik SMP Islam Al Azhar 3 Bintaro Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data primer adalah guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dan peserta didik SMP Islam Al Azhar 3 Bintaro Tangerang Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan pengumpulan data, penyajian data, reduksi data dan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dengan kredibiltas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kesadaran beragama peserta didik SMP Islam Al Azhar 3 Bintaro Tangerang Selatan tergolong baik, yaitu sebesar 80%. Adapun kontribusi hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan acuan kepada guru PAI dalam menerapkan metode pembelajaran.</p> hafidz taufiqurrahman, Umamah Karimah, Busahdiar Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Discourse On Learning Media In The Digitalization Era And Its Implications For Students Higher Order Thinking Skills (Hots) In Islamic Education Subjects <p><em>The demand to be able to create various sophisticated and interesting breakthroughs in learning is a challenge for Islamic education teachers in the era of digitalization, including the implementation of Islamic education learning media. Digital skills become a new competency that must be possessed by teachers, in order to implement digital-based learning media that can stimulate students higher order thinking skills (HOTS). This study aims to discuss digital-based learning media that can be applied in PAI learning and analyze its implications for students HOTS in PAI subjects systematically and coherently. This research uses a library research method with a descriptive qualitative approach model. The data sources used are secondary which come from various literatures, namely: books, e-books, journal publications, articles, scientific papers and others. The data collection technique in this study uses documentation techniques, namely: reviewing and recording related literature carefully. The results of the study stated first, several digital-based learning media that can be applied to PAI learning, including: mobile applications, learning videos, interactive websites, e-books, educational games, e-learning platforms, and podcasts. Second, the positive implications for students HOTS in PAI subjects are: stimulation of creativity, development of analytical skills, improvement of evaluation skills, stimulation of active involvement, development of synthesis skills. The negative implications are: distraction, unproductive use, dependence on surface information, difficulty distinguishing valid information and limited social interaction.</em></p> Nurma Millatina, Sutiah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MADRASAH HEAD'S LEADERSHIP STYLE IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION AT MTS NEGERI 8 KEBUMEN <p><em>This research aims to analyze the transformational leadership style of madrasa heads in improving the quality of education at MTS Negeri 8 Kebumen. The research uses a qualitative field research type approach. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses three stages, namely data condensation, data presentation, and data verification. The research results show that the leadership of the madrasa head has and carries out idealized influence, carries out inspirational motivation, carries out intellectual stimulation, and carries out individual consideration.</em></p> Nurbiyati Nurbiyati, Imam Satibi, Atim Rinawati, Muhyidin Muhyidin, Agus Salim, Siti Fatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Urgency of Moderate Religious Understanding in Indonesia: A Synthesis between Liberal and Radical Religious Understanding <p>This study attempts to present the concept of the urgency of religious moderation in Indonesia, based on contemporary social facts. The approach used is qualitative. Data is taken from relevant literature, especially related to contemporary realities in Indonesia. This study shows that among the three major religious views in the Muslim world, namely radical, moderate, and liberal, moderate religious views are the right choice. This is based on several considerations. Among them are the entry of the digital era which brings together various differences; the plural condition of the Indonesian nation; a moderate attitude to life has a strong religious foundation; and the need for a clear religious identity in a disruptive era.</p> Nanang Hasan Susanto, Jauhar Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NUMBER HEAD TOGETHER (NHT) TYPE COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL ASSISTED BY PLAQUE PROPS IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' MATHEMATICAL COMPREHENSION SKILLS <p><em>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the Number Head Together (NHT) type cooperative learning model assisted by plaque props in improving the mathematical understanding ability of grade IX students on the rank and root shape material in MTs Syarif Hidayah Doro. This research is an experimental research with pretest posttest control group design. The sample in this study was 68 students using a simple random sampling technique. Data on mathematical comprehension abilities are obtained using tests. Data analysis in this study used the Mann Whitney test. Based on the results of data analysis, a significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 was obtained, which means that H<sub>0 </sub>is rejected and H<sub>a </sub>is accepted. So there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of the Number Head Together (NHT) type cooperative learning model assisted by plaque props is effective in improving students' mathematical understanding ability on the rank material and root form in MTs Syarif Hidayah Doro.</em></p> Annisya Nurul Hikmah Moenawar Putri, Yusuf Nalim Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 NEUROSCIENCE-BASED ISLAMIC EDUCATION LEARNING DESIGN: THE ROLE OF MUSIC, LIGHTING, AND SPATIAL PLANNING <p><em>The aim of this research is to provide a solution in PAI learning design by applying a neuroscience approach that covers the role of music, lighting and spatial planning. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The data source in this research is from searching the Google Scholar database, with the keywords, PAI learning design and neuroscience-based learning. The research results show that we can see the implications of music in learning through a neuroscientific approach in direct contact with various brains, in the form of the Basal Ganglia and Temporal Lobe brain nervous systems. The implications of lighting in learning through a neuroscientific approach can also stimulate parts of the brain, in the form of the Cyrus Cingulatus and Lobus Temporalis. The implications of spatial planning in learning through a neuroscientific approach are a form of comfort for students, which also stimulates parts of the brain, in the form of the Basal Ganglia brain nervous system and the Limbic System.</em></p> Muhammad Aufakumara Sucipta, Suyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 CONTROVERSY OVER JAVANESE CUSTOMARY INHERITANCE PRACTICES IN KANIGORO BLITAR SUB-DISTRICT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION <p><em>The practice of customary inheritance from the perspective of religious moderation is an interesting issue to be discussed. Some parties perceive that the division of inheritance in Islamic law is considered not to be fairly evenly distributed. The aim of this research is to measure how big the influence of religious moderation is on the development of Javanese traditional inheritance law, especially in Kanigoro sub-district, Blitar district. This research uses empirical legal research methods, methods that use empirical facts from human behavior, which can be verbal behavior that can be observed directly, and in this context chooses a conceptual approach. Next, the researcher uses fiqhiyyah rules as an effort to harmonize Islamic legal culture. The results of this research show that Javanese traditional inheritance practices in Kanigoro Blitar sub-district are influenced by several factors such as religion, culture or custom, as well as state law. And this controversy is mostly based on individual needs in the family, so that inheritance is divided equally between women and men. To avoid hostility and build harmony between families.</em></p> Putri Nayla Fadlilatul Azizah, Mochammad Arifin, Siti Nur Qolisah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INTERPRETATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VERSES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SACRED TEXTS IN JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, AND ISLAM <p>This research investigates the concept of moderate religious interpretation from the perspective of the holy scriptures of the Abrahamic religions. It explores how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam promote moderation in religious thought and practice through their respective sacred texts. The study employs a comparative analysis method, focusing on key passages and teachings that advocate for moderation within each tradition. The results indicate that all three religions emphasize the importance of moderation as a core principle of their teachings. Judaism emphasizes the concept of "The Golden Mean," encouraging believers to avoid extremes and live a balanced life according to Jewish law. Christianity promotes moderation through the teachings of Jesus Christ, emphasizing love, compassion, and forgiveness. Islam underscores the concept of "Wasatiyyah," or moderation, as a central tenet of the faith, encouraging Muslims to avoid extremism and adhere to a balanced way of life. The discussion highlights the similarities and differences in the interpretation and implementation of moderate religious principles across the three traditions. It also emphasizes the role of religious leaders and scholars in promoting moderate interpretations of the scriptures to foster peaceful coexistence among believers of different faiths.</p> Muhamad Ali Mustofa Kamal Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 HUMAN VISION AND MISSION IN LIFE: PERSPECTIVE OF SURAH AL-BAQARAH VERSE 201 <p>This research aims to describe human vision and mission in life from the perspective of Surah Al-Baqarah verse 201. The method used in this research is the literature review method by collecting, reading and analyzing literary sources. The results of this research are that the human vision in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 201 is to achieve Allah’s approval and happiness in the world and in the afterlife “Rabbanaa, aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanah, wa fil aakhirati hasanah, wa qinaa ‘adzaaban naar”. Meanwhile, the missions to realize this vision are continuously worshiping Allah sincerely and sincerely (surah adz-Dzariyat verse 56), working based on religious morals (surah an-Naba’ verse 11 and al-Jumu’ah verse 10), creating or establishing an Islamic family, namely sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah (sura at-Tahrim verse 6), maintaining personal health (surah an-Naba’ verses 9-11), seeking knowledge (al-Alaq verses 1-5), doing good deeds ( an-Nahl verse 97), being a good leader (surah Shad verse 26), and not causing damage (surah al-Baqarah verse 11).</p> Evva Aini, Tri Achyati Lestari, Dian Rif'iyati Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDENTS' CRITICAL THINKING PROCESS IN SOLVING COMPLEX NUMBER POLYNOMIAL PROBLEMS BASED ON FACIONE THEORY <p>This research aims to analyze the critical thinking process of students with high, medium and low mathematical abilities in solving complex number polynomial problems based on <em>Facione's theory </em>. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Bojong, Pekalongan Regency. This research uses qualitative methods through descriptive analysis. The research subjects were 5 class XI students with high, medium and low mathematics abilities. The instruments in the research were test sheets and interview guidelines. This research uses triangulation techniques and sources for data validity. The data analysis techniques used are data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that students with higher mathematical abilities tended to use a more systematic and analytical approach in solving problems, while students with lower mathematical abilities tended to rely on trial and error. The critical thinking process is also observed through students' ability to identify patterns, solve problems, and provide justification for their steps. The pedagogical implications of these findings emphasize the importance of developing critical thinking skills through structured learning and an emphasis on understanding fundamental mathematical concepts.</p> Nofia Fitriani, Riyan Sulistiyanti, Reza Ariani, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF PAI TEACHER’S PROGRAM TO OVERCOME RELIGIOUS AWARENESS PROBLEMS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the Islamic Religious Education teacher program in developing religious awareness of students of SMP 1PGRI, Ciputat, South Tangerang. The approach used in this research is qualitative research. The data collection methods used are observation, interview and documentation methods. Observation and interview methods are used to find data about the implementation of the Islamic Religious Education teacher program in developing religious awareness of students of SMP 1 PGRI, Ciputat South Tangerang. The documentation method sought data on the geographical location of the school, data on the condition of teachers, the condition of students, and facilities and markets. As for checking the validity of the data, this research uses credibility by extending observation, increasing persistence in research and triangulation. The results showed that the implementation of the Islamic Religious Education teacher program in developing students' religious awareness was carried out through approaches, habituation, advice and punishment. The contribution of the results of this study can be used as a reference by PAI teachers in preparing programs in subjects so that students can have good religious awareness.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Islamic Education Teacher Program, Religious Awareness</em></p> Raihan Hilman, Ummah Karimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF TPACK (TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL AND CONTENT KNOWLEDGE) IN AN EFFORT TO INCREASE STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS <p><em>The incorporation of technology in the learning process is a demand to adapt to the times in this digital era. The rapid development of technology and information makes digital-based learning activities very possible to be implemented. Therefore, teacher competence in combining technology with learning must be in accordance with the method. One of the incorporation of technology in the learning process is Tecnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).</em> <em>The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of TPACK, its impact, and inhibiting and supporting factors. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods using field study research. Data collection techniques used interview techniques with class IV teachers. This research was conducted at SD 01 Pekuncen Pekalongan.The results of this research are that teachers have implemented the use of technological media in learning. The application of this technological media can increase student motivation and learning outcomes. Apart from that, the existence of supporting facilities from schools helps teachers in applying technology-based learning media to students. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide information and knowledge for teachers and prospective teachers as well as evaluation regarding the application of TPACK in learning in the digital era.The results of this study are expected to provide information and knowledge for teachers and prospective and teachers regarding and evaluation the application of TPACK in learning in the digital era.</em></p> Ina Rotul Aini, Tara Septiarani, Nala Ni’matul Maula Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of Waqf Institutions in Community Empowerment <p><em>This journal explores the crucial role of wakaf institutions in empowering communities. Wakaf, as a form of charitable endowment, has the potential to address societal needs and contribute to sustainable development. The study delves into the background, theoretical foundations, research methodology, and presents findings and discussions related to the impact of wakaf organizations on community empowerment</em></p> Rinda Asytuti, Sekar Arumandani, Hilda Adistya, Dina Ambarwati Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EXPLORING TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP IN ISLAMIC HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS POST-INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE INTO UNIVERSITIES IN INDONESIA <p><em>Institutional transformation frequently occurs within Islamic higher education institutions (IHEIs) in Indonesia. Among the institutional transformations that take place is the transition from institute status to university status. This institutional transformation serves as a strategic step towards enhancing the quality of education and institutional development. Rapid and complex changes and societal demands constitute significant reasons why higher education institutions must undergo progressive transformations. However, the institutional transformation of higher education institutions must be accompanied by a transformation of mindset and improved working patterns. Thus, the presence of transformative leadership significantly influences the success of institutional transformation. This paper seeks to examine the transformative leadership of leaders in Indonesian IHEIss undergoing institutional transformation. Post-transition, IHEIs leaders strive to foster commitment, establish vision, and determine organizational values to be embraced and followed by the academic community of the institution. Some IHEIs leaders issue written declarations that are openly published, expressing a commitment to enhancing the quality standards of service in their institutions. This serves as evidence that transformative leaders are visionary, innovative, responsible, and engage everyone in the advancement of their institutions. This paper is expected to serve as material for the evaluation and follow-up actions in managing IHEIss towards adaptive and competitive higher education institutions.</em></p> Mochamad Iskarim Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE CONCEPT OF RENEWAL OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN THE MODERN ERA ACCORDING TO THE PERSPECTIVE OF SYED MUHAMMAD NAQUIB AL-ATTAS <p><em>Islamic education in the modern era faces many challenges in all aspects. All forms of progress in the modern era demand the emergence of various forms of renewal of Islamic educational concepts to maintain their existence in society. Syed Naquib Al Attas, as one of the pioneers of Islamic education through his thinking, has put forward ideas about the concept of renewing Islamic education by attempting to integrate religious knowledge and science. This concept of renewal seems to have a significant influence among the community in facing the increasingly rapid changes of the times, thus requiring a more detailed study of the concepts pioneered by Al Attas as a form of his contribution to the world of Islamic education. This research is a literature review (library research) and literature study using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out systematically and holistically from several references such as books, documents, scientific journals, and other sources, and analyzed by referring to several related arguments, thoughts, and logics. The results show that the concept of renewal of Islamic education in the modern era by Syed Muhammad Naquib Al Attas covers three things; Islamizing knowledge, eliminating the dichotomy of education, and instilling religious values in every branch of knowledge.</em></p> Rifki Setiawan, Nanda Nur Hanifa, LP Nurjannah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFFECTIVENESS OF USING THE QUIZIZZ-BASED DIGITAL PLATFORM AS AN EVALUATION OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING <p>This research aims to determine the effectiveness of using quizizz as a Mathematics Learning Evaluation using a quantitative approach. This research used mixed methods using Learning Evaluation theory. Based on the results of this research, Quizizz makes it easier for students to carry out assessments and evaluations in learning. This electronic student assessment sheet can facilitate teachers and parents for student learning activities anywhere and anytime.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keywords: Digital platform, Quizizz, Learning evaluation, Mathematics learning, Mathematics.</p> Dila Aprilia, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti, Etna Minkhatul Maula, Melani Alfia Putri, Dian Renita, Widya Ayu Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE INTEGRATED STUDY BETWEEN SUFISM AND STOICISM PHILOSOPHY: AN EFFORT TO OBTAIN HAPPINESS IN THE CONTEMPORARY ERA <p><em>Happiness is a feeling that normally becomes the dream of every healthy person. However, everyone's journey to pursue happiness does not always run smoothly. In this massive digital era, human’s filter for exposure to cyberspace becomes fewer and fewer. Many people spend some of their time on social media. It's so easy for people to look at and compare each other's life. Comparing life could be problematic because it can make someone not be grateful for what he has and even if it is allowed to continue, it will make someone not accept Allah's decree towards his life and other’s life. If someone does not accept Allah's decree then unhappiness feeling will arise. This research aims to realize happiness through the process of soul purifying in Sufism assisted by the concept of stoicism in Philosophy. Happiness itself in Sufism perspective lies in the happiness of one’s heart which comes from within and it can only be felt after going through the process of purifying the soul. This research is a library research where in analyzing the researchers uses an integrative analysis method. The result of the research is that the value of stoicism, if implemented, can ease the process of purifying one's soul (tazkiyah al-nafs) which goes through 2 stages, namely takhalli and tahalli. The theory of soul purification with the value of stoicism in philosophy, if applied in an integrative manner, has the potential to make someone easier to obtain inner happiness that comes from within.</em></p> Nurul Hikmah Sofyan, Jainul Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONCEPT OF FLAT AREA IN MI THROUGH THE STAD CO-OPERATIVE LEARNING MODE <p><sup><em>This study aims to improve the understanding of the concept of flat area in </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>students by using the Student Teams Achievement Devisions (STAD) </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>coorperative learning model. The method used in this research is qualitative, </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>with data collected through in-depth interviews with MI Wali Songo Kebon </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>Rowo Pucang teachers. The results showed that the application of STAD was </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>able to improve the understanding of the concept of the area of building data </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>on students more significantly. Students become more active in the learning </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>process, able to communicate with each other and explain concepts to group </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>mates, and experience an increase in the ability to solve problems related to the area of flat buildings. In addition, STAD also encourages increased </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>cooperation, interaction, and trains student responsibility in learning groups. </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>From this research, it can be concluded that STAD is an effective learning </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>model to help students understand the concept of flat area more deeply. </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>Cooperation and group discussion in STAD in other math topics or different </em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>grade levels.</em></sup></p> <p><sup><em>Keywords: Co-operative learning, STAD, concept understanding, flat area</em></sup></p> Fatimah Azzahra ., Nadlirul Ijmal, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah, Alfi Himaturrozla, Diana Arifyana, Aisyah Ainur Rahma, Adibatul Kamila Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BANDONGAN ONLINE: DIGITALIZATION OF PESANTREN TEACHING BASED ON YOUTUBE IN THE DIGITAL ERA <p>Online recitation of classical Islamic texts, or kitab kuning, in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) through YouTube has become a trend in today's digital era. The digitization of the traditional Bandongan recitation model via YouTube is a response to the demands of this era. This research uses YouTube to discuss the Bandongan Online recitation of Kitab Al-Hikam as a form of digitization in pesantren education. The research employs a qualitative method with a netnography approach. Data was obtained by observing the official YouTube channel of Pondok Lirboyo, which broadcasts the Bandongan recitation of Kitab Al-Hikam. The data analysis includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusions, and verification. The results of this study show: 1) Online Bandongan recitations are accessed not only by santri (students) but also by the broader community interested in learning about Islam through the pesantren tradition; 2) The digitization of classical Islamic text recitations has received positive responses, evident from the large audience and active interactions during the Bandongan Online sessions; 3) The digitization of these recitations significantly affects how people access and learn religious knowledge. The implications of the Bandongan Online recitations indicate that the study of classical Islamic texts in pesantren opens new opportunities for da'wah (Islamic outreach) and Islamic education in the digital era.</p> Dewi Anggraeni, Gumilar Irfanullah, Muhammad Naufal izami Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EXPLORATION OF COMPLEX NUMBER VISUALIZATION IN JULIA SET-BASED FRACTAL GEOMETRY <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi visualisasi bilangan kompleks dalam konteks geometri fraktal, terutama fokus pada Fraktal Julia Set. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memahami bagaimana parameter-parameter dalam fungsi iterasi memengaruhi struktur fraktal, dengan perhatian khusus pada variasi warna, bentuk, dan detail geometris. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi pustaka sebagai sumber data, termasuk buku, jurnal ilmiah, dan literatur lainnya. Untuk menjaga keabsahan data, teknik triangulasi sumber data digunakan, yaitu mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal ilmiah, dan literatur lainnya untuk memperkuat validitas temuan. Teknik analisis data yang diterapkan meliputi analisis tematik untuk mengidentifikasi pola-pola dan tema-tema utama yang muncul dari literatur yang diselidiki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat-sifat bilangan kompleks memiliki kontribusi signifikan dalam pembentukan pola fraktal yang kompleks dan menarik secara visual.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci </strong><em>: </em>Bilangan kompleks, geometri fraktal, Julia set.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research explores the visualization of complex numbers in the context of fractal geometry, particularly focusing on fractal Julia Sets. The purpose of the research is to understand how the parameters in the iteration function affect the fractal structure, with special attention to the variations in color, shape, and geometric details. The research method used is descriptive qualitative using literature studies as data sources, including books, scientific journals, and other literature. To maintain the validity of the data, a data source triangulation technique was used, collecting data from various sources such as books, scientific journals, and other literature to strengthen the validity of the findings. The data analysis techniques applied included thematic analysis to identify patterns and main themes that emerged from the literature investigated. The results show that the properties of complex numbers have a significant contribution in the formation of complex and visually appealing fractal patterns.</em></p> Anggraeni Maha Dewi, Laili Khamdanah, Lila Dalalah, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 CHARACTER EDUCATION IN "THE LATE KI SENO NUGROHO DOCUMENTARY FILM AND HIS LAST MESSAGE" AND ITS RELEVANCE TO ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION <p><em>The educational process is required to be able to adapt quickly and adjust to progress so that the delivery can be interesting and easy to understand for the younger generation. One documentary film that is full of meaning and lessons for the younger generation is the documentary film Ki Seno Nugroho and the Last Message. The aim of this research is to determine the values of character education in the documentary film The Late Ki Seno Nugroho And The Last Message. Apart from that, this research aims to determine the relevance of character education values in the documentary film The Late Ki Seno Nugroho And The Last Message to Islamic Religious Education. This research uses qualitative research methods and uses a library research approach. The data source for this research was collected directly by researchers through the documentary film of the late Ki Seno Nugroho and the last message. Data collection techniques use listening and note-taking techniques about character statements. Meanwhile, for data processing techniques, researchers used document analysis (content analysis). The results of research studies on the documentary films Ki Seno Nugroho and the Last Message found that there are 12 character values in this documentary film which are useful in shaping the character of the younger generation, namely: Religious/Religious, Honesty, Tolerance/Respect for Differences, Discipline/Obedience, Hard Work , Creative, Independent, Democratic, Nationalism, National Spirit, Communicative and Responsible. All the character education values contained in the documentary film The Late Ki Seno Nugroho And The Last Message have relevance to the values of Islamic Religious Education, namely faith values, moral values, and amaliyah values.</em></p> Almi Fijar, Dimas Setiaji Prabowo, Abdul Mukhlis Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENT <p><em>The professionalism of a school principal is not only limited to the ability to provide direction to all employees and teachers but also ensures the effectiveness of performance and, above all, delivering outstanding students. This research aims to reveal the leadership patterns of school principals that are built to create exceptional students. The method used is qualitative with a descriptive-analytical approach. The research results found a collaborative leadership pattern of school principals using the "share-id leadership" model in optimizing employee and teacher performance and developing and exploring potential and nurturing students with a "performance partnership" pattern for various abilities and skills and negating social gaps in performance by building "family ties".</em></p> Muhammad Mufid, Galang Eka Radito Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE CHALLENGES IN DEVELOPING LITERATURE LEARNING AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL <p><em>This research is motivated by the perceived lack of relevance of literature in today’s society because its focus has shifted to aspects of science, technology, and physical needs, which are considered more urgent. This problem makes researchers interested in exploring literature in schools. The researcher chose MA Salafiyah Simbangkulon as the subject of this research. This research aims to find out how literature teaching has developed at MA Salafiyah Simbangkulon and what limitations the teachers at MA Salafiyah Simbangkulon have experienced in teaching literature. In this research, researchers used a qualitative approach through interviews and observations by applying data reduction analysis, data presentation, and drawing in-depth conclusions from the findings obtained. The results of this research show that the literature taught at MA Salafiyah Simbangkulon is still limited. However, student interest is still high and can be proven by the production of literary works in the form of poetry and short stories.