Studi Etnomatematika Konsep Geometris dalam Kearifan Budaya Lokal Batik Pekalongan


  • Nailatul Khalishah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Nalim Nalim UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


batik culture, geometric concept


Education and Culture are two things that are integrated with each other. Education always changes according to cultural developments. Both have a very important role in growing and developing the noble values ​​of the nation, which have an impact on the formation of character based on noble cultural values. Batik as one of Indonesia's local cultures, like Pekalongan. Take an active role in the process of growing and developing the noble values ​​of the nation, namely the formation of character based on noble cultural values. Batik has its own philosophical and educational values ​​when viewed from all angles, one of which is Mathematics, namely the geometric concept. The geometric concept is illustrated in each motif carving on the batik itself. Starting from simple geometric concepts to the most difficult geometric concepts, namely Angle geometry, Flat Plane geometry, Space geometry, to Transformation geometry. In this study, the author would like to invite to conduct a case study with the aim of further exploration of the geometric concepts that exist in the Pekalongan batik motifs which are neatly stored as the nation's ancestral cultural heritage, especially Pekalongan at the Jetayu Batik Museum, Pekalongan. Starting from the famous motif, namely the Jlamprang motif to the Kawung motif and others. This activity is expected to be used as a learning material for students in schools, starting from the elementary, junior high, to high school levels. Even universities or PT.


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How to Cite

Khalishah, N., & Nalim, N. (2022). Studi Etnomatematika Konsep Geometris dalam Kearifan Budaya Lokal Batik Pekalongan. SANTIKA : Seminar Nasional Tadris Matematika, 2, 390–400. Retrieved from

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