Eksplorasi Etnomatematika dalam Tradisi Syawalan Gunungan Megono dan Implementasinya pada Pembelajaran Matematika SMP Kelas IX


  • Ulmu Karimah SMK Islam Salakbrojo
  • Heni Lilia Dewi UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


ethnomathematics, gunungan megono, learning mathematics


This study aims to describe mathematical activities in the syawalan gunungan megono tradition and analyze the result of the implementation of the syawalan gunungan megono tradition in class IX mathematics learning. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive approach, primary data collection through tests, interviews, documentation, and secondary data form literature studied and used analysis techniques according to Milles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result of this study indicates the mathematical activities contained in the syawalan gunungan megono tradition, among others, the activity of designing community structures to apply it to the manufacture of the framework or mold of the gunungan, the measuring activity of the community using it to measure the moven bamboo (gribik) in making the framework of the gunungan and preparing the cooking ingredients for the gunungan megono, and counting activities are present when determining the weight of the megono mountains and the area of the frame or mold of the mountains. Based on the result of its implementation, it shows that 25 of the 32 students completed with a completeness percentage of 78, 125%, and the average grade of 76,46. The result of the error analysis according to Newman’s theory shows that most students have errors in counting and a small proportion have errors in reading, understanding, and transformation.


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How to Cite

Karimah, U., & Dewi, H. L. . (2022). Eksplorasi Etnomatematika dalam Tradisi Syawalan Gunungan Megono dan Implementasinya pada Pembelajaran Matematika SMP Kelas IX. SANTIKA : Seminar Nasional Tadris Matematika, 2, 363–374. Retrieved from

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