</em></p> Nazilla Ainunna' Izza, Malihatul Amaliyah, Fitahul Munayah, Putri Aulia Rusadi, Mutya Utari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RELEVANCE OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION TO GENDER ROLES AS AN EFFORT TO STRENGTHEN FAMILY HARMONY <p><em>The United States of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the largest island States with a wide variety of tribes, peoples, cultures, races, beliefs, traditions, including the diversity of religions that often cause conflict because of such differences with the various factors surrounding it, therefore it is necessary to take a progressive step in dealing with religious issues that can explode over time and cause great losses. Religious moderation becomes crucial because it will encourage a balanced religious attitude between one's own religion and respect for the religion of others who have different beliefs. Religious doctrine has a dominant potential in the application of gender ideology and inspires the emergence of a gender role. In good gender relationships like gender equality and justice then families can be harmonious. This writing uses descriptive research. From the results of the research aimed to gain an understanding and picture related to the concept of religious moderation to the role of gender as an effort to strengthen harmonization in the family. Research on the problem of religious moderation of family harmony existing in Indonesia, by reference to existing literature, formulated and compiled, then assembled into one to find and obtain comprehensive results.</em></p> Irmanaza Ai’na Nisa, Mochammad Arifin, Farah Aqilah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 TRACES OF THE SPREAD OF ISLAM BY SHEIKH AL HAJJ NGALI HASYIM: THORIQOH MURSHID OF CENTRAL LAMPUNG <p><em>The spread of Islam in the Central Lampung region is closely related to the charismatic figure known as Sheikh Al Hajj Ngali Hasyim. He is a murshid thoriqoh An-Naqsbandiyah Al-Kholidiyah who is well known in various regions such as Central Lampung, West Lampung, South Lampung, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, East Aceh and also Palembang. This research aims to describe the process of spreading Islam carried out by Sheikh Al Hajj Ngali Hasyim along with his biography and heritage sites. This research uses a qualitative study with a historical approach by looking at and studying all aspects of Sheikh Al Hajj Ngali Hasyim's life, starting from his biography, role, preaching methods, to his heritage sites as traces of the spread of Islam in Central Lampung. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman qualitative data analysis procedure. The results of the research show that Sheikh Al Hajj Ngali Hasyim uses three methods in spreading Islam, namely 1) trading method, 2) thoriqoh method, 3) educational method. In between his activities he also carried out da'wah using the mauidha hasanah method in several specific mosques.</em></p> Dewi Ratnawati, Karsiwan Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The RISE OF MUSLIM SPAIN: AN EPITOME OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION <p><em>Navigating through the annals of Islam and its unparalleled contributions to Europe’s intellectual and scientific renaissance in the medieval period would arouse the curiosity to inquire about what actually brought about such a great and unique feat in the history of world’s religions. The breakthrough that the religion recorded in Sicily in modern day Italy remains unmatched up to the contemporary times. Mazara del valley to the far Western part of Sicily – being the settlement of the Muslim Arabs in the 7<sup>th</sup> CE - understood the parlance of moderation. That Islam is not averse to development and transformation could better be appreciated by Andalusia –Spain. The Iberian Peninsula, beginning from the 6<sup>th</sup> CE to the later part of the medieval epoch, witnessed an Islam alongside moderate Muslim explorers that was truly supportive of societal re-engineering and growth. The paper, given this background, undertakes to retell the story of how the Islamic principle of moderation and inclusivity rebuilt a dilapidated Spain and made her the scientific enigma for the entire Europe. With a comparative historical analysis, the paper focuses on bringing this epochal breakthrough back to the radar of reference for contemporary Muslims and non-Muslims alike with a view to re-presenting Islam whose image has been dented by people who fail to imbibe its moderation hypothesis.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Taoreed Demola Kamordeen Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDI ANALISIS QAWA’ID KONSEP FIQHIYYAH : IMPLEMENTASI MODERASI DALAM BERAGAMA <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Indonesia with its diversity of cultures, religions, tribes, languages shows as one of the nations that has a multicultural society. Some of this diversity is a blessing in itself if managed properly, becoming uniqueness and strength, but also a threat of division and feud if diversity is not addressed wisely and wisely which can tear social security. Moderation is an archipelago culture that goes hand in hand and does not contradict each other but seeks a tolerant solution. Associated with the implementation of religious moderation with the rules of fiqh of omnipresence can promote an attitude of openness to existing differences, but also not only contains the nature of tolerance but there is something that cannot be left because it is bound by sharia. The purpose of this research is for readers both from academic backgrounds and the general public to be used as knowledge that we are encouraged to tolerate each other without distinguishing race, ethnicity, and religion but must not leave what has been prescribed by religion. This research uses empirical legal research methods by conducting a conceptual approach, then researchers use fiqh rules as an effort to harmonize digital culture and Islamic law. From the results of the study, it was found that related to the implementation of religious moderation with the fiqh rules of omnipresence, it can promote an attitude of openness to existing differences, but also not only contains the nature of tolerance but there is something that cannot be left because it is bound by sharia. </em></p> <p><em><strong> </strong><strong>Keywords: </strong>Moderation, Adversity, Fiqhiyah Rule</em></p> <p> </p> Reviana Dwi Rahayu, Ilma Aripin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF SPIRITUAL VALUES THROUGH MUJAHADAH NIHADLUL MUSTAGHFIRIN AS AN EFFORT TO PREVENT MORAL DECADENCE OF SANTRI MAJELIS TAKLIM NURUL MUHAMMAD KERTOHARJO PEKALONGAN CITY <p><em>Moral decadence can give rise to social and religious deviations if it is not immediately addressed. One of the causes of moral decadence is low spiritual values. Mujahadah Nihadlul Mustaghfirin is an effort to foster spiritual values ​​that can prevent moral decadence. The aim of this research is to describe the implementation of spiritual values ​​through mujahadah Nihadlul Mustaghfirin as an effort to prevent moral decadence and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for this implementation. Researchers use a qualitative approach with a field approach. The data sources for this research are the head of the assembly and four students of the Taklim Assembly, Nurul Muhammad. The method used is through data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques used are data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show the implementation of spiritual values ​​in the Nihadlul Mustaghfirin mujahadah in the form of faith, piety, and the behavior and charity of the students. Faith can be seen from the feeling of happiness when participating in the mujahadah , piety can be seen when the students respect and obey the teacher because they hope for Allah SWT's blessing, good behavior can be seen in the responsibility and commitment in attending the mujahadah . It is proven that there is no appearance of moral decadence among the students of the Nurul Muhammad Kertoharjo Taklim Council. No student has ever been involved in negative things. Supporting factors for implementing spiritual values ​​through mujahadah include intention, support from friends, parents and the environment. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are physical conditions and weather which are sometimes less than favorable . The contribution of this research is an effort to overcome moral decadence through mujahadah Nihadlul Mustaghfirin which is usually only through character education.</em></p> <p> </p> Nahdliyatu Rohmah Sri Rahayu, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH TRENDS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING MODELS IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING <p><em>Education is a conscious effort to prepare students to face the future. Therefore, many efforts have been made to develop it in order to prepare a better future generation for the nation. Project-Based Learning is a learning model that is currently being implemented in various educational institutions. This learning model encourages students to be more active, independent and creative in solving problems. This presents a bibliometric analysis related to the Project-Based Learning model in Mathematics learning including views that are frequently referred to, keywords and those that are frequently referred to using the Scopus database and is limited to articles. This study examines research articles that discuss Project-based Learning in Mathematics learning. This analysis shows articles in the 2019-2023 time period which were then processed using Vosviewer software. After analysis, there was an increase in the publication of articles in 2019 to 2020, followed by 2022 to 2023 with the most frequently referred keyword, namely "Project Based Learning</em></p> Ahmad Nurul Huda, Sariyah Damayanti, Ahmad Al Khafidz Razak M, Nurul Husnah Mustika Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Educational Case Study: Students' Learning Experience in Utilizing Movie Subtitles to Explore New Vocabulary <p>This educational case study investigated the learning experience of students utilizing movie subtitles to explore new vocabulary within a contextual approach. Mastering vocabulary is crucial for language acquisition, yet it can be challenging for second language learners. This study explores the potential of movie subtitles to address this challenge.&nbsp; Three until five EFL learners participated, watching a movie with subtitles followed by a vocabulary test.&nbsp; The results demonstrated an improvement in vocabulary understanding compared to a control group who did not watch the movie with subtitles. These findings support the use of movie subtitles as a tool for vocabulary acquisition, aligning with the principles of contextual learning approaches.&nbsp; Subtitles facilitate understanding of the meaning and usage of words in specific contexts by providing a visual representation along with the spoken word. This study contributes to the growing body of research on effective vocabulary learning strategies for second language learners.</p> <p><em>Keyword : </em>Movie subtitle, vocabulary learning</p> rofiatun khasanah, Dewi Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Exploring The Challenges of Student At Writing Skills from Creative Writing Courses : A Case Study <p>This case study revealed the challenges faced by experiences students at English Education Department UIN K.H Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan in improving their writing skills through creative writing courses. Using the qualitative methode involving in depth interview with a several students who has passed that courses. The study revealed several key challenges faced by students including lack of inpirations,using strong and imaginative language, the student’s extrinsic factors in learning. At this study also highlighted the importance of individual factors such as motivation, self confidence experience in influencing student’s success in the courses. <br><br></p> Ana Fitriana, Dewi puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE MODERATION VALUES OF HABIB HUSAIN JA'FAR LOGIN PROGRAM, EPISODE 30 SEASON 2 <p><em>The social conditions of Indonesia are very diverse. Differences in ethnicity, race and religion do not hinder national integrity. On the other hand, Indonesia's diversity can be a strength and a weakness. In order for diversity to become a strength, harmony, togetherness and interfaith dialogue are needed. This login program comes as a form of online dahwah carried out by Habib Husain Ja'far to create a more moderate and open Indonesian society in the face of differences in views and national beliefs. The purpose of this research is to find out the values of religious moderation in the life of the nation in Habib Husain Ja'far's login programme. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive paradigm. The analysis technique used is content analysis. The results showed that there are values of religious moderation that must be maintained and preserved to maintain the unity of the Indonesian nation which can be damaged at any time. </em></p> Zacky Al-Ghofir El-Muhtadi Rizal, Muhammad Khozin, Fina Fatkhurizqia Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SOCIETY PERSPECTIVES ON THE MATHEMATICS LEARNING IN THE MERDEKA CURRICULUM <p><em>This study aims to examine people's perspectives on mathematics learning in Merdeka Curriculum, a new curriculum implemented in Indonesia to provide flexibility and independence in the learning process. The Merdeka Curriculum emphasizes the development of basic competencies and critical thinking skills, which are expected to improve the quality of mathematics learning in schools. The research method used was a descriptive survey involving various society</em><em> groups, including students, parents, and teachers. Data were collected through a interview </em><em>designed to get information about the</em><em> perceptions of the success</em><em>, difficulty, and acceptance of mathematics learning in the Merdeka Curriculum. The results showed that the mathematic learning in </em><em>the Merdeka</em><em> C</em><em>urriculum can be successful and it </em><em>depends on several factors, including the freedom and flexibility of learning, the use of technology, and the readiness of teachers in dealing with the Merdeka</em><em> C</em><em>urriculum. However, the variability of student competencies as well as evaluation and assessment can also be obstacles in the successness</em> <em>of the Merdeka</em><em> C</em><em>urriculum.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Merdeka</em><em> C</em><em>urriculum, mathematics learning, community perspective.</em></p> Nabilah Nada Asyifa, Ika Nurul Afni, Anggun Ayunaia, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 NEWMAN ERROR ANALYSIS ON MISTAKES OF TADRIS MATHEMATICS STUDENTS UIN K.H. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID PEKALONGAN IN SOLVING COMPLEX ANALYSIS QUESTIONS <p><em>The background of this research highlights the importance of Mathematics Education students' understanding in solving complex analysis problems, where the concept is abstract mathematics that requires deep comprehension. This study aims to analyze the mathematical errors of Mathematics Education students at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan in solving complex analysis problems. The research type is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis focus. The subjects in this study are 15 sixth-semester Mathematics Education students in the academic year 2023/2024. Data collection techniques use test sheets with 3 questions and open interviews. Data validity techniques use triangulation by combining data from various sources (source triangulation), using several data collection methods (method triangulation). Data analysis techniques use the interactive model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana which includes data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. Newman error analysis is used to analyze student errors in solving complex analysis problems. The results of this study show that there are no errors made by students on indicator type 1 (reading error), students on average make errors on indicator 2 (comprehension error) by 37,76%, the average error on indicator 3 (transformation error) by 53,3%, the average error on indicator 4 (process skills error) by 62,16%, and the average error most commonly made on indicator 5 (encoding error) by 66,63%. This research provides mapping of mathematical errors of Mathematics Education students in solving complex analysis problems. This research contributes significantly to the improvement of solving problems in abstract mathematical concepts.</em></p> Wieke Nur Ilma, Irfanto Effendi, Zidni Ilma, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDI ANALISIS QAWA’ID KONSEP FIQHIYYAH DOMINASI PERAN ISTRI DALAM KELUARGA SEBAGAI BENTUK HUKUM KELUARGA KONTEMPORER <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Article 31 of Law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage states "the husband is the head of the family and the wife is the housewife". However, lately it has become a topic of discussion associated with the issue of renewing the marriage law. This study aims to analyze the fiqh rules relating to the dominance of the wife's role in the family as a form of contemporary family law. This research uses empirical legal research methods, Empirical Legal Research is a method that uses empirical facts of human behavior, can be in the form of verbal behavior that can be observed directly, empirical research can be used to observe the results of human behavior in the form of physical relics and archives (Mukti and Yuliato: 2010). Empirical legal research obtains data from primary data sources, such as the results of field research, and analyzes how the law works in society. The results of this study indicate that the majority of women who are dominant in carrying out roles in the household are influenced by several factors, one of which is education and the surrounding environment. This means that we should not understand the context that ``the husband is the head of the family and the wife is the housewife`` without understanding the articles before and after as a whole. Article 31 (1) of the Marriage Law explains that the rights and position of the wife are equal to the rights and position of the husband in household life and social life together in society. Before the birth of the Marriage Law, based on Article 108 of the Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek), a wife could not perform legal acts (granting, mortgaging, transferring, obtaining anything) without the help of her husband in a deed or written permission.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>fiqh rules, 'urf, family, contemporary </em></p> Erdi Arifin, Ulfi Zubaidah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 From TikTok Trends to English Fluency: Students' Dynamic Path to Vocabulary Enrichment <p>This study explores how effective TikTok is as a technique for improving students' English language skills, with an emphasis on vocabulary growth. Using qualitative study methods, scientists collected data from a group of students who were actively using TikTok to improve their English. The results demonstrated how students actively participated in worthwhile learning experiences by utilizing TikTok trends, which resulted in appreciable vocabulary growth. After conducting a thorough investigation of the experiences of the students, some noteworthy patterns concerning their use of TikTok to improve their language proficiency as well as the difficulties they faced during the process were apparent. These findings provide insightful information about how social media platforms could be used in language learning environments, which will help educators create more pertinent and interesting teaching resources. This study highlights the value of TikTok as an advanced and engaging learning resource which fulfils the needs of learners who want to improve their English language skills. It also clarifies the dynamic character of contemporary language learning, emphasizing the significance of incorporating cutting-edge digital platforms into teaching methods to satisfy students' changing demands in the technologically advanced world of today.</p> <p><br>&nbsp;Keywords: student experience, digital education, vocabulary, TikTok, and English language learning</p> azza wahiddah, Dewi Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EXPLORATION OF THE CONCEPT OF GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATION IN BATIK NITIK YOGYAKARTA <p><em>Ethnomathematics is a reciprocal relationship between mathematics and culture. Mathematics learning that is linked to culture is still minimal, and even teachers still have difficulty implementing it. However, on the other hand, the application of ethnomathematics can make it easier for students to understand and improve learning because culture itself is closely related to everyday life. The aim of this research is to examine the concepts of Geometric Transformation in Batik Nitik Yoyakarta. The method used is an ethnographic method used to observe and describe Batik Nitik Yogyakarta. The results of the research show that the Yogyakarta Nitik Batik Geometry Exploration using ethnomathematics concepts found mathematical concepts that can be used as learning resources, especially in transformation geometry material such as folding symmetry, reflection, rotation, dilation.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: Batik, batik nitik, ethomathematics, geometrics transformation</em></p> Sariyah Damayanti, Ahmad Nurul Huda, Nagita Elsafia, Akhmad Faridh Ricky Fahmy Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 WOMEN’S ROLES AND STRATEGIES TO MAINTAIN HARMONY IN THE ERA OF LEGAL PRURALISM: WHAT CAN WE DO? <p><em>This research aims to explore the diverse roles played by women and the strategies they employ to uphold harmony amid varying legal systems and cultural norms. The research uses a library research approach using library data. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method. The data are collected, and the data is analyzed using content analysis combined with interactive model analysis. The results show that women with all their knowledge, abilities, and resources can play a role as drivers, motivators, inspirers, and important solution-seekers in overcoming the problems faced by women, their communities, and where they live. The strategies employed by women in this era reflect their resilience, adaptability, and determination to maintain harmony within complex legal systems. Women can advocate for legal inclusivity, collaborating across communities, empowering themselves and others, and participating in policy-making processes, which can effectively navigate the complexities of this legal system. Therefore, recognizing and supporting women's efforts in this field is essential for building cohesive and equitable communities.</em></p> Shinta Dewi Rismawati, Silvia Milady Azkiya Thoha, Irham Baihaqi Thoha, Supomo Ari Sasongko, Muhammad Navis Aufa, Vida Nikmal Maulaa Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 21 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The “The Implementation of Hellotalk Application In Teaching Vocabulary To Young Learners: A Case Study” <p>This study delves into the utilization of the HelloTalk application for teaching vocabulary to young learners. The research investigates the integration of HelloTalk into language teaching for children and examines the challenges encountered during its implementation. A qualitative research approach was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with students to gather insights. The findings reveal the effectiveness of HelloTalk in enhancing vocabulary acquisition among young learners, highlighting the need for adequate technological access and teacher support for successful implementation.</p> <p>The primary objective of this study is to explore the implementation of the HelloTalk application in teaching vocabulary to young learners. HelloTalk, a language learning platform, offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in language practice with native speakers. The research focuses on the seamless integration of HelloTalk into language teaching for children, emphasizing the interactive and communicative aspects that enhance vocabulary acquisition.</p> <p>Methodologically, this research adopts a qualitative approach, employing semi-structured interviews with students as the primary data collection method. Through these interviews, students share their experiences using HelloTalk, providing valuable insights into the application’s effectiveness in teaching vocabulary. Moreover, the interviews shed light on the challenges faced during the implementation of HelloTalk, such as limited access to technology and the importance of teacher guidance and support.</p> <p>The results of the study underscore the positive impact of HelloTalk on vocabulary learning among young learners. The interactive nature of the application fosters engagement and facilitates language practice, contributing to enhanced vocabulary acquisition. However, challenges related to technology access and the necessity for teacher involvement were identified as crucial factors influencing the successful implementation of HelloTalk in language teaching for children.</p> <p>Keywords: Application HelloTalk, Learning Digital, Experience Young learners.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ilma Rizanah, dewi puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The CONCEPT OF HUMANISTIC EDUCATION ACCORDING TO EMHA AINUN NADJIB <p><em>Emha Ainun Nadjib's humanism has the potential to be a solution for critical reflection on the problems of social life. Humanistic learning theory is a learning model that emphasizes humanizing&nbsp;students,&nbsp;by paying attention to meeting students' needs in learning.&nbsp;Through his&nbsp;flexible thinking, it&nbsp;can&nbsp;be used&nbsp;as a reference in teaching Islam that is more neutral, full of compassion for others&nbsp;but&nbsp;also critical.&nbsp;Through a humanist frame, Emha's thoughts&nbsp;are expressed&nbsp;on&nbsp;the topic of&nbsp;today's educational concepts.&nbsp;In his work, there is&nbsp;a lot of critical and sharp discourse, especially in efforts to highlight social, religious, artistic, and cultural realities.&nbsp;This literature research&nbsp;tries to examine&nbsp;Emha's thinking from a humanist educational perspective. The results of this research conclude that Emha's thinking has a strong spirit in defending humanitarian aspects. This spirit&nbsp;is supported&nbsp;by the values of spirituality and religiosity&nbsp;which&nbsp;lead to ethical goals, namely the quality of consciousness.&nbsp;The process of&nbsp;humanizing humans in education&nbsp;is realized&nbsp;in a process of humanization, liberation, and transcendence&nbsp;which&nbsp;is&nbsp;firmly rooted in Islamic teachings.</em></p> I'in Mutma'innah, Agus Sutiyono, Mahfudz Junaedi, Ikhrom Ikhrom, Umul Chairiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDENTS' EXPERIENCES IN PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASSROOMS: A CASE STUDY <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study examined public speaking anxiety (PSA) among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students at UIN Gus Dur Pekalongan and investigated coping strategies. Through qualitative interviews, students revealed varying levels of anxiety, with fear of judgment and competence being major concerns. Coping mechanisms such as relaxation techniques were employed. Findings underscored individual differences in PSA levels, its impact on performance, and effective management strategies. Recommendations for educators include fostering supportive environments, teaching coping strategies, and providing structured practice opportunities to help students overcome PSA and develop crucial communication skills.</span></em></p> Ma'rifatush Sholihah, Dewi Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF PREVENTION OF BULLYING BEHAVIOR IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS (Case Study of Lirboyo Kediri Islamic Boarding School) <p><em>The high number of cases of bullying in Islamic boarding school educational institutions raises concerns among parents when they want to send their children to Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools must have an appropriate system for bullying prevention strategies and creating a conducive educational climate. This research aims to analyze bullying prevention strategies in Islamic boarding schools. Through a qualitative approach with narrative inquiry, this research reveals three educational patterns used in efforts to prevent bullying in Islamic boarding schools, namely: 1) Education and awareness: educational programs are focused on moral values, empathy and respect for differences. This helps students understand the impact of bullying behavior and encourages them to always do good. 2) Strict Supervision and Intervention: Implementation of clear and effective policies to handle bullying cases is carried out with strict supervision in the Islamic boarding school environment, as well as reporting mechanisms and firm action against perpetrators of bullying. 3) open communication: by supporting open communication between teachers, administrators, and students, this is also done. This makes students feel more comfortable in reporting bullying situations they experience and witness, allowing for more effective prevention and intervention measures. By combining education, supervision and better communication, Islamic boarding schools can be safe and supportive for each of their students. The results of this research have an important role in increasing awareness and action to prevent bullying at the Salaf Islamic Boarding School.</em></p> Ulul Albab, Mohammad Syaifuddin syaifudin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SUPPORTING FACTORS FOR THE SUCCESS OF LEARNING LITERATURE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS: A CASE STUDY AT SMP N 1 KARANGDADAP <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>&nbsp;Literary learning in education is implemented simultaneously with Indonesian language teaching. The success of literature learning in secondary schools is influenced by several supporting factors. Literature is not only composed of language that forms meaning, literature is also composed of life phenomena that require reflection. The aim of the research is to support the success of literature learning in secondary schools. This research uses qualitative methods as its approach and collects data through interviews and observations. Data analysis uses data reduction methods, data presentation and drawing conclusions. In this method, students are able to foster motivation to learn literature in Indonesian language subjects. The results of this research show that there are several factors supporting the success of literature learning in secondary schools. The first factor is the curriculum factor, the changing curriculum causes literature learning to be less studied in schools. The second factor is teachers, teachers can provide literary learning facilities for students. The third factor is students or students, students' interest in literature is influenced by learning at school. The fourth factor is facilities and infrastructure, schools provide facilities and infrastructure to support literature learning at school.</p> Diva Ali Saidatul Rizqi, Sonia Ni'matul Khoeriyah , Dwi Febrianti Isriyadi , Khanifah, Damar Aji Santoso Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AT STUDENT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN BANYUMAS INDONESIA <p class="Papertext" style="margin: 0in 28.1pt .0001pt 28.1pt;"><em>Institutional development for each student in an Islamic boarding school amidst the rapid development of information technology is a crucial aspect because it will influence the existence and impact of the institution's existence on society. This research aims to find patterns of institutional development in student Islamic boarding schools through a description and in-depth analysis of the practices carried out by the An-Najah student Islamic boarding school in Banyumas. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, with data search techniques using interviews, documentation, and observation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The research results show that institutional development is carried out based on three main aspects, namely: scientific and curriculum development based on an integrative, integrated and accommodative approach, cooperation development carried out by building networks at local to international levels, as well as human resource development through strengthening soft skills and skills required. This institutional development can significantly impact the institution's existence, which is marked by an increase in the number of students and a positive response from the community regarding the existence of Islamic boarding schools.</em></p> zuri pamuji, muhammad sholeh Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 AN-NAḤWU AL-WAẒĪFĪ WA DAURUHU FĪ TAISĪR TA’LĪM AN-NAḤWI LI GAIR AN-NĀṬIQĪN BI AL-‘ARABIYYAH <p>Nahwu berperan dalam mengatur penggunaan bahasa agar ia dapat dipahami. Meskipun demikian, nahwu masih menjadi materi yang dianggap sulit oleh sebagian besar siswa. Salah satu sebab kesulitan mempelajari nahwu adalah materi yang terlalu luas dan sisi filosofis yang masuk di dalamnya. Tujuan artikel ini adalah mendeskripsikan prinsip prinsip nahwu wadhifi sebagai salah satu solusi untuk memudahkan siswa dalam mempelajari nahwu. Ketika siswa dapat mempelajari nahwu dengan baik diharapkan ia dapat menggunakannya untuk menopang kegiatan berbahasa dengan benar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nahwu wadhifi adalah salah satu teori kebahasaan yang berusaha menyederhanakan konsep dan hal-hal teknis bagi para pengkaji nahwu. Hal ini bertujuan untuk membentuk kompetensi linguistik yang memandang bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi antara dua pihak. Dari segi pemilihan materi, nahwu wadhifi hanya menyajikan tema-tema yang mendukung berbahasa secara benar baik secara tulis maupun lisan.</p> Abdul Basith Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES OF ARABIC LANGUAGE TEACHERS TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN CLASS IX STUDENTS AT MTS. MUHAMMADIYAH METRO <p><em>This research aims to analyze the Professional Competence of Arabic Language Teachers in order to improve learning outcomes for MTs students. Muhammadiyah Metro. Starting from preparation, implementation to learning evaluation to see the learning outcomes of ninth grade students at MTs. Muhammadiyah Metro. In this research, researchers used qualitative research methods with a case study approach. The data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation. The data that has been obtained will be analyzed using data validity using the data triangulation method. The research results in this study revealed that several factors influence student learning outcomes at MTs. Muhammadiyah Metro will improve with the readiness of Arabic language teachers in conceptualizing learning material to make it more interesting. As well as the understanding of Arabic language teachers in delivering Arabic language material to students with strategies and teaching methods that are easily accepted by students. The underlying thing in improving learning outcomes is emotional feelings between students and Arabic language teachers to build a communicative interaction so that Arabic language material can be accepted and understood by female students at MTs. Muhammadiyah Metro so that it can improve Arabic language learning outcomes.</em></p> Iqbal Mufadhil, Risna Rianti Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 COOPERATIVE LEARNING IN ARABIC WRITING SKILL WITH MEDIA CHAIN WORD FLAG <p><em>This research was motivated by Arabic language learning using chain word flag media based on cooperative learning at MI Ikhlasiyah Palembang. This research focuses on learning the maharah of the kitabah. The aim of this research is to determine the process and improvement of Arabic language learning in Maharah Kitabah before and after the implementation of chain word flag media based on cooperative learning. This research used mixed methods, and took place at MI Ikhlasiyah Palembang. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, documentation and tests. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model of data analysis. With procedures for reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, the quantitative data analysis procedure uses the normality test, homogeneity test and T test. The results of this research show that the aim of learning Arabic using chain word flag media with the cooperative learning method in sixth grade is to improve students' ability to write Arabic and able to foster a sense of responsibility in students. The process of implementing Arabic language learning using chain word flag media based on cooperative learning is able to help students receive and understand the material presented by the teacher. The effectiveness of the method that the researchers used showed good results, as evidenced by the analysis tests that the researchers carried out with results showing a significant increase in student scores after implementing this chain word flag media. The average student score before this model was implemented was only 44.69, whereas after implementation the average student score increased to 70.78 after being analyzed using the normality test, homogeneity test and T test.</em></p> Wasilah, Nazarmanto, Silvi Tri Utami, Nurul Hidayah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROLE PLAYING METHOD IN LEARNING MAHᾹRAH AL-KALᾹM FOR CLASS XI STUDENTS AT MAS SIMBANG KULON BUARAN PEKALONGAN <p><em>MAS Simbang Kulon is a school with a Salafi background, not a modern school with a language environment. In learning Arabic mahᾱrah al-kalᾱm, many students in class XI MIPA 3 MAS Simbang Kulon still lack confidence in speaking Arabic. Therefore, educators there apply the role playing method in the hope that students can be more active and brave in speaking Arabic. The objectives of this research are: (1) To describe the implementation of the role playing method in teaching maharᾱh al-kalᾱm to class XI students at MAS Simbang Kulon Buaran Pekalongan. (2) To describe the advantages and disadvantages of the role playing method in teaching maharᾱh al-kalᾱm to class XI students at MAS Simbang Kulon Buaran Pekalongan. This research uses field research and a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model which consists of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the role playing method in learning mahᾱrᾱh al-kalᾱm for class There are several stages in implementing this method. The first is the planning stage, the second is the implementation stage, and the third is the evaluation stage. But in its application there are advantages and disadvantages.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Implementation, Role playing, Mahᾱrah Al-Kalᾱm</em></p> Nabilatul Khanifah, Muasomah, Dzulkifli M. Mooduto Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF PARETO PRINCIPLE IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF STUDENT LEARNING IN UNDERSTANDING I'RAB <p>This study aims to determine the application of the pareto principle in improving the quality of santri learning in understanding I'rob at Darul Muwahhidin Islamic Boarding School Tarogong Kidul Garut. The method used in this research is quantitative type Quasi Experimental Design. The results showed that the application of the pareto principle was tested for validity and reliability. The questionnaire of the students' understanding of i'rab has 20 statement items categorized as valid with a score of 0.54. The experimental class pretest normality test results were 68 and the control class was 64. The experimental class posttest normality test results obtained a score of 87 and a control class of 82. Hypothesis testing shows that the t value is not between the t table, namely -9.7 &lt; 2.09. This shows that the pareto principle can improve the quality of santri learning in understanding I'rob. Thus, the findings of this study will support the innovation of learning principles more effectively in Islamic boarding schools and Islamic education institutions in general.</p> Ijudin, Kholifah Al-Faruq Fathurrohman, Nenden Munawaroh Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 TRADITIONAL LEARNING TECHNOLOGY FOR MASTERING ARABIC VOCABULARY <p><em>This research aims to determine the Arabic vocabulary learning of Al-Fatih Nunggalrejo Islamic boarding school students through traditional learning technology. This qualitative research uses a descriptive approach that describes the state of the research object involving Arabic teachers and 14 students. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The research results show that the application of traditional learning technology in simple vocabulary books, accompanied by the application of the singing method in learning Arabic vocabulary at the Al-Fatih Nunggalrejo Islamic boarding school, can be considered quite good. The teacher makes the class more active and makes it easier for students to memorize lots of vocabulary. This traditional learning technology has advantages and disadvantages. The benefits include creating a fun and happy atmosphere, increasing enthusiasm for learning, and making memorizing material at an affordable cost easier. However, it is less suitable for higher grades due to the diversity and complexity of the material and is not ideal for students who tend to be quiet and shy.</em></p> Sepriadi Sepriadi, Rodhy Harisca Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ARABIC LANGUAGE LEARNING WITH MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY: STRATEGIES AND INSTRUMENTATION <p><em>“Learning Arabic with multimedia technology: strategies and tools” is a study that explores the use of multimedia technology as an effective tool in the process of learning Arabic. This study aims to optimize the use of multimedia technology in the context of learning Arabic, with an emphasis on developing methods and tools that can enhance the efficiency and quality of 'learning' . The study addresses various aspects of multimedia technology, such as video, audio, animation and interactive applications, that can be used to present Arabic learning materials in more fun and interactive way. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature review method, using books, scientific journals, conferences and articles related to the research topic. The results of the study indicate that this method can improve students' motivation, understanding of concepts, Arabic language skills, and make learning the Arabic language fun and engaging.</em></p> Muhammad Sajid, Syamsul Anam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UNCOVERING INTERLANGUAGE IN ARABIC LANGUAGE LEARNING CLASS VIII MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH BUSTANUL 'ULUM JAYASAKTI <p><em>This study aims to determine how the interlanguage process by grade VIII students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bustanul 'Ulum Jayasakti for the 2023/2024 school year and to find out whether there are patterns of errors in interlanguage by grade VIII students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bustanul 'Ulum Jayasakti for the 2023/2024 school year from grade VIII randomly. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Research data consists of two sources, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data in the form of documentation is the results of student worksheets in Arabic language learning. While secondary data in the form of observations and interviews with Arabic teachers. The results showed that there is an interlanguage process in learning Arabic, there are errors by grade VIII students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bustanul 'Ulum Jayasakti, many grammatical errors are language transfer, overgeneralization and second language learning strategies. With the hope, the existence of this research is a special concern to be studied further what errors become special patterns in the interlanguage process takes place.</em></p> Hawin Fitriyani, Muhammad Afif Amrulloh Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTING THE INQUIRY LEARNING METHOD IN IMPROVING SUBJECT LEARNING OUTCOMES ARABIC LANGUAGE FOR TENTH GRADE STUDENTS MAN 1 WAY KANAN <p><em>The primary goal of providing education is to graduate sincere students devoted to God Almighty, possessing knowledge, technology, and good morals. Apart from that, it is also able to produce graduate students who can keep up with current developments so that they can live independently in daily life. The formulation of the problem of this thesis is: How to apply the inquiry learning method to improve learning outcomes in Arabic language subjects for the tenth grade MAN 1 Way Kanan for the academic year 2022/2023. The focus of the problem in this research is: Would you like to know the extent to which the inquiry learning method is applied in improving learning outcomes in Arabic subjects at MAN 1 Way Kanan School? The aim of this research is to determine the extent to which the inquiry learning method is applied in improving the learning outcomes of Arabic language subjects for X MAN 1 Way Kanan.</em></p> <p><em>The method used to collect data in this research is observation, interviews, and documentation, and the type of method used by the researcher is the case study method. In analyzing the data obtained, the researcher uses qualitative analysis, which is a research method used to examine the natural state of the organism (as opposed to experimental), where the researcher is the main tool, and data collection techniques are implemented in a triangular (aggregated) manner, and data analysis is inductive, and emphasizes Results of qualitative research on meaning instead. From the generalization.</em></p> <p><em>The findings of field research are that there are still teachers who teach monotonously and orally, there is still a decline in students’ educational achievement, and there are still students who are not proficient in reading and writing the Holy Quran, which makes the process of learning the Arabic language difficult. The result of this research is that it is known that the inquiry learning model is able to improve the educational achievement of students in Arabic language lessons. In other words, students' achievement in learning Arabic becomes better through the inquiry learning process. It can be seen from data derived from observations and documentation, as well as the results of interviews with researchers, that educational achievement in Arabic language subjects is high.</em></p> Afriansyah, J. Sutarjo Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Effective School Management in Encouraging Improvement of Teacher Pedagogical Competence at MI Hidayatul Islam Purwakarta <p><em>A perfect learning experience in the teaching and learning process involves the function and use of learning methods, learning media, evaluation techniques, regional/regional characteristics, student characteristics, parental concerns, student motivation, teacher teaching opportunities and opportunities. This is closely related to a teacher's pedagogical competence. This research aims to analyze teachers' pedagogical competencies in lesson planning, learning processes, and evaluating student learning. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation and documentation studies. The data analysis procedures are data reduction, data display, and verification. The research subjects were the principal, deputy principal and teachers. The results of the research show that: 1) Increasing teachers' pedagogical competence in lesson planning at MI Hidayatul Islam Purwakarta is carried out based on the curriculum and syllabus. Learning planning includes analysis of learning materials which includes competency standards, basic competencies, indicators and main material. 2) Increasing teachers' pedagogical competence in the learning process at MI Hidayatul Islam Purwakarta is carried out by developing mastery of learning theories and learning principles, curriculum development, developing students' potential, and utilizing information and communication technology, communicating effectively, empathetically and politely with students 3) Increasing teachers' pedagogical competence in evaluating student learning is carried out by utilizing the results of assessments and evaluations and carrying out reflective actions to improve the quality of learning.</em></p> Dyah Wulandari, Risna Marselina Setiawan, Tammami Aulia Faridah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Application the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach Improving Science Learning Outcomes for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah <p>Using a conventional approach causes students to tend to get bored and lack understanding of the material, because they only learn from books. Using the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach can make students discover their own knowledge and feel involved in learning. This research aims to determine the application of the CTL approach in improving learning outcomes and also determine the increase in learning outcomes in science subjects after using the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach for class V students at MI Islmiyah, Sumber District, Rembang Regency. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (PTK). This PTK method includes several stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews, observation tests and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques use qualitative and quantitative techniques. The results of this research indicate that the use of the CTL approach can improve student learning outcomes, this is proven by the first cycle activities, meeting I, student learning outcomes were 54.54%. Cycle I meeting II student learning outcomes increased to 68.18%. Cycle II meeting I learning outcomes reached 77.27%. Cycle II meeting II learning outcomes increased to 86.36%</p> Ummu Jauharin Farda, Sasti Wening Ratri, ma'as shobirin, Linda Indiyarti Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 LEARNING EVALUATION OF ARABIC MORFHOPLOGY FOR TSANAWIYAH STUDENTS BASED ON 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES USING THE EDUCANDY WEB <p>Evaluation is the final process of assessing a lesson that is carried out unfortunately in this process it still refers to the cognitive domain, therefore this research is trying to implement 21st-century skills as a basis for measurement including 4 skills namely critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication, this test will assess student learning outcomes from 3 domains, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, tests, and questionnaires. While the qualitative data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman and t-test. This evaluation consists of various forms of questions including multiple choice, crosswords, match-up, memory, word search, naught and crosses, and anagrams. The results of the validation of material experts get an average score of 93 with the "very good" criterion. The results of the validity of the media experts get an average score of 86.66 with the "very good" criteria. The results of the NGain test have an average value of 67.59% which is considered quite effective in improving students' critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.</p> Nurul Hidayah, Mukmin, Ulin Nofiasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ṬARῙQAH AL-INTIQᾹ’IYYAH IN LEARNING NAHWU WITH THE BOOK OF MUKHTAṢOR JIDDAN AT PONDOK PESANTREN HIDAYATUL MUBTADI’IEN PEKALONGAN <p>Learning method is one of the important factors in the learning process. The suitability of educators in choosing learning methods is one of the factors in achieving the success of educators in learning. The purpose of this study is to find out the implementation of Ṭariqah al-intiqāiyyah in learning nahwu with the book Mukhtaṣor Jiddan at Hidayatul Mubtadi'ien Bojong Pekalongan Islamic Boarding School and find out its advantages and disadvantages. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis is data collection, data reduction, presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the implementation of Ṭariqah al-intiqāiyyah in learning nahwu with the book Mukhtaṣor Jiddan at Hidayatul Mubtadi'ien Bojong Pekalongan Islamic Boarding School is good because it is in accordance with the steps in learning, namely educators carry out planning, implementation, and evaluation stages in learning. The advantages of the implementation of Ṭariqah al-intiqāiyyah in learning nahwu with the book Mukhtaṣor Jiddan at Hidayatul Mubtadi'ien Bojong Pekalongan Islamic Boarding School are that students become easy to understand the material, learning becomes more active, and the quality of the quality of educators increases and the shortcomings are the lack of learning time, limited facilities during learning, thus fostering laziness in students.</p> Sabiq Bilhaq, Muasomah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDENTS' DIGITAL INFORMATION ACCESS CAPABILITY AT UIN K.H. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID PEKALONGAN <p><em>State Islamic University (UIN) K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan has four faculties.&nbsp;Regarding&nbsp;digital technology infrastructure and access to information, access is obtained&nbsp;equally and evenly. It should be related to achievement and accreditation, which&nbsp;should also&nbsp;be balanced&nbsp;between the&nbsp;four&nbsp;faculties. In reality, there is a gap in student achievement and accreditation. This research aims to determine the digital gap in student information communication at UIN KH Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. This research uses the digital divide theory, which&nbsp;consists of three variables: access&nbsp;divide, usage divide, and quality of use divide. The population of this study was 12,225 students, with&nbsp;a sample of 388 students. The sampling technique uses proportional stratified sampling with a standard error of 5%. The analysis technique uses SPSS to compare means through one-way ANOVA.&nbsp;The&nbsp;research results show&nbsp;a digital divide among UIN KH Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan students, with&nbsp;a sig value of 0.007.&nbsp;If we reduce it to 3&nbsp;variables,&nbsp;the&nbsp;access divide also experiences a gap.&nbsp;The sig access divide value is 0.000. Meanwhile, there is no gap between the usage divide and the quality of use divide, with sig values of 0.194 and 0.082 for the quality of use divide, respectively. Even though there is no gap in the usage divide and quality of use divide variables, the values are lower than the access divide.&nbsp;This&nbsp;can mean that students' abilities are not optimal when using digital devices, and&nbsp;the quality of content accessed by students is not optimal.</em></p> Teddy Dyatmika, Farah Farhatussho Imah, Ayu Febriyanti, Feri Gunawan Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF TAHFIDZ EDUQATION AT DARUL QUR’AN BOARDHING SCHOOL BANYUMAS <p><em>This research aims to apply management in the tahfidz learning process so that students are able to memorize the Al-Qur'an easily and quickly. This research was conducted at the Darul Qur'an Al-Karim Islamic Boarding School, Baturaden, Banyumas. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The data sources are generated from primary data and secondary data collected through observation, interviews and documentation. Research in analysis goes through several stages, namely data collection, data preparation, data presentation, conclusions and data confirmation. The results of this research show that management practices at the research location apply management theory starting from planning, implementation and evaluation. Planning is carried out through deposits of one day and one page. Implementation through tikrar, talaqqi and intense mentoring methods. Meanwhile, evaluation is carried out through routine evaluation programs, open discussions and dialogue.</em></p> Sukataman, Sabar Zuhdi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE USE OF THE REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (RME) LEARNING MODEL ON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES IN THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM <p><em>This research aims to examine the effect of implementing the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) model on the learning outcomes of high school students in the independent curriculum and to find out what impact it has on students' ability to understand mathematical concepts.. The data collection method used in this research is the library study method and literature study by analyzing various library sources related to the application of the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning model. Based on the results of a review of several literatures, the results of this research show that the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning model has positive results and is proven to improve high school students' learning outcomes. The characteristics of the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning model are that it has a student-centered learning focus, uses a variety of methods, and comprehensive learning evaluation so that it is in line with the implementation of their curriculum. The implication of this research is the need for widespread implementation of the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning model in all schools, especially in the context of implementing the Merdeka curriculum.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning model, Learning outcomes, Independent curriculum, High School.</em></p> Kevin Fredika Shandy, Zulaeka Indah Sriyani, Khafriza Faiqotuz Zahro, Hikmatul Karomah, Chaerunisa Syifa Amanda Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 GAME BASED LEARNING: UTILIZATION OF CROSS MATH GAMES IN IMPROVING PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' CRITICAL MATHEMATICAL REASONING ABILITIES <p><em>The increasing development of digitalization has now resulted in many students at elementary school level being proficient in using gadgets both for playing games and just watching videos.&nbsp; However, this is not used as a bridge for students to hone their ability to reason critically.&nbsp; Mathematics is one of the subjects that students are less interested in, including students at elementary school level.&nbsp; This is because there are many mathematical concepts that require special concentration so that students are required to be able to reason critically in understanding them.&nbsp; An alternative that can be used to improve students' critical reasoning abilities is by applying a game based learning model in mathematics learning.&nbsp; This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the game based learning model by applying the Cross Math game as a medium to improve critical reasoning skills in elementary school students' mathematics learning.&nbsp; This research uses a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive research methods to obtain information regarding the use of cross math games in improving elementary school students' mathematical critical reasoning abilities.&nbsp; The results of this research show that mathematics learning presented in the form of game-based learning with the Cross Math game media can improve critical and effective reasoning skills to increase elementary school students' motivation.</em></p> Linda Kurnia Sari, Nihadhu Adilah, Via Livtiana, Mada Satya Kusuma Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE INFLUNCE OF USING AI ON STUDENTS` CRITICAL THINGKING ABILITIES <p>ABSTRACT<br>Critical thinking is an intellectual thinking process where the thinker uses reflective, independent, clear and rational thinking. Critical thinking includes skills in interpreting, assessing observations, information and argumentation. Critical thinking encourages an individual to be able to compare, classify, give reasons, make plans or other things in daily activities that require it. This research uses qualitative research methods by collecting observation data, interviews, questionnaires and documentationTechnological developments have become the basis for the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a revolutionary concept and technology. Technology''s ability to process data efficiently and solve problems quickly has become the main driver for AI progress. The use of AI is not limited to one sector, but has penetrated various sectors including health, education, finance, industry, and many more. In conclusion, while AI has become an integral part of academic life, there are other factors that influence students'' ability to think critically. A thoughtful approach in integrating AI technology in learning and placing a strong emphasis on developing critical thinking skills is essential in addressing the potential impact of excessive AI use in learning.</p> Fika Sabrina, Riska Ameliyah, Nadela Putri Pambayun, Alya Shilfiana, Audy Friska Arnita Sari, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 NEUROSCIENCE IN ARABIC LANGUAGE LEARNING PRACTICES: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN COGNITIVE PROCESSES AND LANGUAGE ABILITY THROUGH INNOVATIVE LEARNING MEDIA <p>Arabic language learning has become a subject of growing interest in cognitive neuroscience studies. This study aims to explore how neuroscientific concepts can be integrated into Arabic language teaching practices to strengthen the relationship between cognitive processes and language abilities. By combining knowledge about brain activity in language learning with an innovative pedagogical approach, this approach aims to increase learning efficiency and strengthen students' retention and understanding of the Arabic language. This study involves direct observation of the Arabic language learning process in a formal education environment, by paying attention to students' cognitive responses to the various teaching strategies implemented. In addition, this research also involves neuroscientific analysis to understand brain activity that occurs during the Arabic language learning process, such as language processing, grammatical understanding, and vocabulary application. The results of the research show that the use of a neuroscientific approach in Arabic language learning practice can produce significant improvements in ability. students to understand and use the language. By establishing a stronger connection between cognitive processes and language skills, this approach opens the door to the development of more effective and adaptive learning methods in Arabic language education environments.</p> Muhammad Ilham Baihaqqi, Suyadi, Yogi Sopian Haris Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 28 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (QUIZIZZ) IN INCREASE ARABIC VOCABULARY AT SDIT INSAN KAMIL BANDAR JAYA EAST <p>In this digital era, the use of technology in the classroom is very important. One tool that can be used as a learning tool is Quizizz. Teachers can create interactive quizzes using an application called Quizizz, and students can take them online. The aim of this study was to characterize participants' experiences and viewpoints regarding the use of Quizizz digital technology to improve vocabulary in Arabic. Data was collected through student observation, interviews, and documentation using qualitative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out by observing the learning process using Quizzizz digital technology used in learning, observations were carried out by looking at the form of digital technology used by teachers in the teaching and learning process, then to deepen the data in the field, interview techniques were also used which were needed as research supporting data. The findings of this research show how using Quizizz increases motivation, enthusiasm, engagement, and mastery of Arabic words. With Quizizz, they have a fun and engaging experience, and their vocabulary increases significantly. This research offers a comprehensive overview of how Quizizz digital technology is used to improve Arabic vocabulary and offers in-depth information for the creation of more effective teaching methods in the future.</p> Nasrullah, Ahmad Rifa’i Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 USE OF LANGUAGE GAMES TO INCREASE STUDENTS' INTEREST IN LEARNING ARABIC <p><em>This research aims to increase students' interest in learning Arabic by using language games for class VIII students at MTS Maarif 5 Bumi nabung, Central Lampung. This is research and what is used is classroom action research and uses a qualitative experimental approach. The results of this research are that students' interest in learning Arabic increased through the use of language games in class VIII students at MTs Maarif 5 Bumi nabung, Central Lampung for the 2023</em><em>/2024</em><em> academic year where students' test scores increased from cycle I to cycle II, this was because of the final test scores. That's why I started 62 days then the share of Cycle II was 83. The presentation of students' interest in learning Arabic from cycle I to Cycle II increased, where the presentation achieved in cycle I was 70% and at the end of cycle II was 82%. So it can be concluded that "The use of language games to increase interest in learning Arabic for class VIII students at MTs Maarif 5 Bumi nabung, Central Lampung for the 2023</em><em>/2024</em><em> academic year" was accepted.</em></p> Khafidatul Mukarromah, Nandang Sarip Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGIES FOR CHOOSING ARABIC LEARNING TECHNOLOGY AT SMAIT BAITUL MUSLIM <p><em>The purpose of this study was to see the approach of SMAIT Baitul Muslim in the selection of Arabic learning technology. To better understand the methods used in the selection and application of learning technology, this study involved interviews with teachers and students as well as literature review to support the results of field observations. The results showed that SMAIT Baitul Muslim chose learning technology using a methodical process that prioritizes student needs. These methods include actions including determining the needs and characteristics of schools, teachers, and students, analyzing the availability of technology, and measuring the potential of learning technology. In addition, one of the most important aspects in the successful implementation of technology-based learning is to provide training and mentoring to teachers in using it. The results of this study highlight the importance of mature and long-term strategies when utilizing technology to improve the quality of Arabic learning and teaching activities at SMAIT Baitul Muslim.</em></p> Ian Antono, Ahmad Taufiq Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UTILIZATION OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING MEDIA CANVA IN MASTERING ARABIC VOCABULARY CLASS X MADRASAH ALIYAH MA'ARIF 03 SEPUTIH BANYAK <p>The purpose of this study is to describe teachers' perceptions about the use of Canva applications in supporting Arabic language learning, especially in vocabulary mastery. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method, where the data is obtained through the distribution of questionnaires and observations in class. Data analysis uses quantitative descriptive. The results of this study show that the use of the Canva application can support Arabic language learning in the classroom. The Canva app can be an effective alternative in improving the quality of Arabic language learning. The use of this application can help teachers in creating interesting and easy-to-understand learning materials. This is because learning Arabic requires a creative and innovative approach so that children are easier to understand and absorb the subject matter. One solution to increase the effectiveness of Arabic learning is to use digital technology, such as this Canva application.</p> Maratus Sholekhah, J. Sutarjo Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDENT RECRUITMENT STRATEGY AT MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH NEGERI 2 KESESI PEKALONGAN <p><em>This research aims to analyze the recruitment strategy for new students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Kesesi Pekalongan. This research is qualitative. The research was conducted at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Kesesi Pekalongan with the research subjects being the principal, head of new student admissions, secretary and new student admissions committee, student guardians, students and the community. Data was collected using in-depth interview techniques, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results of the research show that the strategy for recruiting new students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Kesesi Pekalongan is implemented with five strategies, namely preparing online and offline banners, involving partners with other schools, forming a success team, mapping locations and determining targets, actualization and monitoring and evaluation.</em></p> Bregas Widya Pratama, Muna Fauziah, Benny Kurniawan, Eliyanto, Sudadi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRENGTHENING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NATURAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN BUILDING RELIGIOUS MODERATION <p>Naturalist Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence are two important aspects in establishing healthy and sustainable religious moderation. The implementation of naturalist intelligence involves a deep understanding of nature and its creation, actualizing awareness of the relationship between humans and the universe. On the other hand, emotional intelligence describes an individual's ability to manage their own emotions and those of others, promoting empathy, tolerance, and understanding of different religious perspectives. And how combining these two intelligences in building religious moderation can make a positive contribution in reducing religious conflict, increasing interreligious dialogue, and forming a more inclusive and harmonious society. In the era of globalization and cultural diversity, the implementation of naturalist intelligence and emotional intelligence can be an important foundation for peace and harmony between religious communities.</p> <p>Keywords: Intellegence, Naturalist, Emotiona</p> zeinal abidin, Mastiyanto , Saiful Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INVESTIGATION ISLAMIC WITHIN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING TEXTBOOKS: A CONTENT ANALYSIS METHOD <p><em>In a world that is increasingly interconnected, the incorporation of cultural and religious values into educational resources has sparked significant interest and discussion. This study delves into the portrayal and integration of Islamic values in English language learning textbooks using a content analysis methodology. By drawing on Islamic ethical principles and teaching methods, the research examines how Islamic values are included, illustrated, and contextualized within the content of these textbooks. Through a systematic analysis of a sample of English language learning materials, the study aims to identify the prevalence and characteristics of Islamic values such as justice, compassion, humility, and integrity. Additionally, the research seeks to evaluate how these values are presented in connection to cultural backgrounds, linguistic subtleties, and educational goals. The research methodology employs a qualitative content analysis, utilizing deductive and inductive approaches to classify and interpret textual representations of Islamic values. By critically assessing the language, themes, and teaching techniques utilized in the textbooks, the study aims to offer insights into the potential influence of these materials on learners' perceptions, attitudes, and comprehension of Islamic values within the realm of English language education. The outcomes of this study are anticipated to enrich discussions on cultural diversity and educational material design, particularly in the domain of English language instruction. By shedding light on the depiction of Islamic values in English language learning resources, the research strives to guide curriculum developers, educators, and policymakers on the possibilities and obstacles in fostering intercultural awareness and religious acceptance through language education.</em></p> Mutmainnah Mustofa, M Galuh Elga Romadhon Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION ABILITIES IN COMPLEX ANALYSIS COURSES IN TERMS OF INITIAL ABILITIES <p><em>Low mathematical representation skills of students such as revealing mathematic ideas or ideas that are presented and attempts to find solutions to problems, moreover in complex analysis courses the ability to represent mathematics is much needed. The study aims to analyze the representative ability of the student reviewed from the initial ability. This research was conducted in the mathematical tadris study program of Islamic State University K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan on the course of Complex Analysis. The type of research used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection used in this study uses pretests to determine early skills and interviews to identify student representation skills. The sample of the research was a tadris student of mathematics of the 21st generation. Sampling using purposive sampling with specific criteria and data validation using triangulation techniques. Data analysis includes condensation analysis, data presentation, and conclusion drawings, which produce an overview of the student's reviewed representation abilities from the initial abilities. The results of the overall research obtained average percentage of the student's mathematical representation ability is in the middle category. This research could provide a better understanding of the relationship between students' mathematical representation abilities and their early skills in complex analysis courses.</em></p> Sri Winarsih, Lu’lu’ul Maknunah, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING IN IMPROVING MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING <p>Mathematics learning often emphasizes mere concepts. The application of concepts in questions is still rarely done, making students less likely to understand the material. For this reason, this research was carried out so that students were able to understand learning through carrying out formative assessments as a form of practice in working on questions. This research uses qualitative methodology. The term “qualitative research” refers to research with a descriptive approach and consistent use of analysis. The procedures and structure are studied in more depth in qualitative research. This theory is used as a guide to ensure the focus of the investigation is in accordance with existing facts. The data collection techniques used were field studies and literature studies. The literature review was carried out by looking for trusted journals. Meanwhile, case studies are carried out using observations and interviews. The research results show that implementing formative assessments continuously can help improve students' understanding of mathematics. Because formative assessments provide precise and in-depth feedback, so that students can understand their strengths and weaknesses and can develop strategies to improve their understanding, this is a fundamental basis in the implementation of education</p> Susilo Adi Prayoga, Nindya Ayu Salsabila, Imam Mahdi, Taufik Ramadhan, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE URGENCY OF THE CONCEPT OF COMPLEX NUMBERS TO GROW CREATIVE AND INNOVATION THINKING SKILLS <p>The concept of complex numbers is very important for developing creative and innovative thinking abilities in students. The ability to think creatively and innovate is very important to achieve success in various fields including science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This research aims to determine the relationship between understanding complex numbers and developing creative and innovative thinking skills by exploring the properties and applications of complex numbers, as well as a deeper understanding of abstract concepts, learning to think out of the box, and cultivating a positive mindset. open to new ideas and perspectives. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation and interviews with Tadris Mathematics Students. The subjects in this research were 10 Tadris Mathematics students at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. The results of this research show that integrating complex number concepts into the educational curriculum can significantly improve students' creative and innovative thinking abilities. The findings of this study have significant implications for educators and policy makers, highlighting the need to incorporate complex number concepts into educational programs to improve creative and innovative thinking skills among students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Eva Febriyani, Septia Putri Az Zahra, Muhamad Rizky, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MADRASAH HEAD STRATEGY IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION AT MI MA'ARIF PULUTAN, SALATIGA CITY <p><em>Quality education is one of its 17 objectives&nbsp;Sustainable development goals&nbsp;(SDGs) that every country must fulfill for its citizens. Implementing quality education must go through a planned and well-accommodated strategy from the madrasa head to the students. This research aims to describe the strategy of the madrasa head at MI Pulutan, Salatiga City, in improving the quality of education so that it becomes one of the best madrasas in Salatiga City. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. To check the validity of the data, researchers used source triangulation and technical triangulation techniques. The results obtained are that the Head of MI Ma'arif Pulutan has a special strategy to improve the quality of education at MI Ma'arif Pulutan, namely by selecting teaching staff according to competency, providing a forum for developing students' talents and interests, providing a distinctive religious culture, providing the same facilities, providing superior programs, and providing openness in all elements of the madrasa so that the entire learning process runs well. The success of the madrasa head in leading is one indicator of the many achievements achieved by students</em></p> Muhamad kholil, Mochamad Yunus Ariansyah, Badrus Zaman Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF LITERATURE LEARNING WITH A HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE IN CLASS XII STUDENTS AT SMA NEGERI 1 PANINGGARAN <p>This article discusses the implementation of literature learning from a humanist perspective for class XII students at SMA Negeri 1 Paninggaran. At SMA Negeri 1 Paninggaran, the teaching of literature is an integral part of the learning process, giving students the opportunity to broaden their horizons, develop creativity, and increase their understanding of humans and the world around them. Based on this brief background, the purpose of this article is to find out how the humanist perspective on literature learning in class Xll and provide opportunities for students to express themselves so that it can help students to develop their creativity. The research method used is qualitative. This research utilizes interview observation, techniques and documentation as data collection steps. The data analysis in this research uses data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that learning literature with a humanist approach can increase understanding of human values in literary works and can improve students' critical thinking skills. Based on the results of research at SMA Negeri 1 Paninggaran, it shows that literature learning is quite good, however, learning facilities to support learning are still&nbsp;inadequate.</p> Aryana Maula, Indri Sagita, Usnidatillah, Asshofia Aura Zulfani, Diah Ayu Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE THINK PAIR SHARE METHOD AS AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT AT MI WALISONGO PAESAN 02 <p><em>Student learning achievement is important in the world of education. One of the efforts to improve student learning achievement is by implementing effective learning methods. This study aims to analyze the implementation of learning methods as an effort to improve student learning achievement in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) by using qualitative research methods This research was conducted by interviewing teachers at MI Walisongo Paesan 2. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of learning methods that focus on the method of approach to students, has had a positive impact on student learning achievement. Students are actively involved in the learning process, so their learning motivation increases. In addition, this learning method also helps students in understanding the subject matter better The results also show that the factors that support the success of student learning methods include: competent teachers who care about students’ development, support from the school in providing adequate learning resources, positive interaction between students in learning groups, and the role of parents is very important in improving students’ learning achievement.</em></p> Mustafidah Putri Atsalisa Fidah, M. Dimas Abdurrohman, Akbar Falaqul Mubarok, Khikmatul Fatwah , Zakiatul Fauziah , Mariyatul Fadhilah, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 WORK ENVIRONMENT ON THE QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: A QUANTITATIVE STUDY <p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of the work environment on the quality of educational institutions at Ma'arif 5 Gombong Vocational High School. This research is quantitative. Data was obtained from teachers and employees of Ma'arif 5 Gombong Vocational High School with a total of 30 samples. Data was collected using questionnaire techniques. Data analysis was carried out by carrying out prerequisite tests, carrying out regression, and hypothesis tests with partial correlation. The results of the research show that there is a joint positive and significant influence of the work environment on the quality of educational institutions at Vocational School Ma'arif 5 Gombong as evidenced by the t<sub>count</sub> of 3.575 which is greater than the t<sub>table</sub> of 2.052. Thus, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the work environment on the quality of educational institutions at Ma'arif 5 Gombong Vocational High School.</em></p> Moh Rofiq Habibi, Imam Satibi, Atim Rinawati, Maryanto, Muna Fauziah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF GAMIFICATION-BASED LEARNING MEDIA TO IMPROVE STUDENT MOTIVATION IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY COURSES <p><em>This research aims to develop gamification-based learning media to enhance student motivation in Educational Technology courses. The research method employed is Research and Development (R&amp;D) using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The subjects of the study are 5th-semester students majoring in Early Childhood Education (PIAUD) at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. Data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and interviews, and then analyzed using descriptive quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results show that gamification-based learning media significantly increase students' learning motivation, as evidenced by a 25% increase in motivation scores after using the media. These findings suggest that integrating gamification into learning activities can be an effective strategy to boost student motivation in Educational Technology courses.</em></p> Dicky Anggriawan Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Written Corrective Feedback: A Narrative Inquiry Of Writing Feedback In Intensive English Course Writing Class <p>This research aims to determine students' perspectives on lecturers' written corrective feedback in writing intensive English courses and how written corrective feedback can motivate students to write in intensive English course: writing classes. Thus, the research questions of this study are (1) what is the student's perspective on written corrective feedback given by the teacher in the intensive English course: writing class? (2) how can written corrective feedback motivate students to write in the intensive English course: writing class? This research, which uses a qualitative approach in the form of narrative inquiry, shares students' personal experiences regarding writing with corrective feedback given by lecturers in the intensive English course: writing class at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. The findings show that participants have a positive perspective towards the lecturer's written corrective feedback in the intensive English course: writing class. Then, most participants agreed that written corrective feedback could improve their writing performance. It is hoped that the findings of this research will be useful for lecturers in providing effective written corrective feedback.</p> alma ariyani, Dewi puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Students’ Experiences In Using Grammarly Application : A Case Study <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>This case study explores students' experiences with Grammarly, an advanced technological tool for enhancing written communication skills. Through qualitative interviews with students of varying academic levels, the study investigates the benefits and challenges associated with Grammarly usage. Results indicate that while Grammarly significantly improves writing quality and effectiveness, students encounter difficulties in understanding and implementing its suggestions, particularly in complex grammatical contexts. Contextual limitations are also observed, notably in scientific writing or programming. Nevertheless, effective integration of Grammarly into the writing process is emphasized as crucial for enhancing academic writing proficiency. Recommendations are provided for educators to support students in optimizing Grammarly alongside other writing resources.</p> <p><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><em>s:</em> Grammarly, technological tools, written communication, academic writing, student experiences.</p> Nabila Attar Tsania, Dewi puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INDONESIA LANGUAGE SKILLS MAP ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS PHASE 1 IN THE BOOK "AKU BISA" SOFIE DEWAYANI <p><em>Goals this research to analyze and identify the language skills of phase A class 1 students in the Indonesian book Aku Bisa written by Sofie Dewayani. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a type of literature study. This type of qualitative research does not involve researchers in collecting data directly in the field. A qualitative approach is a research method that focuses on in-depth understanding and interpretation of the meaning of data. Library research is research carried out using literature (libraries), whether in the form of books, notes or reports of previous research results. This research focuses on analyzing existing literature sources. This research data was collected by intensive repeated reading, taking notes, and marking the parts included in Indonesian language skills. The technique used to analyze data in this research is content analysis technique. The results of the research show that in the Indonesian language book Aku Bisa SD Class 1 there are 6 Indonesian language skills, namely (1) listening, (2) reading, (3) speaking, (4) writing, (5) observe, and (6) imitating and doing . The language skills in this book form a pattern and show priority emphasis on the skills taught to phase A class 1 students. Through this research, educators are given an overview of what language skills are important to give to students by considering the development and needs of learning Indonesian.</em></p> Tamaro Ulzima Stari, Nova Fitriyani, Abdul Mukhlis Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Ethnoscience in Higher Education: A Meta Data and Bibliometric Analysis <p><em>Ethnoscience is an approach that emphasizes local wisdom in learning. This research aims to analyze based on the content of ethnoscience learning research from 2019-2023 in terms of learning aspects and impacts. Data were collected from the Scopus database using the keyword "ethnoscience" from 2019-2023, resulting in 119 data points. Subsequently, data were excluded based on document type, publications in English, and open access, resulting in 79 documents. Further analysis was conducted by mapping data according to research themes, resulting in 56 documents. The research findings indicate that ethnoscience learning in higher education remains a popular teaching approach among science educators. Improvisations are made, such as integrating ethnoscience with teaching models, as an effort by educators to innovate ethnoscience learning. Scientific literacy and critical thinking skills are the effects most widely studied by researchers in the world when using an ethnoscience approach.</em></p> Muhamad Chamdani, Siti Fatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDENTS' EXPERIENCES IN USING YOUTUBE MEDIA FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING <p>Learning English via YouTube has become a popular method among students due to its universal accessibility, variety of content available, and interactive features that enrich the learning experience. The aim of this research is to explore students' experiences using YouTube as an English language learning tool. Data was collected through interviews and qualitative research and analyzed to identify key insights regarding the use of YouTube in English language learning. This research shows that YouTube provides broad access to a wide variety of English-language content, from formal educational videos to more casual entertainment-based content, allowing students to choose topics according to their interests and learning needs, increasing motivation and engagement. Interactive features like video captions and built-in quizzes also help increase student engagement. Direct exposure to English through YouTube content can improve students' listening, speaking and language comprehension skills, but challenges such as difficulty understanding accents and risks to content quality were also identified. Criticism is needed in selecting and evaluating content to maximize the benefits of using YouTube in English language learning.</p> Shofi Khairunnisa Nisa, Shofi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX ANALYSIS PROBLEM SOLVING IN TERMS OF PROBLEM-SOLVING ABILITY <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kemampuan pemecahan masalah merupakan kemampuan yang sangat penting dan wajib dikuasai oleh setiap individu dalam proses pembelajaran matematika. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yang relatif rendah menyebabkan kesulitan dalam memecahkan masalah serta kurang mampu mengembangkan ide dan kemampuannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pemecahan masalah dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan analisis yang kompleks, khususnya pada perubahan bentuk polar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 10 mahasiswa semester enam program studi Matematika Tadris UIN KH. Abdurahman Wahid Pekalongan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah berupa soal deskripsi analisis kompleks. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis menurut Miles dan Huberman, dimana kegiatan dalam analisis data ini meliputi: 1) reduksi data, 2) penyajian data, dan 3) verifikasi. Berdasarkan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil penelitian kemampuan pemecahan masalah bervariasi dengan kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa pada tahap memahami masalah, merencanakan strategi dan melaksanakan strategi sudah mampu melakukannya, namun pada indikaor memeriksa ulang jawaban masih ada siswa yang tidak melakukannya. Penelitian ini berpotensi meningkatkan kemampuan abstrak siswa dan dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah matematika yang kompleks.</span></span></span></span></em></p> <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kata Kunci: : Kemampuan pemecahan masalah, Analisis Kompleks, Siswa.&nbsp;</span></span></span></span></em></p> Rizta Dinda Najwa Akmala, Shindy Arizka Novilia, Rachel Gizka Ayudistia, Umi mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Developing an Understanding of the Transition Period and Stimulating Children's Readiness to Enter Elementary School among Preschool Teachers in Purwakarta Regency <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Pemahaman guru prasekolah terhadap masa transisi dan kesiapan anak memasuki sekolah dasar merupakan hal yang mendasar dalam menentukan tindakan guru dalam menciptakan proses dan keluaran pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Namun sebagian besar guru prasekolah di Kabupaten Purwakarta belum memiliki pemahaman yang utuh mengenai kesiapan sekolah sehingga stimulasi pembelajaran yang diberikan tidak mengacu pada kompetensi anak pada masa transisi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pemahaman guru prasekolah tentang masa transisi dan kesiapan anak memasuki sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan <em>Participatory Action Reasearch</em> (PAR). Diawali dengan melakukan analisis kondisi terhadap 30 guru prasekolah di Kabupaten Purwakarta, dan dilanjutkan dengan memberikan penguatan melalui sistem pelatihan guru. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa setelah diberikan pelatihan, terjadi peningkatan pemahaman guru prasekolah mengenai masa transisi dan kesiapan sekolah. Guru memahami bahwa kesiapan seorang anak ditentukan oleh kematangan usia serta hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tingkat perkembangan anak meliputi perkembangan kognitif, fisik-sensorimotor, perkembangan sosial-emosional, dan sikap belajar. Guru juga memahami bahwa kesiapan keluarga dalam memberikan dukungan, stimulasi dan sikap melalui pengasuhan yang menyenangkan, serta kesiapan sekolah dalam hal kompetensi guru, program kegiatan, dan sarana prasarana memberikan pengaruh besar dalam membentuk kesiapan sekolah anak. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan dalam menyusun program masa transisi dan kesiapan sekolah anak.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci </strong>: Kesiapan, transisi sekolah, pemahaman guru</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p>P<em>reschool teacher’s understanding of the transition period and children's readiness to enter elementary school is fundamental in determining teacher actions in creating quality learning processes and outputs. However, the majority of preschool teachers in Purwakarta Regency do not have a complete understanding of school readiness so that the learning stimulation provided does not refer to children's competencies during the transition period. The </em><em>purpose of this research is </em><em>to develop preschool teachers' understanding of the transition period and children's readiness to enter elementary school. </em><em>The research was conducted by using </em><em>Participatory Action Research (PAR) </em><em>approaches</em><em>. Starting with analyzing the conditions of 30 preschool teachers in Purwakarta Regency, and continuing with providing reinforcement through the teacher training system. Data was collected by questionnaire. The results showed that after being given training, there was an increase in teachers' understanding of the transition period and school readiness. Teachers understand that a child's readiness is determined by age maturity as well as matters related to the child's level of development including cognitive, physical-sensorimotor development, social-emotional development, and learning attitudes. Teachers also understand that family readiness in providing support, stimulation and attitudes through pleasant care, as well as school readiness in terms of teacher competency, activity programs and infrastructure have a big influence in shaping children's school readiness. It is hoped that this research can be a reference in preparing programs for the transition period and children's school readiness.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Readiness, school transition, teacher understanding</em></p> Miftachul Jannah, Nita Adiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Light Intensity in Microteaching Rooms Using the Android-Based Luxmeter Application <p><em>Lighting in the microteaching room is very important to note because withminimal light intensity causes easy eyes, damage to the eyes, and discomfort when carrying out teaching and learning activities. In nature, a room,especially a microteaching room , must have adequate light in accordance with predetermined standards. An eyebrows light intensity measurement using an android-based lux meter application to determine the value of light intensity, this experiment was conducted to find out whether the light intensity in the microteaching room has or has not met SNI 6197:2011 standards. The android-based Luxmeter used can measure the intensity of light produced from a room thathas been prepared using a 36 Watt Philips TL lamp with a room size of 5×4.5 meters. Data collection is done by placing an android-based luxmeter in four corners of the room at the same distance between the light source and the luxmeter, which is 3.4 meters. To determine the effectiveness of light intensity in the room, the measurement results with an android-based lux meter are compared with SNI. The experimental data that has been carried out has not met the SNI requirements for lighting in the microteaching room, the average value of intensity is 135,75 Lux.</em></p> Mohammad Djamil M Nur, Nurdin, Adawiyah, Masri, Hartati Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of Mathematics in Islamic Accounting: Evaluation, Challenges, and Implications <p>This research aims to analyze the significant role of mathematics in Islamic accounting, particularly in the evaluation and calculation of financial transactions that comply with Islamic Sharia principles. These principles prohibit riba, gharar, maysir, and encourage halal muamalat, including zakat calculation, profit sharing, and comprehensive financial analysis. Through extensive literature review, this research examines the role of mathematics in various aspects of Islamic accounting, including its influence on the quality of financial reports, Sharia compliance, and financial decision making. Specific references are made to works such as Lewis (2001), Kamla (2009), Hassan and Mollah (2018), and Zaky and Warsono (2022) to highlight the Quranic approach in teaching Islamic accounting and its application in practice. The research findings indicate that the use of mathematics in Islamic accounting enhances the quality of financial reporting and efficiency in financial and tax calculations. Additionally, mathematics plays a crucial role in profit margin calculation and Sharia accounting audits. However, challenges are identified, including potential conflicts between Sharia principles and conventional mathematical methods, as well as limitations in complex situations. This study faces limitations in the form of dependence on technology, the need for specific skills and training, and methodological constraints in dealing with the complexity of Sharia accounting practices. The research findings support the need for the development of mathematical methods more aligned with Sharia principles, improvement in mathematical skills, and reduction of dependence on technology. These implications offer insights into how mathematics can help ensure compliance of financial transactions with Sharia principles and enhance wise financial decision making, while highlighting the need for strategies to overcome existing challenges.</p> Agus Arwani, Santi Nailul Izaty Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW (SLR): CONCEPT ANALYSIS OF EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM, ISLAMIC EDUCATION AND ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL EDUCATION (MUADALAH) <p><em>The education curriculum in Indonesia has various concepts or types. This is in accordance with where the curriculum applies, both in formal and non-formal educational institutions. This research aims to analyze concepts in the educational curriculum, Islamic education and Islamic boarding school education. This analysis explores the differences and similarities between the general education curriculum, the Islamic education curriculum and the relationship between this curriculum and the curriculum in Islamic boarding schools or what is often known as muadalah. By reviewing several journals through literature studies, this research discusses the implementation of current educational curriculum concepts. The results of this research provide a deeper understanding of the interrelationships of various educational curricula, including the curriculum in Islamic boarding school education.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Malika Liana Salsabila, Tias Puspitaningayu, Khoerunnisa , Umma Umma Nabilatur Rizqi, Selly Tri Widyaningsih, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES IN THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION <p><em>One of the main programs of the Ministry of Religion is strengthening religious moderation. This program is considered as a solution to religious and social division problems. Therefore, it is hoped that religious moderation can be internalized in all walks of life, especially in the world of education. On the other hand, the Ministry of Education and Culture has designated the Independent Curriculum as the national curriculum in 2024. If analysed more deeply, there is a wedge between religious moderation and the Independent Curriculum. This article aims to determine the extent to which integration between the values ​​of religious moderation and the Independent Curriculum can be carried out at the implementation level. This research limits its study to the implementation of the Independent Curriculum at the early childhood education level. This type of research is literature study research where the researcher examines and analyses various theories, existing regulations related to the concept of religious moderation and independent curriculum in early childhood education units. The results of this research show that the values ​​of religious moderation are integrated into the Independent Curriculum for early childhood education. The results of this research show that the values ​​of religious moderation in the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum for early childhood education can be integrated into the components of the PAUD curriculum, namely in intracurricular activities and in the implementation of the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. In intracurricular activities, the value of religious moderation can be used as a learning objective derived from learning outcomes. Meanwhile, in implementing the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students, the value of religious moderation can be integrated into the project theme, dimensions, elements and sub-elements in the project.</em></p> <p><em>Keyword: early childhood education, independent curriculum, integration, religious moderation, values.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Zuhriyyah Hidayati Hidayati, Nanik Yulianti, Maghfirotun Fillah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 LEARNING INNOVATION THROUGH MAKING HANDICRAFTS FROM WASTE IN TRAINING PSYCHOMOTORIC SKILLS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><em>The role of human resources (HR) is very important in the development process of a country. Quality and superior human resources are the main requirements that a country must have. So there is a need to improve the quality of human resources (HR), which can be done from an early age, one of which is elementary school age. The aim of this research is to explain learning innovation through making handicrafts from waste in training elementary school students' psychomotor skills. This type of research uses a literature study (library research) with a descriptive-qualitative approach. Data sources were obtained by exploring the literature in journal articles, books, and other scientific works. Then it was analyzed using three techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research explain that making crafts from waste can be done by students in the learning process as a form of learning innovation carried out by teachers. There are several wastes that can be used by elementary school students to make handicraft materials, including egg shell waste, paper waste, flannel waste, plastic waste, and patchwork waste. Of course, elementary school students can make these wastes into various types of handicrafts through the manufacturing steps included in the learning process. One of the benefits of having handicraft-making activities in the learning process of elementary school students is training students' psychomotor skills. Psychomotor abilities will continue to develop if they are practiced frequently. Making handicrafts from waste carried out by elementary school students is the highest stage of psychomotor skills, namely creation, meaning the ability to create or modify something so that they can produce new things by maximizing their creativity.</em></p> Abdul Khobir, Aan Fadia Annur, Syafa’atul Khusna, Muhammad Maskur Musa Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF THE APPLICATION OF PICTURE AND PICTURE LEARNING MODEL ON THE WRITING SKILLS OF TSANAWIYAH MADRASAH STUDENTS <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to facilitate and attract students' interest in learning writing skills. The research method used is experimental quantitative research. The data collection techniques used by researchers are tests, interviews, observations, documentation. The sampling technique in this study is a simple random sampling technique. The sample in this study amounted to 40 students, namely class A experimental class totaling 20 students and class B control class totaling 20 students.&nbsp; Based on the results of the study shows that the application of the picture and picture learning model affects the maharatul kitabah, this can be proven by the t-test (independent t test) obtained sig value results. (2-tailed) 0.000 &lt;.05. So Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. This means that the picture and picture learning model affects the writing skills of grade VIII students at MTS Bustanul Ulum, Central Lampung. In the results of data analysis regarding students' writing skills in learning obtained an average score before being given treatment (pretest) experimental class was 56.75. Meanwhile, after being given treatment (posttest) the experimental class was 79.75. The pretest score in the control class was 51.75 while the posttest score in the control class was 68.5. So it can be concluded that classes that are treated with the picture and picture learning model have a higher average score compared to the scores of students who do not use the picture and picture learning model.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em> : Learning Model, Picture And Picture, Maharatul Kitabah</em></p> Rohani Oktavia, Siti Markhamatul Mukaromah, Saiful Islam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFL Students' Experience of Using Storybird in Creative Writing Course: Case Study at UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan <p style="text-align: center; margin: 0cm 28.0pt 8.0pt 28.0pt;" align="center"><strong><em><span style="color: black;">Abstract</span></em></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 28.0pt 8.0pt 28.0pt;"><em><span style="color: black;">Writing is an important basic skill in learning English as a foreign language. However, many EFL students have low interest in writing. Therefore, educators at UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan utilized digital media to support this. One of the digital media used is Storybird. In this case, Storybird is used in creative writing courses. Through the use of storybird, students have a new experience in the process of learning to write creatively. Thus, this study aims to explore the experiences of EFL students in using Storybird in creative writing courses. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study method of EFL Students at UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan using in-depth interviews as the data collection technique. Through this research, it can be seen that the use of storybird can make learning to write fun. In addition, storybird can sharpen students' cognitive skills by developing creativity and critical thinking. However, there are technical obstacles faced by students in accessing storybird. However, this is not a significant obstacle. Thus, storybird can be an effective tool in training EFL students' writing skills.</span></em></p> Arina Shofwata Qolbina Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Development of Literacy House Media to Improve Early Childhood Literacy at RA Muslimat NU Wangandowo, Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency <p>Early literacy is a child's basic ability to read and write and recognize vowels and consonants. The playing house media method is a process of introducing early literacy to children who have just entered kindergarten, namely providing provisions for introducing vowels and consonants, arranging letters according to pictures and recognizing the letters of the alphabet. When children are ready to become familiar with early literacy, the teacher must try to provide guidance in the learning process by preparing the process of introducing early literacy starting from reading activities, what the child's needs can be fulfilled and carried out as well as possible towards development so that children are able to become more familiar with early literacy. optimal. Thus, as a teacher, choosing and determining learning media must be appropriate and influence the success of early childhood. The research results of the feasibility test for RUMAH AKSARA MEDIA were based on the assessment of a media expert, namely Mr. Irfan Haris Nawawi, M.pd, who got a score of 89% and the material expert, namely Mrs. Mustafidah, S.Pd.I, who got a score of 92%. As for the field test results or student responses with the subject, 10 students obtained an average score of 84% in the BSB category, which developed very well. Thus, it can be interpreted that the product developed in the form of HOME LITERACY MEDIA is feasible or can be used to improve early childhood literacy at RA Muslimat NU Wangandowo, Pekalongan Regency.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords:</p> majalisatul auliya, Moh. Irsyad, Firdaus Perdana, Tri Jayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of Understanding Child Psychology in Improving Student Learning Achievement: A Literature Review <p>Understanding child psychology is an important aspect for parents in supporting their children's development and learning achievement. This study aims to explore the urgency of understanding child psychology for parents in the context of improving student learning achievement. Through a comprehensive literature review, this article presents an analysis of the importance of understanding child psychology in creating a supportive learning environment, understanding children's individual needs, and implementing approach strategies that are appropriate to the child's developmental stage. The results of the literature review show that a good understanding of child psychology can help parents build healthy relationships with their children, support learning motivation, manage stress, and identify and overcome possible learning obstacles. The practical implication of this research is the importance of providing information and support to parents in understanding children's psychological aspects in order to support optimal learning development and achievement for students.</p> Kardina Engelina Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STEAM TRAINING FOR PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS IN CIHANJAWAR VILLAGE, PURWAKARTA DISTRICT <p class="Papertext" style="line-height: 150%; margin: 0cm 28.3pt .0001pt 1.0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">Pembelajaran STEAM (Sains, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) semakin penting di era digital ini. Kurangnya pengetahuan pada guru PAUD di Desa Cihanjawar Kabupaten Purwakarta dan penerapan pembelajaran STEAM membuat siswa kesulitan memahami penerapan praktisnya. Kreativitas dan inovasi juga kurang ditekankan, menyebabkan siswa terjebak dalam pola pembelajaran yang hanya menghafal. Diperlukan pendekatan holistik dan terintegrasi yang menggabungkan elemen-elemen STEAM, selain itu dapat mengembangkan keterampilan kritis, kreatif, dan kolaboratif siswa. Melalui pelatihan ini, diharapkan guru PAUD di Desa Cihanjawar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengajarkan STEAM kepada siswa sebagai bekal dalam menerapkan pembelajaran STEAM di setiap lembaga masing-masing, sehingga diharapkan generasi mendatang dapat menghadapi tantangan masa depan dengan lebih siap dan mendorong inovasi berkelanjutan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode<span style="letter-spacing: .05pt;"> presentasi dan pelatihan. Sebelum dilakukan pelatihan guru diberikan pemahaman tentang STEAM kemudian guru dibagi kedalam beberapa kelompok untuk mempraktekan beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran STEAM. Hasil dari pelatihan ini 90% pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru-guru PAUD di Desa Cihanjawar meningkat dalam mempraktekkan pembelajaran STEAM.</span></span></p> <p class="Papertext" style="line-height: 150%; margin: 0cm 28.3pt .0001pt 1.0cm;">&nbsp;</p> <p class="Papertext" style="line-height: 150%; margin: 0cm 28.3pt .0001pt 1.0cm;"><span lang="EN-US"><span style="letter-spacing: .05pt;">STEAM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) is increasingly important in this digital era. The lack of knowledge of PAUD teachers in Cihanjawar Village, Purwakarta Regency and the application of STEAM learning makes it difficult for students to understand its practical application. Creativity and innovation are also less emphasized, causing students to be trapped in learning patterns that only memorize. A holistic and integrated approach that incorporates STEAM elements is needed, in addition to developing students' critical, creative and collaborative skills. Through this training, it is hoped that PAUD teachers in Cihanjawar Village can improve their ability to teach STEAM to students as a provision in implementing STEAM learning in each of their respective institutions, so that it is hoped that future generations can face future challenges more readily and encourage continuous innovation. This training activity was carried out using presentation and training methods. Before the training, teachers were given an understanding of STEAM and then teachers were divided into several groups to practice several STEAM learning activities. As a result of this training, 90% of the knowledge and skills of PAUD teachers in Cihanjawar Village increased in practicing STEAM learning</span></span></p> annisa purwani, Iis Uswatun Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION OF THE K13 CURRICULUM AND THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING <p>The curriculum is a fundamental foundation in the implementation of education. The development of the times and the current demands of globalization have made the curriculum in Indonesia change. The 2013 Curriculum (K13) has been in effect since 2015, and has now been replaced by the Merdeka Curriculum (KM). This research aims to find out the comparison of K13 and KM in learning mathematics. This research uses a method in the form of Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which aims to draw conclusions from various related studies on the comparison of the implementation of the K13 curriculum and the independent curriculum in mathematics learning. This research found that there are fundamental differences between K13 and KM in learning mathematics. These differences include learning objectives, curriculum structure, learning approaches, assessment methods, and teacher roles. In K13, mathematics learning objectives focus on mastering basic competencies and core competencies. The K13 curriculum structure is hierarchical and structured. The learning approaches used in K13 are scientific, thematic, and inquiry. Assessment methods in K13 include formative assessment, summative assessment, and authentic assessment. The role of the teacher in K13 is as a learning facilitator. Whereas in KM, the learning objectives of mathematics focus on character development and the Pancasila learner profile. KM's curriculum structure is flexible and student-centered. The learning approaches used in KM are active pedagogy, differentiated learning, and project-based learning. Assessment methods in KM include formative assessment, summative assessment, and formative assessment. The role of the teacher in KM is as a facilitator, motivator, and inspirer. From this research, it was concluded that there are advantages and disadvantages in the application of K13 and KM in mathematics learning. This research is sought to provide benefits and useful information in the field of education in order to advance the quality of mathematics learning in Indonesia.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: curriculum K13, independent curriculum, math learning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hidayatul Fajriyah, Amanda Salsabila , Nabilatunnisaa', Amrina Rosyada , Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEMATYC LITERATURE REVIEW: THE INFLUENCE OF PEER TEACHING LEARNING METHODS IN IMPROVING STUDENT MATHEMATICS LEARNING OUTCOMES <p><em>The choice of learning methods in teaching mathematics is very important. To avoid ineffective implementation of a learning method, teachers must be wise in choosing the learning method to be used. Instead of achieving learning goals, choosing the wrong method in learning mathematics can result in students becoming bored and not understanding the material well. Therefore, based on the background of this problem, one learning method that can be a good alternative to apply in mathematics learning is the Peer Teaching learning method. The Peer Teaching learning method is a peer tutoring learning method where this learning is carried out by students who have higher understanding abilities helping other friends in mastering the material. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the Peer Teaching learning method in improving student mathematics learning outcomes. The type of research used by the researcher is a sistematyc literature review where the researcher wants to discuss the influence of the Peer Teaching learning method. Based on the results of research that has been studied in several previous studies, researchers can conclude that students' mathematics learning outcomes using the Peer Teaching learning method are more satisfying compared to using the teacher-centered lecture learning method.</em></p> Rizka Nazhifa, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti, Rahma Nia Setianti Suwanda, Febianti Wulandari, Ulfa Bahijah, Khofifah Assaumi Trivianti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategis For Applying Complex Analysis In Solving Algebra Problems <p>Complex analysis plays an important role in modern algebra, especially in solving algebraic equations that cannot be solved with real numbers. However, the application of complex analysis requires special strategies to be implemented effectively. This study aims to analyze and formulate strategies for applying complex analysis in solving algebraic problems and provide examples of the application of these strategies in real cases. A qualitative approach with the research type of literature study and content analysis is used in this research. Data sources come from journals, textbooks, and other written references related to complex analysis and algebra. The data collection technique was done by documentation study. Data validity was obtained through source triangulation. Data analysis used the Miles, Huberman, and Saldana model with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are in the form of a comprehensive strategy for applying complex analysis in solving algebraic problems which includes the stages of concept identification, relevant complex analysis methods, algebraic problems to be solved, and examples of strategy application in detail and systematically. The strategy formulated in this study can be used as a guide in applying complex analysis to solve various algebraic problems effectively, both in academic and practical fields.</p> <p>Keywords: Complex Analysis, Algebra, Application Strategies, Algebraic Equations</p> Almia Zalza Bila, Isyqiy Karimah, Yulian Alfa Risqianto, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING E-BOOKS AS A MATHEMATICS LEARNING RESOURCE IN INCREASING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION <p><em>Student learning resources in schools generally use physical learning resources in the form of printed books such as LKPD, learning modules, and package books. However, at the end of 2019 Indonesia experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, so all activities such as working and seeking knowledge were carried out online. Therefore, the emergence of learning resources in the form of e-books began to emerge. E-book is one means for someone to find various reference sources in electronic form without having to look for physical books.&nbsp; This study aims to increase the motivation of mathematics learning of high school students by using e-books as a source of student learning. This type of research uses descriptive research through a qualitative approach. The methods </em><em>used in this study include observation methods, and literature studies. The object studied was a student of MAN Kota Tegal class XI. With the e-book, students can take advantage of technology in learning media and make it easier for students to study and increase student motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The problem in this study is how ready MAN Kota Tegal Class XI students are in using e-books when learning. </em></p> Destiana Aprilyani, Isma Risqi Hanifah, Riyadlotul Janah, Hikmah Aulia, Undangsih Kartikasari, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGY AND IMPACT OF BLENDED LEARNING-BASED LEARNING AT SD NEGERI 2 KEBONDALEM PEMALANG, CENTRAL JAVA <p><em>The rapid development of technology makes educational units and the need for learning approaches must adjust to the development of the times. In the midst of the challenges of technology integration in the context of basic education, it is important for teachers to know the appropriate learning methods. This study was conducted to determine the efficiency of the Blended Learning learning method at SD N 02 Kebondalem Pemalang, Central Java. The Blended Learning learning method is emerging as a promising solution because education is now all-digital demanding an innovative and adaptive learning approach. This study aims to determine the application of Blended Learning-based learning strategies and their impact on teachers, students, and parents at SD Negeri 02 Kebondalem Pemalang, Central Java. As for the method used in this study, it uses qualitative descriptive methods. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation related to the study. Data collection techniques by means of teacher interviews conducted on April 19, 2024 at SDN 02 Kebondalem Pemalang, Central Java. The results revealed that the application of the Blended Learning method was in the form of delivering material in the form of videos and then shared via WA, the use of google forms and quizizz websites for evaluation. In the application of this Blended Learning learning model, it has an impact on teachers, students, and parents. Whether it's from the positive or negative side.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Learning, Blended Learning Method, Strategy, Impact.</em></p> Ikfa Suci Nashwa Syalia, Tara Septiarani, Deby Ikhsani Ragillia, Irshofa Hany, Fatmawati Nur Khasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementation of Financial Literacy Education for Class XII Students of SMA Sains Cahaya Al-Qur’an <p>Financial literacy education is an important aspect in supporting students' financial independence in the modern era. This research aims to determine the understanding of class XII students at SMA Sains Cahaya Al-Qur’anregarding financial literacy and how they organize, manage, save and use these finances. The research method used is Field Research (Field Research) with a qualitative approach. This research uses data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the results of research in the field, it shows that financial literacy in class XII students at SMA Sains Cahaya Al-Qur’anis quite good. This can be seen from the knowledge and experience of class XII students at SMA Sains Cahaya Al-Qur’anin managing and making decisions using finances wisely. The contribution of this research is to provide better insight and knowledge regarding financial literacy among high school students. Through financial literacy education, it is hoped that class XII students at SMA Sains Cahaya Al-Qur’ancan benefit and apply this knowledge in everyday life.</p> RISSA SHOFIANI, Ahmad Alfisyah, Usnidatillah, Baqyiyatul Izzah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 HARMONIZATION OF LIFE: REVISITING THE CONCEPT AND VALUES OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL (PESANTREN) AT LAMPUNG <p>Religious moderation is part of the effort to realize harmonious life in society. Previously, extremist doctrines to violence often caused disharmony in society. So that efforts are needed from various groups including Islamic Boarding School. although Islamic Boarding School are often known as educational institutions, they also have a hand in realizing community harmony through the perspective of religious moderation taught to <em>santri </em>both in learning, daily activities and extracurricular <em>santri.</em> This article is the result of research using a descriptive qualitative method that presents moderation values in Islamic Boarding School by collecting data from the Islamic Boarding School itself by conducting a review of the modern and traditional Islamic Boarding School systems. Thus, moderation values will appear so that it can show that Islamic boarding schools in Lampung have carried moderation values since their inception and have been able to become intermediaries to maintain harmony in society and can convey the role of Islamic Boarding School not in the educational aspect alone but in the real social religious aspect.</p> Qois Azizah Bin Has, Khotijah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION VALUES IN LEARNING AQIDAH AKHLAK <p><em>Religious, ethnic, racial and cultural diversity is the main element in the unity of the Indonesian state. This diversity is an added value in people's daily lives to get to know and appreciate each other. The method used in this research is library research or library research which collects data from literature originating from books, magazines, journals, encyclopedias. The purpose of this article is to find out how to learn Aqidah Akhlak in taking a role in instilling the value of religious moderation and what the impact and benefits are for students. The results of this research reveal that the content of the moral Aqidah material presented by linking and linking to attitudes of tolerance, upholding peace and compassion are important in instilling an attitude of religious moderation. The impact on students is that they can strengthen their religious moral foundations through learning experiences and can be open to and understand differences in views and strengthen their social interaction skills.</em></p> M. Iqrom Lutfi, Izzatun Nadlifah, Ikhza Nur Akhir Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RELIGIOUS MODERATION THROUGH SCHOOL CULTURE <p>This research aims to analyze the model for implementing cultural diversity education using a regional culture approach. Using qualitative methods, this research uses a narrative inquiry approach, data collection is carried out through discussions and interviews, this research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Jambi City, SMA Negeri 5 Jambi City, SMA Negeri 3 Jambi City. The collected data was analyzed using the Jean Clandinin model through the stages of narrative data filtering, grouping and narrative data verification. The findings of this research, implementing the policies set by the Jambi government which are contained in the Jambi <em>seloko</em>, then implementing school culture requires contributions from every community in the school, starting from the school principal, educators, to education staff. Instilling the value of religious moderation can start from the curriculum and internal classroom learning as well as through intracurricular, extracurricular and habituation activities. the results of the level of application of regional culture in school life, the level of religious values average​​78%, the level of tolerance values ​​ average 78 %, the level of anti-violence values ​​ average 76%, the level of accommodating local cultural values ​​ average 77%.</p> AA Musyaffa, Siti asiah, rapiko, dewi hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING METHODS IN BABALANLOR 1 STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL <p><sup>Education is a systematic and planned process for transferring knowledge, skills, values ​​and culture from one generation to the next. It involves interactions between learners, educators, and the learning environment to facilitate students' personal, social, and intellectual development. Education is also an important foundation in the formation of better individuals and society. This research is based on the application of problem-based learning methods which have become the main focus in education because they encourage students to develop problem-solving and critical skills. In the context of primary education, it is important to understand how these methods can be applied effectively to improve student learning. This research aims to explore the effectiveness of implementing problem-based learning methods at SD Negeri 1 Babalanlor in improving students' understanding of concepts and skills. This research uses a qualitative approach method. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation and interviews involving teachers at SD Negeri 1 Babalanlor. The results of this research show that the application of problem-based learning methods at SD Negeri 1 Babalanlor is very effective in increasing students' understanding of concepts and skills for solving problems and increasing their learning motivation.</sup></p> <p><sup>&nbsp;</sup></p> Naila Rosida, Nia Ansyafani , Masykurotun Azzah , Dinda Aulia Agustin , Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL IN PEKALONGAN CITY: COMPUTATIONAL THINKING WORKSHOP TO IMPROVE TEACHER’S COMPUTING CAPABILITIES <p><em>Computational thinking plays an important role in shaping the future of education. The "Workshop Computational Thinking" held in Pekalongan City aimed to enhance the computational abilities and technology integration skills of 40 participating teachers. Through meticulous planning and expert facilitators, the workshop successfully equipped educators with essential skills to create dynamic and innovative learning environments. By embracing computational thinking, teachers fostered critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity among students. The program's positive impact extended to bridging the technology gap and encouraging a culture of lifelong </em><em>learning among teachers. As a result, graduates are now well- prepared for future careers in a technology-driven world. This workshop serves as a model for transforming education, showcasing the transformative power of computational thinking in preparing the younger generation for an increasingly digital future.</em></p> Umi Mahmudah, Khulaipah, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti, Nurul Husnah Mustika Sari, Alimatus Sholikhah, Rahmi Aneka Sari, Irfan Haris Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Application of educational game learning methods at Muhammadiyah Wuled Elementary School <p>The research is based on different student learning achievements, there are students who easily understand their learning and there are also students who are slow to understand the material, therefore in accordance with the author's research by applying the question and answer method and collaborating with the "learning" method. educational games" students will participate and be active in the learning process so that the class atmosphere becomes lively and fun, because every student will definitely enjoy hearing the word play and students who have delays in learning will also be active in these educational games. By using this method, teachers can prepare questions and students are expected to answer. So teachers can create games in their learning so that students can easily accept the material that has been delivered. This research discusses the learning methods applied by teachers to students with the aim of making it easier for teachers in the teaching and learning process at SD Muhamadiyah Wuled. Learning methods also influence students' learning motivation, therefore teachers can develop their creativity in choosing learning media. This research uses a qualitative method by understanding a research subject descriptively based on interviews with Mrs. Devi, one of the subject teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Wuled, observations and the author's experience. The results of this research show that there is a big influence on an effective learning process with learning strategies using educational game methods, especially the talking stick game learning model, which can help students improve their speaking, listening and respecting their friends' opinions in discussions and can create a positive learning experience pleasant.</p> Citra Dwi Safitri, Wirdad Hifa, Sofya Marsa Khoirunnisa, Azmi Irbah Syahira, Dina Kamila Izzatillah, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ACTUALIZATION OF THARIQOH-BASED SPIRITUAL EDUCATION <p><em>Modern challenges such as hedonism, dehumanization, social disintegration, consumptive culture, and alienation are the result of the dryness of spiritual values. Therefore, it is necessary to fortify oneself through thariqoh-based spiritual education. In accordance with this study which aims to describe systematically the process of actualizing thariqoh-based spiritual education at Lajnah Wathonah Pekalongan. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection techniques used include interviews, observation, and documentation. Primary data in this study comes from the interview process with the chairman and several congregations of Lajnah Wathonah Pekalongan. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from direct observation and literature sources relevant to the research topic. Data analysis techniques go through three stages, namely data condensation, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The results of this study indicate that thariqoh-based spiritual education at Lajnah Wathonah Pekalongan is oriented towards the values of nationalism, equality, humility, ihsan, sincerity, and having meaning in life. Every congregation, both those who have paid allegiance and those who have not, can feel these spiritual values if they practice the recitation of thariqoh dhikr istiqomah based on the provisions given by the murshid in accordance with the type of thariqoh used, namely thariqoh Syadhziliyyah.</em></p> siti nisrofah efa, ahmad taufiq Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF STUDENTS' SELF-REGULATION ON LEARNING OUTCOMES IN COMPLEX ANALYSIS COURSES <p>This research discusses the influence of student self-regulation on learning outcomes in complex analysis courses. Complex analysis courses are considered difficult courses for students, making them less enthusiastic about studying. Self-regulation is a person's ability to defend himself from negative influences around him. This research aims to determine the level of influence of student self-regulation on learning outcomes in complex analysis courses. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach with an corelasional type. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires and documentation, then the data was analyzed using regression analysis. Meanwhile, to test the data collection instrument using validity tests and reliability tests. The subjects of this research were students of Tadris Mathematics UIN KH Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan Class of 2021 with the sample size calculated using the Slovin formula. The results of this research show that student self-regulation has an influence on learning outcomes in complex analysis courses.</p> M. Fathur Izzurrohman, Arda Insania Kamila, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY IN TERMS OF COMPLEX NUMBER MATERIAL CLASS XI SMA <p><em>Mathematical critical thinking skills are very important in the entire teaching and learning system today. Mathematical critical thinking skills in mathematics learning are abilities that should be possessed by every student to solve mathematical problems. Mathematical critical thinking skills are very important to develop so that students can solve various problems that are increasingly developing and complex and think systematically, especially in learning mathematics. This study aims to analyze students' mathematical creative thinking ability in terms of complex number material. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Kajen Pekalongan Regency. This research used qualitative through descriptive analysis. The research subjects were class XI students as many as 30 students. Data collection techniques used test sheets, especially through mathematical creative thinking ability tests. Data validity using triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques through the Miles, Huberman, and Saldana model, namely data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that students were able to achieve classical mastery. The achievement of each indicator of students' mathematical creative thinking ability on imaginary number material reached 76,4% on average. This research is useful for students and teachers as an evaluation in learning mathematics, especially on abstract concepts.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>mathematical creative thinking ability, complex numbers, mathematics learning</em></p> Nur Fita Septiyani, Himatun Sholikhah, Fikriyaturosidah, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF STUDENT’S WORKSHEET NEEDS ON MATERIAL PROBLEM SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH TWO VARIABEL FOR MATHEMATICS LITERACY SKILLS <p><em>This reseacrh aims to analyze the need to develop problem bassed </em>learner's worksheet<em> to train students mathematical literact skills. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of thid research were students and mathematics teacher in class VIII junior high school 1 Tirto. Data collection instruments used a needs questionnaire and interviews. The results of the analysis that have been carried out show that the use of existing learning tools is less than optimal. This causes the participants mathematical literacy skills to be less than optimal. This is proven by students who still have difficulty working on story questions related to daily life on </em>linear equation systems two variables<em> material. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to develop problem based learning tools in the from of </em>learner's worksheet<em> to train mathematical literacy skills.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Needs Analysis, SPLDV, </em>learner's worksheet<em>, Mathematical Literacy Ability, Problems.</em></p> Fathi Risqullah, Nurina Hidayah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPLEX NUMBER CONCEPT ON ROUTER SIGNALING PROCESS (CASE STUDY OF AN-NUR DORMITORY) <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Signal processing on routers is an important aspect in communication networks. This research aims to apply the concept of complex numbers contextually in the analysis of raouter signals at An-Nur Wangandowo Dormitory. The routers at An-Nur Dormitory are placed at two strategic points that allow for optimal signal coverage. This research uses a qualitative approach method that will be used to understand the context and practical experiences involved in the use of router signals by involving interviews, observations, or document analysis to gain comprehensive insights. The result of this research is a mathematical model of signal processing on the router at An-Nur Wangandowo Dormitory, which is to provide a deeper understanding of how the concept can be applied in a practical environment and show how the concept of complex numbers is effectively applied in router signal analysis. This involves mapping the signal into the complex number domain and analyzing the results. The implementation of complex numbers results in analog signal processing using convolution formula, Fourier transform, and Laplace transform as well as digital signal processing using space and time domain, frequency domain, and Z transform. The implications of this research will show how the concept of complex numbers can be applied in router signal analysis in a real and contextual environment. This will provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of these concepts in improving the understanding and management of router signals.</em></p> Alfina Nur Fadzilah, Elsa Lina Astianti, Muhimatul Khaerunisa, Umi Mahmudah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF COMPLEX ANALYSIS IN FINDING EFFICIENT ALGORITHMIC SOLUTIONS <p><em>The advancement of knowledge does not occur gradually but through a series of revolutions that change our foundational understanding. This is evident in the irrelevance of Moore's Law in predicting microprocessor speeds and the emergence of complex numbers as solutions to complex mathematical problems. Algorithms are a crucial foundation in computer science. Efficient and effective algorithms are essential for solving various computational problems quickly and accurately. However, many complex computational problems are challenging to solve using traditional algorithms. This is where the role of complex analysis becomes crucial. This research aims to examine the role of complex numbers in finding efficient algorithm solutions. The method used in this research is a literature review using relevant journal and book reviews. Data are collected by documenting all obtained journals, and then this data is analyzed in the research. The research subjects are relevant journals and books. The results of this research can offer new insights into complex algorithm problems. The research results include the possibility of developing new, more efficient algorithms, a deeper understanding of the impact of complex numbers in computation, and it is hoped that this article can contribute to improving the quality of algorithm problem-solving solutions. The benefits of this research involve a deeper understanding of the application of complex numbers in the algorithm context, opening opportunities for increased efficiency and accuracy in data processing.</em></p> Ilma Alviana, Lulu Izzati Rohmaniah, Zaki Diah Ulhak Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM ANALYSIS OF IMPROVING THE MATHEMATICS CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY AT SMPN 01 PANINGGARAN <p><em>This research aims to explore the effect of implementing the Merdeka Curriculum on improving students' mathematical thinking abilities. Descriptive qualitative methods were used to gain an in-depth understanding of students' experiences with tests and the impact of the Merdeka Curriculum in the context of mathematics learning. The data analysis techniques used in this research were data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions with research subjects in class VIII of SMPN 1 Paninggaran, a total of 6 students. The research results are based on an analysis of the results of students' acquisition of critical thinking skills, students in the upper category are assessed if they fulfill all indicators of mathematical critical thinking abilities, and students in the medium category are assessed in mathematics. answer two indicators of critical thinking. Students in the low critical thinking ability category fulfill one of the indicators of mathematical critical thinking ability.</em></p> M.Fuaidil Kirom, Burhanul Khaq, Al hiqna La'la Alfiana, M. Tsabit Sabilal Khaq, Nagita Elsafia, Santika Lya Diah Pramesti,M.Pd Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DIGITAL ISLAM: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN DIGITAL ERA <p>The digital technology has transformed nearly every aspect of human life, including religious practices, socio-cultural aspects, and education. In line with this statement, this article aims to describe the challenges of Islamic education in the digital era and strategies to turn these challenges into opportunities. This research uses a qualitative design to gather data through literature review in books and scientific journals related to Islamic education in the digital era and accompanied by participant observation in online lectures. Data are analyzed through three stages: data reduction, data display, and verification, as the basis for understanding the meanings and patterns of challenges in Islamic education in the digital era. The results of this research were obtained four challenges of Islamic education in the digital era are identified. First, the dissemination of inaccurate information and extremism, which can be dealt with strengthening digital literacy. Second, the negative influence of social media which can be overcome by integrating social media literacy education into the curriculum. Third, losing face-to-face interaction in learning, the solution is to develop traditional learning with more interactive hybrid learning and blended learning concepts. Fourth, the risk of neglecting ethics and morals education, especially in unethical online behavior, the solution is to include learning about digital ethics in every aspect of the curriculum. The results of this research contribute as a guide for Islamic education stakeholders, educators and students in achieving the maximum benefits of using technology and avoiding the negative effects of technology in the digital era.</p> Muthoin, Faliqul Isbah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF PPT MEDIA TO INCREASE INTEREST IN LEARNING IN ARABIC VOCABULARY LEARNING <p><em>Learning media used in learning activities can affect the effectiveness of learning. Including in teaching Arabic as a second language, often students have difficulty learning it. So here teachers need to have creativity and pedagogical abilities to maximize the teaching process. In the teaching process, teachers need to choose learning media that are in accordance with the learning outcomes and needs of students, in order to increase student interest in learning and increase the competencies to be achieved. So in this study, measurements were made about the role of Powerpoint media with the aim of being able to increase interest in learning Arabic mufrodite. Using the Classroom Action Research Method on grade VII MTs Al Muhsin students, it was found that learners' interest in learning Vocabulary increased with the help of PPT media. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was found that 35% of respondents really liked teaching Arabic vocabulary with the help of PPT media and there were 60% of respondents who liked the media used.</em></p> Muhammad Ridho Faliandra Tanjung, Agus Yasin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Effectiveness of Using Constructivist Teaching Sequence (CTS) in Enhancing the Visual Representation Skills of Integers among Students at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Comal <p><em>Constructivist Teaching Sequence</em> (CTS) merupakan suatu cara dalam mengenali proses pembentukan konsep pada siswa dengan tujuan untuk membentuk pemahaman konsep fisik atau mengembangkan minat dan perilaku siswa dengan lebih mengutamakan pada perilaku siswa untuk berperan aktif. Dari alasan tersebut, maka peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang Penggunaan CTS untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Representasi Visual Bilangan Bulat pada Siswa SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Comal. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji bagaimana efektivitas penggunaan model pembelajaran CTS dalam meningkatkan kemampuan representasi visual bilangan bulat pada siswa SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Comal, metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimen dengan desain pre-eksperimental menggunakan <em>one group pretest-posttest</em>. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 53 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan representasi visual bilangan bulat dan dokumentasi, kemampuan representasi visual bilangan bulat siswa kelas eksperimen mendapatkan nilai rata-rata <em>pretest</em> sebesar 50,13 sedangkan kemampuan representasi visual bilangan bulat siswa kelas eksperimen mendapatkan nilai rata-rata <em>posttest</em> sebesar 78,03. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan <em>independent samples t-test</em> menyatakan bahwa, pada taraf signifikan 5% yaitu t<sub>t</sub> = 2,007 diketahui bahwa t<sub>0</sub> = 18,80 lebih besar dari pada t<sub>t</sub> (18,80 &gt; 2,007).&nbsp; Maka, H<sub>0</sub> ditolak dan H<sub>a</sub> diterima. Rata-rata skor N-Gain kelas eksperimen adalah 56,2483 atau 56,25% termasuk kategori cukup efektif.</p> Rizqi Fadlilah, Dirasti Novianti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE DIVERSITY OF WORSHIP PRACTICES AT MA'HAD AL-JAMI'AH, SALATIGA STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY <p><em>This research aims to determine the diversity of worship practices at Ma'had Al-Jami'ah, Salatiga State Islamic University. This research uses a field research method with a descriptive-qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include interviews, documentation, and observation. As for test the validity of the data using triangulation techniques and source of information. The informants for this research were the caregivers, administrators, and students of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah, Salatiga State Islamic University. The research results show that there is diversity in worship practices of fardhu prayers, the beginning of Ramadan fasting, and tarawih prayers. The diversity of worship practices at Ma'had Al-Jami'ah UIN Salatiga is designed to teach students to have a moderate attitude and the freedom to carry out worship practices according to their respective beliefs. The results of this research can be a reference for Islamic educational institutions in teaching moderate attitudes and the freedom to carry out religious practices according to their respective beliefs.</em></p> Moh. Khusnul Abid, Maulida Nurul Hidayah, Purnomo Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EVOLUTION OF CONDITIONALITIES IN CCT PROGRAMS: A CHRONOLOGICAL REVIEW OF CCT PROGRAMS AND THE EMERGENCE OF RELIGIOSITY FOR ZAKAT INSTITUTIONS <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><em>Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs have emerged as pivotal instruments in global efforts to alleviate poverty and promote socio-economic development. This research presents a chronological review of the evolution of conditionalities within CCT programs, focusing on the dimensions utilized from their inception to the present day. Employing a methodology rooted in chronological review, this study traces the historical development and changes in conditionalities, exploring their adaptation in response to shifting policy landscapes, societal needs, and emerging challenges. Through an exhaustive examination of literature, policy documents, and program evaluations, this research unveils the dynamic evolution of conditionalities within CCT programs. The four primary conditionalities associated with CCT programs that are being implemented globally are, in general, employment, health, education, and other dimensions. The CCT conditionality transformation demonstrates that some countries, such as Brazil, enhance the conditionality dimension, whereas Chile increases the dimension but later decreases it. The United States and Argentina remain in the existing dimensions but change the name and structure of the program, while Kenya reduces the conditionality component. The findings underscore the multifaceted nature of conditionalities and their pivotal role in shaping the effectiveness and impact of CCT programs. By elucidating the historical trajectory of conditionalities, this research provides valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders seeking to design and implement contextually relevant and impactful CCT interventions. Furthermore, the integration of religiosity as a new dimension within conditionalities highlights the potential for fostering holistic development and social cohesion within Asnaf communities, particularly through the lens of Zakat institutions.</em></p> Mohd Suffian Mohamed Esa, Hairunnizam Wahid, Salmy Edawati Yaacob Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF PARENTAL COMMUNICATION IN PREVENTION SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD AT TK TUNAS HARAPAN SOKOSARI <p>Sexual violence in early childhood is a serious problem that can have a negative impact on the physical and psychological development of children. At Tunas Kindergarten Sokosari hopes that there are still many parents who have not implemented the efforts preventing sexual violence against children through established communication parents towards children. The purpose of this research is to determine the role Parental communication is built on children as a form of prevention sexual violence and factors supporting and inhibiting people's communication parents carried out to prevent sexual violence in early childhood in Tunas Harapan Sokosari Kindergarten. The type of research applied is (field research). Data collection techniques used in this research is by interviews, observation and documentation. The result is a role Parental communication in preventing sexual violence in early childhood At Tunas Harapan Sokosari Kindergarten there are five important aspects, namely aspects listening, statement, openness, sensitivity, and feedback. Factor supporters, building smooth and open communication. Factor The obstacles are parental education, taboo and lack of time.</p> Tasya Anjani Swara, Triana Indrawati, Mutammam, Alimin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS (STUDY AT TARBIYATUL ISLAM AL-FALAH ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL, SALATIGA) <p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the leadership style of Mrs. Hj. Latifah Zoemri as a caregiver at the Tarbiyatul Islam Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School, Salatiga. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, observation data analysis techniques, interviews, documentation, data analysis using data reduction, data presentation and making conclusions. The results of this scientific article study are that Mrs. Hj. Latifah Zoemri have a transformational style in her leadership. This style transforms vision into reality with the aim of ensuring that students can be involved, learn, organize and express their ideas and adhere to Islamic law. This research can provide a theoretical contribution regarding women's leadership models in Islamic educational institutions, one of them is Islamic boarding schools.</em></p> Naffa'ani Ilma, Syaefudin Achmad Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN FOSTERING MENTAL HEALTH IN ADOLESCENT CHILDREN <p><em>The family is the first environment that becomes the center of education for a child. A child going through his teenage years definitely needs a lot of guidance and direction. Adolescence is where a child has a high level of curiosity, so there must be a figure in his life to guide, direct and motivate. The aim of this research is to determine the role of the family in fostering mental health in adolescent children. The method in this research is to use literature study, namely searching for, sorting and collecting appropriate sources to be linked in the discussion. The discussion in this research is that adolescence is a period when a child is growing and looking for identity, so that in the life they experience, they will certainly encounter many problems, if they are not guided by the people closest to them, in this case the family, their mental health will be disrupted, if their health If your mental health is disturbed, your physical and hormonal health will also be disturbed. The family has an obligation to provide comfort and protect the family members within it, in this case the children. The family's role in fostering a child's mental health can be done by protecting, establishing interactive communication, accompanying and providing a sense of comfort to a child.</em></p> Widyan Zulda Mahira, Ahmad Diponegoro Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 FIQIH AND GLOBAL PEACE: A CRITICAL STUDY OF YAHYA CHOLIL TSAQUF'S THOUGHTS IN CREATING WORLD PEACE <p><em>The world is currently in a very dynamic era. Change happens so fast and people often don't feel ready to face it. This change is a necessity that cannot be avoided. Then, these changes require a response that fits the needs. For Gus Yahya, a change would be a problem if the response used the old model. The emergence of civilizational fiqh initiated by Gus Yahya is proof that the exponential thought of a santri and NU is able to break through global problems that often arise in various worlds, especially the issue of global peace.</em></p> <p><em>The research method used in research is library research or library research. Data collection in this study was carried out by searching for data from library materials related to the research focus, namely Gus Yahya's thoughts and world peace. The results of this study indicate that the civilizational fiqh initiated by Gus Yahya has a significant impact, including responding to various conflicts with the latest issues around global violence, gender, the environment and so on. Gus Yahya said that Indonesia was the background for other countries in creating world peace. The philosophy of togetherness and equality is not only an asset but also a mandate for the proclamation so that there are no doors or opportunities to divide the country.</em></p> Nurul Azizah, Muhammad Ahsanul Husna, M Faqih Irsyad; Sajidah Churironnafsi, Tahta al Fina Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF THE MUHAMMADIYAH ORGANIZATION IN SHAPING THE CULTURE OF PESANTREN MUHAMMADIYAH <div> <p class="Papertext"><em><span lang="EN-US">Organizational culture has a role in the dynamics of life between kiai, ustadz, santri and pesantren administrators. However, pesantren managers have difficulty in developing a pesantren culture that is relevant between the values of the institution, the founder of the pesantren, individuals in the pesantren, santri and the community. This study aims to analyze and describe the role of the Muhammadiyah Organization in developing pesantren culture. The research method used is a type of multicase study research method with a qualitative research approach. Data was collected by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The locus of research was carried out at the Pesantren Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta. The results showed the role of the Muhammadiyah Organization in developing organizational culture through intracurricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. The curriculum and learning of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan become compulsory subjects that provide knowledge about the values of Muhammadiyahan in Pesantren. Co-curricular activities related to the daily life activities of students are carried out with consideration not to contradict the Tarjih Muhammadiyah verdict. The extracurricular activities, namely the Muhammadiyah Student Association </span></em><span lang="EN-US">(IPM)</span><em><span lang="EN-US"> and Hizbul Wathan </span></em><span lang="EN-US">(HW)</span><em><span lang="EN-US">, are extracurricular activities that nuance the values of Muhammadiyahan. The harmony between the ideological values of Muhammadiyah in various pesantren activities shapes pesantren culture. Efforts to shape pesantren culture by adopting, adapting, and socializing the ideology of Muhammadiyah have an impact on internalizing pesantren values in the lives of pesantren members.</span></em></p> </div> Djamaluddin Perawironegoro, Mhd. Lailan Arqam, Wantini, Abdurrohman, Sena Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE DESIGN OF MODERATE-MINDED ISLAMIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT <p>In Indonesia, both public and private Islamic schools are required to use the Islamic Education curriculum at all levels and in all types of Islamic education. Competency demands must be taken into account in curriculum development, in addition to internal and external difficulties. The development of a moderate-minded Islamic education curriculum is necessary due to the challenges posed by the eight national education standards, globalization, technological advancements, the rapid flow of information through highly sophisticated communication media, progress in the increasingly widespread Industrial Era 4.0, and the need for graduate competencies that can compete at the regional and international levels. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a moderate-minded Islamic Education curriculum.</p> <p>This paper aims to examine the curriculum development design of moderate-minded Islamic Education from the perspective of Hilda Taba's seven steps of curriculum development. These include determining the students’ need, creating educational objectives, choosing and organizing information, choosing and organizing learning experiences, conducting evaluations, and evaluating the results.</p> <p>Through the examination of written sources, the author applies the library research approach. This is a descriptive-analytic study.</p> <p>In order to generate insights into the knowledge, character, and attitudes of students who are moderate in understanding, appreciating, and practicing Islam both in personal and social life, a moderate-minded Islamic Education curriculum must first diagnose the needs of the students. The subjects of Aqidah Akhlak, Al-Quran Hadith, Fiqh, and Islamic Culture History incorporate moderate-minded Islamic resources. The curriculum is organized according to the breadth and sequence of learning materials, and the content is chosen accordingly. Both within and outside of the classroom, subjects and activity programs can be used to create learning opportunities. Learning experiences can be developed either vertically or horizontally, and curriculum evaluation, which assesses how well curricular elements contribute to the attainment of learning objectives, concludes the process.</p> Sopiah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MODERN HUMAN IN THE QUR'AN (ANALYSIS OF MUSLIM AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES) <p><em>In the Qur'an, human beings can be understood through three dimensions: Basyar (as biological beings), Al-Insan (as vicegerents or bearers of trust), and Al-Nas (as social beings). Individuals possess special attributes such as reason, wisdom, disposition, and desires, which differentiate them from other creatures such as animals. However, interpretations of the position of humans in Islam, especially in the context of thought, are subject to debate among Western scholars. Some views consider the status of humans as "servants of God" to be insignificant in the presence of the Almighty; this can lead to the loss of human identity and becoming merely tools in divine destiny. The conflict of these views is not entirely in line with the perspective of human nature according to the Qur'an. In addition to describing the essence of humans in the Qur'an, this qualitative-descriptive research aims to explore the similarities and differences between the views of Western philosophers, represented by Plato (428-348), and Muslim philosophers, represented by Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), on the nature of humans. Both philosophers emphasize intelligence, reason, faith, ethics, and other aspects that mark the uniqueness of humans. The approach used in this research is comparative study. The results show that Muhammad Iqbal's view of the nature of humans emphasizes a spiritual entity equipped with intelligence, faith, and morality. On the other hand, Plato views the nature of humans as consisting of three elements: spirit, reason (mind), and pleasure (desire).</em></p> Muhammad Royan Masdaudi, Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFFORTS TO IMPROVE EDUCATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA <p>Education in this digital era certainly brings many changes, both positive and negative. Education is a process of changing the attitudes, behavior and thoughts of a person or group with various efforts through teaching, training, educational methods or actions to become a better person. With these various changes, we will definitely encounter advantages and disadvantages in learning. Therefore, the existence of advantages and disadvantages provides food for thought by an educator in realizing the vision and mission to be achieved as guidelines or school goals. Learning in this digital era is a working system that facilitates students to be able to learn more broadly and variedly. The author's aim in choosing this theme is to share knowledge about appropriate efforts to improve education or learning in this digital era. The method that the author took was using observation and interviews with related parties. This journal investigates efforts to improve education in the digital era. Through a literature review, the author identifies various strategies and initiatives that have been implemented to utilize technology in learning. Analysis was also carried out on the challenges and opportunities faced in adopting digital education. The results highlight the need for thoughtful technology integration and appropriate training for educators to maximize its benefits. This research provides important insights for stakeholders in developing educational policies and practices relevant to the digital era. Efforts to improve education in the digital era are one effort to increase competitiveness in all sectors, including education. Indonesia is tightening digitalization efforts in all sectors, including education, to keep up with developments in the digital world. Education in the digital era has different characteristics from previous education, with the digital generation being born, growing and growing up in direct contact with the digital world, to adapt to developments in digital technology, the state must continue to strive to improve the quality of education through increasing and developing digitalization and madrasah education The digital era has brought many changes in various aspects of people's lives, including education, as well as the challenges faced by Indonesian education in the digital era, including gaps in access to technology and technology teaching.</p> <p>Efforts to overcome the challenges of Indonesian education in this digital era require support such as: the government needs to provide adequate infrastructure to support digital learning, schools need to develop a curriculum that is in line with technological developments, society needs to support the use of technology for education and teachers need to be equipped with the skills to use it. technology in learning. By implementing these appropriate solutions, Indonesian education can face the challenges of the digital era and be better in the future.</p> Rr. Fiana Sabrina, Silvia Ayu muniro, Sania khasina, Laila arfisa Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE PATTERN OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE DAULAH ABBASIYAH: A STUDY OF ROBERT GLASSER'S LEARNING MODEL <p><em>This article is a descriptive qualitative research using the Robert Glasser learning model approach. The results of this study show that the Golden Age of the Daulah Abbasiyah in the field of Islamic Education occurred in the leadership of Harun al Rasyid and his son al Ma'mun with the establishment of Educational Institutions, and the pattern of Islamic Education based on the learning model initiated by Robert Glasser is four stages, namely the first Instructional Goals (Objective System) with the Islamic Education pattern of Naqli science (the Qur'an and Hadith) and Aqli science (Rational or Reason), the second Entering Behavior (Input System) is shown by the teaching model by Halaqoh and student oriented , the third Instructional Procedures (Operator System) shows the learning procedure with the same ', imla' and fahmul maqru', fourth Performance Assessment (Output Monitor) in the form of educators' expectations so that students can master science and fear Allah. Based on these results the researcher's hypothesis was answered that the pattern of Islamic education during the golden age of the Abbasid daula was still relatively applicable today. Hopefully this article contributes to adding to the world of Islamic Education, especially during the heyday of the Abbasid Daula, in general it becomes a reference in the education field</em>.</p> Ahmad Subiyadi, Ris’an Rusli, Amilda Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TALAQQI METHOD IN IMPROVING MEMORIALIZATION OF THE AL-QUR’AN <p><em>Studying and practicing the Qur'an is obligatory for adherents of Islam. Every day Muslims are taught to read the Koran as much as possible in order to get closer to Allah SWT. Reading the Al-Qu’ran means as if you are having a dialogue with Allah SWT because the Al-Qur'an is the word of Allah SWT. Another word from the Koran is As-syifa which means medicine. The Qur'an can be medicine for its readers, medicine for the heart and medicine for calm. People who are restless, restless, anxious and so on related to the heart, are advised to read a lot of the Qur'an so that their hearts become calm. Memorizing the Qur'an is a very great virtue and the most noble worship in the sight of Allah SWT. Therefore, a method is needed to be able to achieve the target of memorizing together. The talaqqi method is currently used in the An-Nur Dormitory, Pekalongan Regency. Where students deposit their Al-Qur'an memorization directly to the teacher. In addition, the teacher also helps to justify the reading of students both in tajwid, ghorib, makhrojul letters, and memorization which is owned by the students themselves. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of the students' speech, writing and activities that can be observed from the activities of the students themselves. Then also use the descriptive method, which is the method used to describe the reality of the implementation of the talaqqi method in increasing the memorization of the Koran for students at Asrama An-nur. Learning to deposit Al-Qur'an memorization using the talaqqi method is very helpful and effective for An-nur Dormitory students who are also students at one of the State Islamic Universities, namely UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan.</em></p> Anhar Khafid, Inayah Priyatun, Ahmad Taufiq Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ARABIC DOMINO CARD GAME IN MUFRODAT MARAFIQUL FIL MADRASAH LEARNING AT MA’ARIF NU KAJEN VOCATIONAL SCHOOL PEKALONGAN <p><em>Mufrodat Marafiqul Fil is an important part of the material that requires a creative and effective learning approach. Games in learning have been proven to increase student interest and involvement. The aim of this research is to find out and implement the Arabic Domino Card Game in Mufrodat Marafiqul Fil Madrasah Learning at Ma'arif Nu Kajen Vocational School, Pekalongan. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The results of this research explain that the implementation of learning using the domino card game in class XI of SMK NU Kajen Pekalongan is very effective in the learning process. This model makes students more actively involved and experience the learning process themselves. There has been an increase in student involvement in learning Arabic. Initially only passively listening and taking notes, now students have to discuss with each other to determine the correct answer or meaning for the picture on the card. Apart from that, teachers can also indirectly see, assess and observe students in terms of attitudes and behavior, so that mutual cooperation in a group can be developed well. </em></p> Siti Salamah, Ilham Salamun Alim, Inayah Priyatun, Rofiqotul Aini, Arini Ika Fadlillah, Ahmad Taufiq Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Cognitive Development in Writing Skills Among Students of Insan Mulia Integrated Islamic High School <p><em>Junior high school students (SMP) are in the formal operational stage of cognitive development, where they are capable of using symbols to logically understand abstract concepts. They also develop flexibility in thinking, abstract thinking, formulating mental hypotheses, and considering alternatives and solutions in problem-solving. However, students' writings often contain errors in aspects such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and tense. This study aims to analyze the cognition of 9th-grade students at SMPIT Insan Mulia Batanghari in writing descriptive texts in Arabic as a second language. The research design used is qualitative descriptive, employing interviews, observations, and text analysis as data collection methods. The data collected consist of sentences from descriptive texts, interview transcripts, and observations of the students' writing processes. The results of the study indicate that students' cognition in writing descriptive texts follows the stages of the writing process, including pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Moreover, students have goals and motivations for writing, grounded in the belief that writing can enhance their skills in learning Arabic as a foreign language. This study provides valuable insights into the cognitive processes of students in writing descriptive texts in Arabic and its relevance in the context of second language education.</em></p> M Faiz Nurhadi Nurhadi, M. Kholis Amrullah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES IN THE USE OF LEARNING TOOLS AND MEDIA TO IMPROVE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF SD/MI STUDENTS <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT:</em></strong></p> <p><em>Successful learning at the SD/MI level certainly requires the strategic use of learning tools and media. Although many studies emphasize that learning tools and media are important for improving student learning outcomes, more significant research is needed to deepen the study of more effective strategies in the use of learning tools and media, especially in the SD/MI environment. This research uses a qualitative research method with a literature review approach. Data were obtained through analysis of various relevant literature sources, including scientific journals, books, and related documents. The results of the literature review show that there are several effective strategies in the use of learning tools and media to improve learning achievement of SD/MI students. These strategies include the integration of technology in learning, the use of interactive media that attracts students' attention, collaboration between teachers and students in making and using learning tools, and utilizing the learning environment as a relevant and authentic learning media. The use of effective strategies in the utilization of learning tools and media can significantly cooperate in improving the learning achievement of SD/MI students. Collaborative efforts between teachers, schools, and other related parties are needed to implement these strategies optimally to achieve maximum learning outcomes for students.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Tools and media, strategies, learning implementation.</em></p> Maulana, Elvina, Restu, Najwa Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF THE JIGSAW LEARNING METHOD TO CLASS VI STUDENTS AT SDN KEDUNGPATANGEWU, PEKALONGAN <p>This study aims to describe the application of the jigsaw learning method for grade VI students at SDN Kedungpatangewu, Pekalongan. This research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of interviews and literature studies. The research subject was a VIth grade teacher at SDN Kedungpatangewu, Pekalongan. The results obtained in this study are 1.) The application of the jigsaw learning method to VIth grade students at SDN Kedungpatangewu can foster a sense of responsibility for their learning situation; 2.) The implementation of the jigsaw type learning method is carried out by giving a task to be discussed with the study group and then presented in front of the class; 3.) In overcoming problems that arise during the application of the jigsaw learning method, the teacher provides motivation to each of his students to participate actively in learning; 4.) The advantages of using the jigsaw learning method are increasing the sense of responsibility of each student in the learning process, besides that the weakness of this learning method is that it makes inactive children feel less able to follow the learning method and only follow other friends so that student activeness becomes invisible (Passive).<br>Keywords : Application, Implementation, Advantages and Disadvantages, Solution</p> Aulia Nissa Arti, Anita Khusna Manzila, Ummi Naila Nur Anjani, Artikasari Dewi, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Differentiated Learning Strategies to Meet Students Learning Needs at SDN 01 Kepatihan <p><em>Differentiated learning strategies are an approach commonly used to meet the needs of diverse students. In other words, a differentiation learning strategy is an effort to adapt learning activities in the classroom to meet the learning needs of each individual student. The purpose of this research is to conduct a review of differentiation learning strategies and how these strategies can be effective in meeting students' learning needs. This research uses a case study qualitative research method conducted on several teachers at SDN 01 Kepatihan who have not or have taken technical guidance for differentiated learning. Data was collected through observation and interviews. Based on the presentation of research data analysis, differentiated learning has different stages that need to be fulfilled, namely identifying student learning needs, adapting materials, selecting learning methods, providing various learning resources, providing choices in assessment, collaboration and discussion, providing additional support, evaluating and adjusting. In implementing differentiated learning, the learning process is centered on students so that students are expected to be able to participate and be active in teaching and learning activities. This not only supports students' academic success but can also help in the development of social and emotional skills in students. Thus, the application of differentiated learning can have a positive impact on students as evidenced by increased joy and enthusiasm when learning.</em></p> Nabila Hasna Utama, Nawal Ula Sakinah; Nur Haliza , Hidayah, Arina Sabila Hanifah, Kolbi Nuran; Fatmawati Nur Khasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 CHALLENGES IN LEARNING TO READ AND WRITE THE QUR'AN FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tantangan pembelajaran baca tulis Al-Qur’an pada peserta didik SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis deskripsi dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Sumber data primer adalah guru baca tulis Al-Qur’an dan peserta didik di SMPIT Darul Hikam Sawangan Depok Jawa Barat. Sedangkan sumber data sekunder diperoleh dari dokumentasi, observasi dan sebagainya yang berkaitan dengan data pada penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan pemeriksaan dokumen. Adapun pemeriksaan keabsahan data penelitian ini menggunakan kredibilitas dengan cara melakukan perpanjangan pengamatan, peningkatan ketekunan dalam penelitian dan triangulasi. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tantangan yang dihadapi guru baca tulis Al-Qur’an mencakup waktu pengajaran yang terbatas, jumlah peserta didik yang cukup banyak, dan keterbatasan media pembelajaran.</p> alif zulfikri, Ummah Karimah, Busahdiar, Sa'diyah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES IN AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS <p><br>This article aims to descriptively analyze the teaching and learning strategies carried out by educators in an effort to improve learning outcomes of Islamic religious education in elementary schools. The method used is a qualitative method with focused interviews. Data analysis collection using direct interviews. The results of the interview said that the teacher's teaching and learning strategy in Islamic religion subjects can use several methods in learning. The learning strategy is contained in the lesson plan. As for the methods used by teachers in the content of Islamic Religious Education and Ethics lessons are using the Jigsaw type cooperative learning method, and drill or commonly referred to by grouping with small groups and reading repeatedly. Case study at SDN Sapuro 05 Pekalongan City with the principal Mr. Wardiman, S.Pd. with the teacher of Islamic Religious Education Endang Sukrisnani, S.Pd. I.</p> himatul azka, Octaviani, M. Bagus Arda Kamal, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BLANDONG CHILDREN'S ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE BLANDONG FAMILY IN BANYU URIP BLORA <p><em>This research aims to reveal how Islamic religious education is in Blandong families, the factors that trigger the rapid development of Islamic religious education in Blandong families, and the implications of Islamic religious education for children in Blandong families. This qualitative research with a phenomenological approach was obtained through interview data, documentation and observation. The results of this research show that Islamic religious education in the Blandong children's environment has developed in the Blandong community, such as adat deso, takiran, and local culture, using learning media that is still classical in nature. The causal factors are the perception of heavy work, haunted places, the past, and high levels of hallucinations. The implication for the Islamic religious education of Blandong children is that with Islamic religious education, children have basic knowledge about the Islamic religion, children get basic knowledge of morals and basic knowledge of social life.</em></p> Edi Sudi Hartono, Ikhrom Ikhrom, Suja'i Suja'i, Umul Chairiyah, Yuanita Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Navigating the Dual Role Conflict of Working Women at UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan Based on Human and Islamic Values <p>This research aims to explore and understand how working women at the State Islamic University (UIN) KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan navigates the dual role conflict they experience with an approach based on human and Islamic values. Dual role conflict often arises from work demands and family responsibilities, which can cause stress and reduce individual well-being. Using a qualitative approach, this research involved in-depth interviews with twenty-nine (29) working women who work as lecturers and administrative staff at UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. The research results show that working women apply various strategies based on human and Islamic values ​​to overcome multiple role conflicts. These strategies include efficient time management, using technology to support work flexibility, and utilizing social support from family and coworkers. Participants also emphasized the importance of Islamic values ​​such as justice, patience and tawakkal in guiding them to achieve balance between work and personal life. In addition, institutional policies that support employee well-being, such as family leave and flexible working hours, also play an important role in helping them manage multiple roles. This research finds that the integration of human values ​​such as empathy, mutual respect, and justice, along with Islamic values, plays an important role in helping working women navigate multiple role conflicts. Implementation of more family-friendly institutional policies and increased social support in the workplace can further reduce role conflict and improve overall well-being. These findings provide valuable insights for higher education institutions in creating a supportive work environment for working women, as well as showing the importance of integrating human and Islamic values ​​in dual role conflict management.</p> Nadhifatuz Zulfa, Cintami Farmawati, Ata Ana Maila, Fidela Shabrina Rahmaillahi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Phonological Disorders in 5 Years Old Children <p>Basically, every individual can speak naturally, this is not something that is passed down from generation to generation. Speaking skills will continue to develop as the child gets older. However, during the development of children's speech, there are some parents who do not pay attention to the importance of providing stimulus, and are even indifferent to pronouncing vowels and consonants correctly, so it is very likely that children will experience phonological disorders or problems with their articulation. This disorder is in the form of unclearness of what the child is talking about, making it difficult to understand. This study aims to describe phonological disorders in 5 year old children in Wonorejo Village. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection techniques using observation and interviews. The results of this study show that phonological disorders in children are caused by mistakes from their parents. Then, the strategy used by single mothers to overcome this disorder is to encourage their children to talk intensely, actively ask questions, repeat words correctly, and even buy story books. With this strategy, phonological disorders in children are quite reduced.</p> Fatwa Aulia, Diah Puspitaningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PARENTAL STRATEGIES IN HANDLING READING AND WRITING DIFFICULTIES IN CHILDREN WITH DYSLEXIA DISORDER <p>Dyslexia is a learning disorder characterized by difficulty and lagging behind in reading and writing. Dyslexia cannot be cured, but treatment from an early age can improve reading and writing abilities in children with dyslexia. The aim of this research is to describe the strategies used by parents in dealing with reading and writing difficulties in children with dyslexia. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this research show that parents carry out treatment strategies with therapy, namely getting used to recognizing phonemes or the smallest sounds that differentiate meaning, with a multi-sensory method, namely involving many sensory systems in the training process. The tactile process is carried out by writing with your finger, the visual process is carried out by looking at the arrangement of letters, and the hearing process is carried out by listening to sounds and then saying the words. This method allows the brain to be more active because it perceives stimuli from various senses simultaneously. The method used must be done repeatedly so that children can understand it more easily.</p> <p>Keywords: Parental strategies, Dylexia, multi-sensory method</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nabila Alia Nurfitriani, Diah Puspitaningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SMART TV AS AN INNOVATIVE LEARNING MEDIA BASED ON MULTIPERSPECTIVE GAMIFICATION SYSTEM: AN IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITY EDUCATION <p><em>Education in Indonesia faces various challenges, particularly concerning the quality of learning. The main obstacle is the lack of interactivity in conventional teaching methods, further exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on educational disparities. To address these challenges, the use of smart TVs as a learning medium and the concept of gamification has emerged as a prominent innovation. This research aims to fill the literature gap by designing and implementing a smart TV-based learning media innovation with a multiperspective gamification system at the Islamic Elementary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Islamiyah or MII) in Pringlangu, Pekalongan City. The research methodology employed is a field study with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation at MII Pringlangu, Pekalongan City. The results of the research indicate that the implementation of the smart TV-based learning media with a multiperspective gamification system at MII Pringlangu has a positive impact on the quality of education. This innovation not only enhances student engagement but also opens up potential for the development of learning models in other educational institutions, contributing to an overall improvement in the quality of education in Indonesia.</em></p> Amalia Fauziah Azhari , Akhmad Dalil Rohman , Ririn Novita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF PANTUPOL GAME MEDIA TO IMPROVE YOUNG LEARNERS’ COGNITIVE ABILITIES <p>Concentration has an important role in children’s cognitive development. This should be a concern for educators in understanding the importance of learning media as a source of children’s learning. The pantupol game media is a medium designed to improve children’s cognitive abilities. The objectives of this research are (1) to describe the design for developing pantupol as a medium to improve cognitive abilities in aged children 5-6 years at Al Fattah Sembungjambu Muslimat Kindergarten, (2) to determine the feasibility of developing pantupol media to improve cognitive abilities in children aged 5-6 years at the Al Fattah Sembungjambu Muslimat Kindergarten. This research is an R&amp;D research with reference to the opinion of Borg &amp; Gall. With the research subjects being group B children at Al Fattah Sembungjambu Muslimat Kindergarten , the methods used in collecting data included interviews, observation, documentation, and questionnaries. Technical data analysis in the form of product development process data and analysis of the resulting product data. The research results show that after using pantupol media in a limited field test with 7 children as subjects, it got a percentage of 80% with categories of 3 BSH children and 4 BSB children. In a wide field test with 14 children as subjects, it got a percentage of 83% with categories of 4 BSH children and 10 BSB children. Based on the presentation of the research results and the results of the analysis, the product can be declared suitable for use to improve the cognitive abilities of young learners. </p> Widya Azizah, Rizka Fitriah, Ahmad Tabi'in, Rofiqotul Aini Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT POLICY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LEARNING ASSESSMENT <p><em>Assessment is one of the elements of education that determines whether learning is successful or not. The presence of the independent curriculum as a national curriculum standard channeled improvements in the concepts and policies of the assessments that were applied. The objectives of this research are: 1) Comprehensively describe the concepts and policies of the independent curriculum assessments; 2) Analyzing its implications for the evaluation of Islamic religious education learning. The research method applied is library research with a descriptive qualitative approach model and triangulation techniques. The results of the study state that first, (a) diagnostic assessment aims to recognize students' skills, weaknesses, and abilities; (b) formative assessment aims to assess and monitor learning objectives and improve the learning process; (c) summative assessment aims to evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes and student learning objectives as well as determine grade promotion and student graduation from the education unit. Secondly, the implementation of the independent curriculum assessment policy in Islamic religious education learning proves to have implications for motivating students to take an active role in their learning process, developing independent skills, improving understanding of Islamic teaching concepts and the quality of Islamic religious education learning.</em></p> Nurma Millatina, Zaimatus Sholikhah, Ahmad Noval, Abdul Bashith Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFFECTIVENESS OF PAGAMJA MEDIA (PICTURE BOARD AND ALPHABET) ON IMPROVING EARLY READING SKILLS OF YOUNG LEARNERS <p><em> This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using PAGAMJA (picture board and alphabet) media on improving children's beginning reading skills. The type of research used is experimental by applying a quantitative approach. The data collection methods are observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is hypothesis testing using paired t test. The results showed the average value of the pretest was 25.25 with the lowest value of 20 and the highest value was 32. The average value of the posttest was 29.75 with the lowest value was 20 and the highest value was 38. The results of statistical analysis based on the results of hypothesis testing using paired t-test obtained a significance value of 0.000 smaller than 0.05 and the results of t-count 7.387&gt; t-table 2.024. N-gain score found that the average normalized N-gain score of beginning reading ability is 0.25. This value is in the interval g &lt; 0.3, which means that the effectiveness of PAGAMJA (picture board and alphabet) media on improving children's beginning reading skills in group B is in the less effective category. The conclusion of the research is that the use of PAGAMJA media (picture boards and alphabets) is effective in improving the ability to read the beginning of group B children.</em></p> Winasari Winasari, Ningsih Fadhilah, Dimas Setiaji Prabowo, Nafa'ana Nurmaulida Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF STUDENTS PERCEPTION OF TEACHING STYLE AND PEER TUTOR ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION OF AKIDAH AKHLAK <p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of students' perceptions of the teaching styles of teachers and peer tutors on motivation to learn moral beliefs in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri, Tegal City. This research uses the ex post facto method, a quantitative approach. The population in this study was 480 students. Sampling used the cluster sampling technique. Determining the sample size using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 5%, we obtained a sample of 71 students. The results of the research show that: (1) There is a positive and significant influence between the teacher's teaching style and motivation to learn moral beliefs, as shown by tcount &gt; ttable, namely 6.609 &gt; 1.975, and the correlation between the two is 0.585, or the medium category. The contribution of teaching style was 34.2%; (2) There is a positive and significant influence between peer tutors on motivation to learn moral beliefs, as shown by tcount &gt; ttable, namely 12.182 &gt; 1.988, and the correlation between the two is 0.799, or the medium category. The contribution of peer tutors was 63.9%; (3) there is a positive and significant influence between the teaching style of teachers and peer tutors on motivation to learn moral beliefs, as shown by Fcount &gt; Ftable, namely 75.485 &gt; 3.10 and a multiple correlation of 0.803 or the medium category. The contribution of the teaching styles of teachers and peer tutors was 64.5%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Teacching Style, Learning Motivation, Peer Tutor</em></p> Asri Nurul Aeni, Heni Lilia Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MODERATION IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS' CHARACTER IN MADRASAH <p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out the moderation that exists in the character development of students in madrasah. The method in this research is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The subjects of this research are madrasah teachers and also students who carry out character cultivation from moderation. By using the concept of interviews, the author will provide interviews to educators and students related to this study. The development of student character in madrasas certainly cannot be separated from the concept of human beings that exist in fellow humans, whatever we do will all be seen by God, this concept of human beings is instilled in children in developing character through religious moderation. By instilling this value through the profile of Pancasila and rahmatan lil alamin by educators to students, there is no more violence, demeaning each other, respecting each other's potential, always collaborating to realize superior achievements, and madrasah has been able to implement it all.</em></p> Mariatul Hikmah, Taufik Ramdhani, Fatima Eka Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRATION OF SUFISM, WETU TELU MYSTHICITY AS LOCAL WISDOM FROM AL-QUR'AN AND HADITH PERSPECTIVES IN BAYAN, NORTH LOMBOK, WEST NUSA TENGGARA <p>Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, holds a unique spiritual cultural richness, where the traditions of Sufism combine with local Wetu Telu mysticism. This integration has formed distinctive local wisdom rooted in the values ​​of the Koran and Hadith. This research aims to examine the integration of Sufism and Wetu Telu on Lombok Island from the perspective of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature study methods, text analysis and interviews. Data was collected from various sources, including the holy books Al-Qur'an and Hadith, Sufism and Wetu Telu texts, as well as interviews with Wetu Telu figures. Research findings show that the integration of Sufism and Wetu Telu on Lombok Island has long historical roots and is closely related to the spread of Islam in the region. The values ​​of the Qur'an and Hadith are the moral and spiritual foundation in the Sufism and Wetu Telu traditions, which are reflected in various rituals, customs and religious practices of the Lombok people which are a combination of the teachings of Sufism in Islam with Wetu spiritual practices. Telu originates from the Hindu-Buddhist tradition. This integration can be seen in the rituals, practices, and perspective of the Bayan people in living a spiritual life. Even though there are some practices that are not fully in accordance with Islamic teachings, this integration remains within the corridor of the values ​​taught in the Koran and Hadith, such as tolerance, simplicity and peace.</p> Muhammad Syarqowi, Yogi Sopian Haris Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDY OF THE LOCAL WISDOM OF THE JAVANESE COMMUNITY "MIKUL DUWUR MENDEM JERO" IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN THE SCOPE OF EDUCATION, WORK AND SOCIETY <p><em>This research aims to describe the local wisdom of the Javanese community "Mikul Duwur Mendem Jero" from the perspective of Islamic education and to determine its implementation in the scoped of education, work and society. This type of research uses library research using the content analysis method, which is a research technique aimed at making conclusions by identifying the content of messages related to "the local wisdom of the Javanese community Mikul Duwur Mendem Jero in the perspective of Islamic education". The results of this research show that from an Islamic education perspective, Mikul Duwur Mendem Jero offers a framework that combines the values of simplicity, humility and wisdom in the learning process. Application in the scoped of work, Mikul Duwur Mendem Jero can create a harmonious work environment and produce individuals who have technical and professional skills. In society, this concept can form a work ethic that reflects wisdom and encourages active community participation in development.</em></p> Moh Sugeng Solehuddin, Akhmad Zaeni, Akhmad Aufa Syukron, Miftah Mucharomah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRATION OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN THE ADIWIYATA CURRICULUM <p><em>The integration of Islamic Education (PAI) into the curriculum of the Adiwiyata School has an important role in developing environmental awareness and Islamic values in students. This research explores such integration in Jerukagung State SD 1, which applies the ASSURE learning model to blend technology with living environment learning. Based on interviews with the head of school and PAI teachers, this integration aims to form individuals who care, are responsible, and are aware of environmental sustainability while understanding the teachings of Islam. The custom curriculum combines PAI material with living environment learning, enabling students to understand sustainability principles holistically. In this context, environmental education helps students acquire awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and participation related to environmental issues. This integration also connects values of Islamic character, such as obedience, care, and cooperation, with the Adiwiyata program, strengthening the understanding of the responsibility of a caliph on earth. With the holistic approach applied, the integration of PAI with the curriculum of the Adiwiyata School at Jerukagung State SD 1 focuses on the development of individuals who have a strong environmental awareness as well as Islamic religious values that are reflected in their actions towards the environment. The strategy aims to create students as agents of change who care, are responsible, and are aware of environmental sustainability, in accordance with the teachings of Islam.</em></p> Anniza Wiwied Rahayu Hadiyanto, Hendro Widodo Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RIHLAH METHOD AS A MUHAMMADIYAH DA’WAH MOVEMENT FOR GEN Z CHARACTER EDUCATION <p><em>The aim of the research is to </em>describe<em> the pattern of character education for Generation Z through da'wah, to find out how da'wah exists in the current millennial era from Muhammadiyah's perspective, and what challenges are faced, to get an idea of the planning, implementation and evaluation carried out by Muhammadiyah in developing this generation. young people through character education. This research is descriptive library research. The research results reveal that conveying da'wah to change and shape the character of Gen Z can be done with simple activities that attract the sympathy of young people by holding various kinds of activities that are much popular such as events, celebrations, games, watching together, and general studies as the main material. to shape the character of Gen Z which is packaged with a different preaching method, namely Rihlah.</em></p> Adnan Faris Naufal Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 FIRST REVELATION AS A BASIS FOR BUILDING THE QUALITY THINKING IN STUDENTS <p><em>The first message that Allah sent down to mankind was iqra (reading), this shows the importance of reading or seeking knowledge for humans. The reality is that reading is not used properly to read useful things or to increase knowledge, even by educated people who are pursuing higher education, namely students. This research aims to describe q.s al-Alaq ayah 1-5 as a basis for building quality of thinking through interpretation, asbabun nuzul q.s al-Alaq 1-5, the purpose and stages of reading and their relevance to the quality of thinking. This research uses qualitative methods with the type of library research (Library Research). The results of this research found a relationship between reading and the quality of students' thinking, reading is a scientific activity that can obtain a lot of information and knowledge. As a student, the standard for reading is reading comprehension so that you are able to interpret the reading implicitly well. Reading comprehension requires brain interaction with the material being read, so that it trains a person's mind to work well which can then influence quality of thinking and useful in everyday life.</em></p> Inggi Desyliana, Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTING ANTI-CORRUPTION EDUCATIONAL VALUES FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD <p>Education is the key to the future of a nation and anti-corruption education is very important education to instill from an early age because it is the central point for building the basic foundation of a child's personality. The aim of this research is to instill the values ​​of anti-corruption education in early childhood through the storytelling method and find out its implementation at the TK Muslimat NU Masyithoh 02 Kauman. This research method uses a qualitative approach with the type of research used is field research. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique includes data collection, data reduction and data presentation stages. The results of this research show the process of instilling anti-corruption educational values ​​at TK Muslimat NU Masyitoh 02 Kauman by implementing nine anti-corruption values, namely honesty, responsibility, discipline, caring, cooperation, simplicity, hard work, independence and justice. The implementation of the storytelling method in early childhood includes opening, content and closing sessions. The opening session is the beginning of attracting children's attention by singing and so on. In the content session, it is part of conveying the message of anti-corruption educational values ​​and educators begin to use props and dramatize emotional expressions. In the closing part, namely the conclusion stage of the story being told. Educators involve children in knowing the moral message in the story so that the purpose of the story will be conveyed and can be implemented by children in everyday life regarding anti-corruption behavior.</p> Ella Fadilah Nur Fahmi, Fiki Nur Millati, Siti Mumun Muniroh, Andung Dwi Haryanto, Sopiah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 LEARNING INDEPENDENCE OF ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><em>The research aims to identify the learning independence profile of eighth grade students at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Kebumen. Descriptive quantitative research was used in this research. A total of 50 people were used as research samples. Data was collected using the learning independence questionnaire technique. Descriptive quantitative analysis was used to analyze research data. Research findings show that the learning independence profile of eighth grade students at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Kebumen is in the high category. Learning independence in terms of gender shows that women have better learning independence than male students. As for learning independence, which is viewed from the aspects that influence it, it is informed that the aspects that most influence learning independence, namely the cognitive abilities and environment of students, are more dominant than the motivational and behavioral aspects.</em></p> Muna Fauziah, Siti Aisyah Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 GENDER EQUALITY RESILIENCE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY IN THE ERA OF REVOLUTION 5.0 <p>In the era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0, gender equality has become an increasingly urgent issue to be addressed, including in the context of Islamic education. Islamic educational philosophy has an important role in overcoming gender equality by promoting the values of equality and justice between men and women. Researchers use library research, which involves collecting data from various sources relevant to the research object, such as books, scientific works, and journals. The approach used is qualitative, where data is obtained through literature study by carefully examining articles, books and scientific journals related to the resilience of gender equality in the 5.0 revolution era. Research findings show that Islamic educational philosophy emphasizes the importance of building resilience in the face of gender equality, by emphasizing values such as justice, equality and social responsibility.. In addition, Islamic education must also provide space for women to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable them to face challenges with resilience and intelligence. Conclusion The Industrial Revolution 5.0 offers great opportunities for progress, but gender inequality is still a challenge that must be faced. Islamic education has great potential to be a solution, by emphasizing gender equality, promoting digital literacy, encouraging women's interest in STEM fields, building women's leadership, and optimizing the role of mosques and Islamic educational institutions. Collaboration from various parties is very important to realize gender equality and encourage women to contribute optimally in the era of revolution 5.0.</p> Yogi Sopian Haris, Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 COMPETENCE OF MADRASAH HEADS IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN MAN 1 BANYUMAS <p>This research aims to analyze managerial competence in improving the quality of education at MAN 1 Banyumas. The research uses a qualitative field research type approach. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses three stages, namely data condensation, data presentation, and data verification. The results of the research show that the managerial competencies carried out by the head of the madrasah at MAN 1 Banyumas have been implemented very well in terms of technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills</p> Jumari Jumari, Imam Satibi, Atim Rinawati, Ali Mahfudz, Umi Arifah, Siti Fatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MANAGEMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM AT MTS NEGERI 1 KEBUMEN <p><em>This research aims to analyze the management of implementing the independent curriculum at MTs Negeri 1 Kebumen viewed from planning the implementation of the independent curriculum. This research uses a qualitative field research type approach. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. Data validity using triangulation techniques. The data analysis technique uses three stages, namely data condensation, data presentation, and data verification. The results of the research show that MTS Negeri 1 Kebumen has made good plans in implementing the independent curriculum, such as creating an operational madrasa curriculum.</em></p> Arif Nur Chakim, Benny Kurniawan, Atim Rinawati, Maryanto, Ali Mahfudz, Siti fatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING STRATEGIES AT SDN 1 SUKOREJO ULUJAMI PEMALANG <p>Education is an important foundation in forming competent individuals to face the demands of the modern world. In an effort to renew teaching methods, project-based learning strategies have emerged as an effective approach in stimulating student engagement and enhancing meaningful learning. In an era of education that continues to develop, project-based learning strategies have become the main focus in modern education. This is because this approach not only increases student engagement but also develops their skills in problem solving, teamwork and critical thinking. By integrating real-life based projects into the curriculum, students can learn in greater depth while preparing to become innovative and skilled future leaders. The project-based learning method is able to create curious individuals who can work alone or in groups. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of project-based learning strategies and the enthusiasm of students who will later be seen from the results of the work or projects carried out. This research uses a qualitative approach method. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interviews and documentation involving teachers and school principals at SDN 1 Sukorejo Ulujami Pemalang. Data was analyzed qualitatively. With the data reduced, present it and draw conclusions. The results of this research are that researchers can see the results of students' work through the project-based learning method applied, which is proof that the majority of students can accept and are enthusiastic about this learning method. Apart from being one of the learning models applied at SDN 1 Sukorejo, Ulujami Pemalang, the project learning model can also support students to hone their talents.</p> Cintami Rizaningtya, Chandra Widya Kesumadyaningtyas, Widia Devi Arlinda, Hanifatul Fadilah, Fatmawati Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ART THERAPY TEACHER TRAINING IN DEVELOPING SOCIAL EMOTIONAL EARLY CHILDHOOD IN CIHANJAWAR VILLAGE <p><em>Teachers have the main task of optimizing children's emotional development in early childhood, because social emotional development is the most important aspect that will shape the child's personality at the next stage. Emotional examples of good social behavior are very influential in forming a strong foundation for children's development. Art Therapy is a type of therapy using art that can be used to stimulate children's social development and alleviate children's social and emotional problems. This research aims to provide Art Therapy training to preschool teachers in Cihanjawar village in developing the social life of early childhood, Community service in Cihanjawar village aims to provide socialization and understanding of the importance of stimulation using art therapy for children's social emotional development. This Community service / PKM uses the PAR method which involves carrying out research to define a problem, and applying the information into action as a solution to solving the problem. This activity was attended by 14 PAUD teachers in 3 schools in Cihanjawar Village. The results of the research show an increase in knowledge and skills in art therapy to develop the social and emotional development of early childhood. Data analysis was carried out by giving a pre-test and post-test to 14 participants in Cihanjawar village involving preschool teachers from three schools. Based on the evaluation results, art therapy training activities can increase the knowledge and skills of preschool teachers in developing the social and emotional development of early childhood.</em></p> Rika Purnamasari, Annisa Purwani, Nur Aliyah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLICATIONS OF SELF HEALING ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL BEING OF PARENTS IN THE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION UNIT RA ASH SHOFA PURWAKARTA <p><em>This research is motivated by the importance of mental health or psychological well-being for parents. Parents who have psychological well-being will be happy individuals, have no symptoms of depression, have life satisfaction and are able to develop themselves well and also educate their children optimally. Meanwhile, self-healing is a process of healing wounds within oneself to release negative emotions in the form of anger, resentment and pain, whether related to other people, one's husband or one's children in order to become an effective person. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of self-healing on the psychological well-being of parents who have children aged 4-6 years. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. This research uses a purposive sampling approach where the sample that is the object of research is 25 parents who have children aged 4-6 years at Ash Shofa Kindergarten, Purwakarta. The research results show that around 85% after parents carry out self-healing, the parents feel calmer, more comfortable and relieved because there is a release of negative emotions in the form of anger, annoyance, disappointment either due to conflicts with other people or while caring for their children. Thus, self-healing can improve the psychological well-being of parents so that parents can educate and guide their children well and with full self-awareness.</em></p> Nadya Yulianty S, Almira Rahmatu Syahida Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The ROLE OF SALMAN ITB PREMARITAL EDUCATION SCHOOL (SPN) IN FACING GLOBAL CULTURAL CHALLENGES FOR GENERATION <p><em>A global culture nowadays shows that sexual deviations, including sex recession, child-free, and LGBTQ+ issues pose the greatest challenges for young generations. This article aims to uncover the dangers of these three types of challenges and provide appropriate solutions for future generations to avoid becoming victims of this global culture. Research data was processed using qualitative methods, with data collection obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The respondents and informants involved were students from universities in Bandung City. The novelty of this research is to reveal students' perceptions of three global challenges threatening the survival of future generations. The results of the research show that Premarital Education School hold a crucial role in preparing future generations who understand the threats and respond with the solution that marriage is a good, safe, and comfortable guidance in facing these global challenges.</em></p> Yedi Purwanto, Aditya Fuji Nur Rachmad, Jundi Abdullah, Vebby Vitry Yanti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ENHANCING LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: THE IMPORTANCE OF MODERATION IN ISLAMIC SCHOOLS <p><em>Moderation as derived from Islamic teachings, emphasizes balance, moderation, and avoidance of extremism in all aspects of life. In the context of education, moderation can help create a harmonious and balanced learning environment that caters to the holistic development of students. The research design is a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. This approach allows for a comprehensive and nuanced exploration of the role of moderation in enhancing learning environments in Islamic schools. This article explores the significance of moderation in enhancing learning environments within Islamic schools. It examines how the concept of moderation, as derived from Islamic teachings, can positively influence educational settings, fostering a balanced and holistic approach to learning. Drawing on Islamic principles and educational theories, the article discusses strategies for integrating moderation into the curriculum, pedagogy, and school culture. It also explores the role of teachers, administrators, and curriculum developers in promoting moderation and creating a conducive learning environment. Through a review of literature and case studies, the article demonstrates the benefits of moderation in Islamic schools, including improved student well-being, academic achievement, and social cohesion. It concludes by highlighting the importance of continued research and collaboration to further enhance learning environments in Islamic schools. This research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on Islamic education by highlighting the importance of moderation in creating a conducive learning environment. By embracing moderation, Islamic schools can provide a holistic education that not only prepares students academically but also nurtures their spiritual and moral growth.</em></p> Mahlail Syakur, Asma’ul Husna, Anas Rohman Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRATION OF AL-GHAZALI'S HUMAN CONCEPT INTO THE ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CURRICULUM AT UNIVERSITIES: CULTIVATING COMPREHENSIVE PERSONALITIES <p><em>In today's rapid and often materialistic modern world, holistic character education is crucial. Al-Ghazali's profound insights into human nature offer a comprehensive framework for spiritual and moral development, adaptable to higher education settings. This study investigates how Al-Ghazali's human concept is integrated into the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum at universities, aiming to develop students with well-rounded personalities. Conducted at a premier Indonesian university, this qualitative research involved five lecturers and five students. Data were collected through observations, in-depth interviews, and document analyses. Analysis using NVivo 12 software facilitated the identification of key themes and enabled detailed conclusions regarding the curriculum integration's effectiveness. The results demonstrate that incorporating Al-Ghazali's principles not only enhances the curriculum but also markedly improves students' moral integrity and depth of character. This study contributes new and actionable insights into evolving PAI curricula to more fully encompass spiritual and ethical dimensions.</em></p> Fahrudin, Mulyana Abdullah, Achmad Faqihuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EDUCATIONAL FOOTSTEPS OF SULTANAH SAFIATUDDIN: WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT AND ITS ROLE IN ACEHNESE SOCIETY <p><em>This research discusses the role of Sultanah Saifatuddin,</em> <em>Queen of the Kingdom of Aceh (1641-1675 M) in transforming education and women’s empowerment in Aceh. In addition to advocating for women’s access to education, Sultanah Saifatuddin also promoted gender equality and economic independence. This study employs a qualitative methodology with a library research approach, utilizing relevant primary and secondary sources to analyze the impact of Sultanah Saifatuddin’s actions on the context of education and women’s empowerment. The results demonstrate that Sultanah Saifatuddin not only advocated for women’s access to education but also championed gender equality and economic empowerment through education. This article’s primary contribution is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of education as a transformative tool for women’s empowerment and their active engagement in societal development. The findings of this study are expected to provide insights that can inform the design of educational policies and programs aimed at women’s empowerment, not only in Aceh but also in other regions facing similar challenges.</em></p> Fika Hidayani, Isriani Hardini, Am'mar Abdullah Arfan, Khalisa Nada Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF BTI (BACA TULIS INGAT) IN INCREASING PEOPLE’S UNDERSTANDING OF KITAB KUNING LEARNING AT MUSHOLA AN-NUR BANJARMASIN <p>This research aims to develop a learning model that can improve the understanding of worshipers at the An-Nur Mosque in Banjarmasin in learning the kitab kuning. The alternative taken is to develop the BTI (Baca Tulis Ingat) method. The development of this model is intended so that the people can focus and give full attention when learning is carried out. The hope is that by reading and writing, it will be easier for the people to remember and the material presented will be easier for them to stick with. Research on the development of the BTI method was carried out using the R&amp;D model using the ADDIE model with the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The results showed that there was an increase in the learning outcomes of the people before and after the implementation of the BTI method. The BTI method is considered effective in increasing the understanding of the people with an n-gain score of 0.51. Based on the paired sample t test, the sig. (2-tailed) is at a score of .000 so that the BTI method is declared effective and has a significant influence in improving the learning outcomes of the people.</p> Ahmad Riyadh Maulidi, Rusliansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PROGRESSIVE ISLAMIC EDUCATION: PERSPECTIVES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION ACCORDING TO IBN RUSHDIE AND AL-QABISI'S ISLAMIC EDUCATION <p><em>The purpose of this article is to study an important issue related to Islam and the West having different perspectives on education. The Western concept of education is derived from theories such as atheism, capitalism, existentialism, relativism, humanism, rationalism, and empiricism. This research is a qualitative research based on literature review, which is a series of studies on how to collect literature data (books, articles, scientific journals, etc.). This literature research approach uses various sources of literature, including previous research journals. The results in this study show that the term “progressive education” overlaps with the concept of pragmatic “progressive education” when discussing educational science in the West and the Islamic world. Therefore, progressive Islamic education is a concept, ideology, and belief based on Islam. However, according to Ibn, the purpose of education: According to Ibn Rushd, Shari'ah was basically created with the aim of educating </em></p> Pemi Ediansyah, Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MODERATION IN MUHAMMADIYAH INTERPRETATION (ANALYSIS OF THEMATIC INTERPRETATION REGARDING SOCIAL RELATIONS AMONG RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES BY MAJELIS TARJIH) <p><em>The main issue in this research is the need for the development of thinking about the concept of religious moderation in the midst of Indonesia's multicultural society. Majelis Tarjih, in its book "Thematic Interpretation of the Qur'an Regarding Social Relations Among Religious Communities," initiates discourse on the reinterpretation of two key concepts closely related to interreligious harmony, namely the concept of People of the Book and interfaith marriage. This research aims to explore the contribution of Muhammadiyah's interpretation to moderation in social relations among religious communities using Thomas Kuhn's approach regarding the concept of paradigm shift. This study employs a qualitative approach of literature review (library research) with content analysis technique. The findings indicate that Majelis Tarjih encourages readers to reconsider the definition of People of the Book in the context of modern times, by expanding this understanding not only to Jews and Christians. Similarly, in the context of interfaith marriage, Majelis Tarjih considers not only religious reasons but also emphasizes the need to consider public interests. Majelis Tarjih's interpretation of these two aspects of religious moderation reflects a paradigm shift, from classical interpretations that are theological-Madhhab-based towards a Humanistic Theology.</em></p> Fatkhurrokhim Fatkhurrokhim, Azaki Khoirudin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE PRINCIPLE OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION FROM THE QUR'AN IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN SOCIETY <p>In the context of a fast-paced and challenging modern society, the importance of religious moderation has become increasingly relevant. This article aims to explore the principles of religious moderation as taught in the Quran and how they can be applied in everyday life. The research method is Library Research using a qualitative approach through textual and contextual analysis of Quranic verses. The discussion is descriptive by describing, explaining, and reporting a situation. Furthermore, various terms are compiled based on deductive and inductive approaches.&nbsp; Through the deductive approach, it is expected to provide answers from the Quran to various problems of contemporary life. The results show that the Quran promotes balance and moderation in religion, which is reflected in the concept of wasatiyyah. This principle avoids extremism and invites Muslims to take the middle way in all aspects of life. The discussion in this article highlights the importance of a deep understanding of the principle of moderation which in turn can address various social problems faced by modern societies. Religious moderation is considered as a solution to create harmony and tolerance among religious communities. As stated in QS. al-Baqarah [2]: 286. This article concludes that the principle of religious moderation in the Quran has great potential to be used as a solution to the problems faced by modern society. This is not only relevant for creating peace and harmony, but also for promoting cooperation and mutual progress among individuals and communities, as indicated in QS. an-Nahl [16]: 125.</p> Miftah Ulya, Lailan Rafiqah, Nur Liana, Ahmad Ari Masyhuri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RELIGIOUS MODERATION AS THE FOUNDATION OF EDUCATIONAL ETHICS: PERSPECTIVES ON ISLAMIC EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY IN DEVELOPING A BALANCED PERSONALITY <p>This article explores the role of moderation as an ethical foundation in education, particularly from the perspective of Islamic educational philosophy. Through a literary approach and philosophical analysis, this article investigates the concept of moderation in the context of balanced personality development in individuals. In this paper, we explain key concepts of moderation based on Islamic principles, such as <em>wasatiyyah</em> (modesty) and <em>tawazun</em> (balance), as well as how these concepts can be applied in an educational context. In addition, we also highlight the practical implications of moderation approaches in shaping balanced behaviours and attitudes in learners. Thus, this article seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the importance of moderation as an ethical foundation in Islamic education as well as how it can help in the development of a balanced and well-mannered personality.</p> Farah Nilawati, Rojif Mualim, Toto Suharto, Yusup Rohmadi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PROMOTING PLURALISM THROUGH CRITICAL THINKING IN ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION <p>In Indonesia's educational landscape, marked by historical struggles with low academic performance, the introduction of the Merdeka Curriculum presents a pivotal opportunity to integrate critical thinking skills into Islamic Religious Education, empowering students to engage thoughtfully with religious teachings and promote pluralism and social cohesion. Critical thinking, as defined by scholars like Paul &amp; Elder and Ennis, involves analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information systematically, and effective pedagogy is crucial for its cultivation. Given Indonesia's diverse socio-cultural fabric, fostering critical thinking becomes paramount for encouraging mutual respect and understanding. However, a notable gap exists in research addressing the integration of critical thinking and pluralism within Islamic Religious Education in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate the development and implementation of critical thinking pedagogy within Islamic Religious Education, exploring the challenges of promoting pluralism within this context, particularly focusing on fourth-grade students in a private elementary school in Gresik, East Java. This qualitative study employs a descriptive case study design. The research examines factors influencing critical thinking pedagogy and highlights the teacher's interactive methods, including storytelling and multicultural education. Challenges such as inadequate textbooks, varied prior knowledge among students, and limited teacher mindset are identified. Recommendations for future research include improving textbook comprehensiveness and assessing the impact of direct interactions on students' perspectives.</p> Fadlilah Novia Rahmah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BUILDING YOUTH WITH PROPHETIC CHARACTER AS GENERATION RAHMATAN LIL 'ALAMIN THROUGH DA'I SEBAYA EDUCATION PROGRAM (PDS) MUI BOGOR CITY <p><em>This research discusses the attempt to build young people with a prophetic character as the generations of lill'alamin mercy carried out through the Da'i Sebaya Education (PDS) program of MUI Bogor City. In the context of education, MUI contributes in responding to the challenges and dynamics of the development of the times in society, one of which relates to the education and integration of Da'i candidates through the Programme of Education of Chairmen of the Chairman (PKU). The Education and Integration Programme carried out by MUI Bogor City has a special feature in it, namely by opening a series of basic education programmes (PDU) dedicated to the students of the Higher Secondary School and centri in the retreat cottage with the age range of 15 to 17 years. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods with a field study approach (field research). Data collection techniques through interviews, observations and documentation studies. The process of data analysis is carried out with data collection, reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. This research aims to identify and analyze the PDS program carried out by MUI Bogor City with the aim of building young people with a prophetic character as a generation of mercy lil'alamin.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Character, Prophetic, Rahmatan of Lil'alamin, PDS, MUI</em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Indah Wahyu Ningsih, Unang Wahidin, Ali Maulida Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700